author Sverre Rabbelier <>
Tue, 02 Dec 2008 20:10:23 +0000
changeset 649 95a41542e693
parent 323 ff1a9aa48cfd
permissions -rw-r--r--
Finish Program Added some fields, and made TinyMCE the editor for the description field. Also updated the public page to show these new fields. We really need generic public views... Patch by: Sverre Rabbelier

Base classes for writing management commands (named commands which can
be executed through ```` or ````).


import os
import sys
from optparse import make_option, OptionParser

import django
from django.core.exceptions import ImproperlyConfigured
from import color_style

except NameError:
    from sets import Set as set     # For Python 2.3

class CommandError(Exception):
    Exception class indicating a problem while executing a management

    If this exception is raised during the execution of a management
    command, it will be caught and turned into a nicely-printed error
    message to the appropriate output stream (i.e., stderr); as a
    result, raising this exception (with a sensible description of the
    error) is the preferred way to indicate that something has gone
    wrong in the execution of a command.

def handle_default_options(options):
    Include any default options that all commands should accept here
    so that ManagementUtility can handle them before searching for
    user commands.
    if options.settings:
        os.environ['DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE'] = options.settings
    if options.pythonpath:
        sys.path.insert(0, options.pythonpath)

class BaseCommand(object):
    The base class from which all management commands ultimately

    Use this class if you want access to all of the mechanisms which
    parse the command-line arguments and work out what code to call in
    response; if you don't need to change any of that behavior,
    consider using one of the subclasses defined in this file.

    If you are interested in overriding/customizing various aspects of
    the command-parsing and -execution behavior, the normal flow works
    as follows:

    1. ```` or ```` loads the command class
       and calls its ``run_from_argv()`` method.

    2. The ``run_from_argv()`` method calls ``create_parser()`` to get
       an ``OptionParser`` for the arguments, parses them, performs
       any environment changes requested by options like
       ``pythonpath``, and then calls the ``execute()`` method,
       passing the parsed arguments.

    3. The ``execute()`` method attempts to carry out the command by
       calling the ``handle()`` method with the parsed arguments; any
       output produced by ``handle()`` will be printed to standard
       output and, if the command is intended to produce a block of
       SQL statements, will be wrapped in ``BEGIN`` and ``COMMIT``.

    4. If ``handle()`` raised a ``ComandError``, ``execute()`` will
       instead print an error message to ``stderr``.

    Thus, the ``handle()`` method is typically the starting point for
    subclasses; many built-in commands and command types either place
    all of their logic in ``handle()``, or perform some additional
    parsing work in ``handle()`` and then delegate from it to more
    specialized methods as needed.

    Several attributes affect behavior at various steps along the way:
        A string listing the arguments accepted by the command,
        suitable for use in help messages; e.g., a command which takes
        a list of application names might set this to '<appname
        appname ...>'.

        A boolean indicating whether the command needs to be able to
        import Django settings; if ``True``, ``execute()`` will verify
        that this is possible before proceeding. Default value is

        A short description of the command, which will be printed in
        help messages.

        This is the list of ``optparse`` options which will be fed
        into the command's ``OptionParser`` for parsing arguments.

        A boolean indicating whether the command outputs SQL
        statements; if ``True``, the output will automatically be
        wrapped with ``BEGIN;`` and ``COMMIT;``. Default value is

        A boolean; if ``True``, validation of installed models will be
        performed prior to executing the command. Default value is
        ``True``. To validate an individual application's models
        rather than all applications' models, call
        ``self.validate(app)`` from ``handle()``, where ``app`` is the
        application's Python module.
    # Metadata about this command.
    option_list = (
        make_option('-v', '--verbosity', action='store', dest='verbosity', default='1',
            type='choice', choices=['0', '1', '2'],
            help='Verbosity level; 0=minimal output, 1=normal output, 2=all output'),
            help='The Python path to a settings module, e.g. "myproject.settings.main". If this isn\'t provided, the DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE environment variable will be used.'),
            help='A directory to add to the Python path, e.g. "/home/djangoprojects/myproject".'),
        make_option('--traceback', action='store_true',
            help='Print traceback on exception'),
    help = ''
    args = ''

    # Configuration shortcuts that alter various logic.
    can_import_settings = True
    requires_model_validation = True
    output_transaction = False # Whether to wrap the output in a "BEGIN; COMMIT;"

    def __init__(self): = color_style()

    def get_version(self):
        Return the Django version, which should be correct for all
        built-in Django commands. User-supplied commands should
        override this method.
        return django.get_version()

    def usage(self, subcommand):
        Return a brief description of how to use this command, by
        default from the attribute ````.
        usage = '%%prog %s [options] %s' % (subcommand, self.args)
            return '%s\n\n%s' % (usage,
            return usage

    def create_parser(self, prog_name, subcommand):
        Create and return the ``OptionParser`` which will be used to
        parse the arguments to this command.
        return OptionParser(prog=prog_name,

    def print_help(self, prog_name, subcommand):
        Print the help message for this command, derived from
        parser = self.create_parser(prog_name, subcommand)

    def run_from_argv(self, argv):
        Set up any environment changes requested (e.g., Python path
        and Django settings), then run this command.
        parser = self.create_parser(argv[0], argv[1])
        options, args = parser.parse_args(argv[2:])
        self.execute(*args, **options.__dict__)

    def execute(self, *args, **options):
        Try to execute this command, performing model validation if
        needed (as controlled by the attribute
        ``self.requires_model_validation``). If the command raises a
        ``CommandError``, intercept it and print it sensibly to
        # Switch to English, because creates database content
        # like permissions, and those shouldn't contain any translations.
        # But only do this if we can assume we have a working settings file,
        # because django.utils.translation requires settings.
        if self.can_import_settings:
                from django.utils import translation
            except ImportError, e:
                # If settings should be available, but aren't,
                # raise the error and quit.
                sys.stderr.write('Error: %s\n' % e)))
            if self.requires_model_validation:
            output = self.handle(*args, **options)
            if output:
                if self.output_transaction:
                    # This needs to be imported here, because it relies on settings.
                    from django.db import connection
                    if connection.ops.start_transaction_sql():
                print output
                if self.output_transaction:
        except CommandError, e:
            sys.stderr.write('Error: %s\n' % e)))

    def validate(self, app=None, display_num_errors=False):
        Validates the given app, raising CommandError for any errors.
        If app is None, then this will validate all installed apps.
        from import get_validation_errors
            from cStringIO import StringIO
        except ImportError:
            from StringIO import StringIO
        s = StringIO()
        num_errors = get_validation_errors(s, app)
        if num_errors:
            error_text =
            raise CommandError("One or more models did not validate:\n%s" % error_text)
        if display_num_errors:
            print "%s error%s found" % (num_errors, num_errors != 1 and 's' or '')

    def handle(self, *args, **options):
        The actual logic of the command. Subclasses must implement
        this method.
        raise NotImplementedError()

class AppCommand(BaseCommand):
    A management command which takes one or more installed application
    names as arguments, and does something with each of them.

    Rather than implementing ``handle()``, subclasses must implement
    ``handle_app()``, which will be called once for each application.
    args = '<appname appname ...>'

    def handle(self, *app_labels, **options):
        from django.db import models
        if not app_labels:
            raise CommandError('Enter at least one appname.')
            app_list = [models.get_app(app_label) for app_label in app_labels]
        except (ImproperlyConfigured, ImportError), e:
            raise CommandError("%s. Are you sure your INSTALLED_APPS setting is correct?" % e)
        output = []
        for app in app_list:
            app_output = self.handle_app(app, **options)
            if app_output:
        return '\n'.join(output)

    def handle_app(self, app, **options):
        Perform the command's actions for ``app``, which will be the
        Python module corresponding to an application name given on
        the command line.
        raise NotImplementedError()

class LabelCommand(BaseCommand):
    A management command which takes one or more arbitrary arguments
    (labels) on the command line, and does something with each of

    Rather than implementing ``handle()``, subclasses must implement
    ``handle_label()``, which will be called once for each label.

    If the arguments should be names of installed applications, use
    ``AppCommand`` instead.
    args = '<label label ...>'
    label = 'label'

    def handle(self, *labels, **options):
        if not labels:
            raise CommandError('Enter at least one %s.' % self.label)

        output = []
        for label in labels:
            label_output = self.handle_label(label, **options)
            if label_output:
        return '\n'.join(output)

    def handle_label(self, label, **options):
        Perform the command's actions for ``label``, which will be the
        string as given on the command line.
        raise NotImplementedError()

class NoArgsCommand(BaseCommand):
    A command which takes no arguments on the command line.

    Rather than implementing ``handle()``, subclasses must implement
    ``handle_noargs()``; ``handle()`` itself is overridden to ensure
    no arguments are passed to the command.

    Attempting to pass arguments will raise ``CommandError``.
    args = ''

    def handle(self, *args, **options):
        if args:
            raise CommandError("Command doesn't accept any arguments")
        return self.handle_noargs(**options)

    def handle_noargs(self, **options):
        Perform this command's actions.
        raise NotImplementedError()

def copy_helper(style, app_or_project, name, directory, other_name=''):
    Copies either a Django application layout template or a Django project
    layout template into the specified directory.

    # style -- A color style object (see
    # app_or_project -- The string 'app' or 'project'.
    # name -- The name of the application or project.
    # directory -- The directory to which the layout template should be copied.
    # other_name -- When copying an application layout, this should be the name
    #               of the project.
    import re
    import shutil
    other = {'project': 'app', 'app': 'project'}[app_or_project]
    if not'^[_a-zA-Z]\w*$', name): # If it's not a valid directory name.
        # Provide a smart error message, depending on the error.
        if not'^[_a-zA-Z]', name):
            message = 'make sure the name begins with a letter or underscore'
            message = 'use only numbers, letters and underscores'
        raise CommandError("%r is not a valid %s name. Please %s." % (name, app_or_project, message))
    top_dir = os.path.join(directory, name)
    except OSError, e:
        raise CommandError(e)

    # Determine where the app or project templates are. Use
    # django.__path__[0] because we don't know into which directory
    # django has been installed.
    template_dir = os.path.join(django.__path__[0], 'conf', '%s_template' % app_or_project)

    for d, subdirs, files in os.walk(template_dir):
        relative_dir = d[len(template_dir)+1:].replace('%s_name' % app_or_project, name)
        if relative_dir:
            os.mkdir(os.path.join(top_dir, relative_dir))
        for i, subdir in enumerate(subdirs):
            if subdir.startswith('.'):
                del subdirs[i]
        for f in files:
            if f.endswith('.pyc'):
            path_old = os.path.join(d, f)
            path_new = os.path.join(top_dir, relative_dir, f.replace('%s_name' % app_or_project, name))
            fp_old = open(path_old, 'r')
            fp_new = open(path_new, 'w')
            fp_new.write('{{ %s_name }}' % app_or_project, name).replace('{{ %s_name }}' % other, other_name))
                shutil.copymode(path_old, path_new)
            except OSError:
                sys.stderr.write(style.NOTICE("Notice: Couldn't set permission bits on %s. You're probably using an uncommon filesystem setup. No problem.\n" % path_new))

def _make_writeable(filename):
    Make sure that the file is writeable. Useful if our source is
    import stat
    if sys.platform.startswith('java'):
        # On Jython there is no os.access()
    if not os.access(filename, os.W_OK):
        st = os.stat(filename)
        new_permissions = stat.S_IMODE(st.st_mode) | stat.S_IWUSR
        os.chmod(filename, new_permissions)