Finish Program
Added some fields, and made TinyMCE the editor for the description
field. Also updated the public page to show these new fields.
We really need generic public views...
Patch by: Sverre Rabbelier
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
A list of Romanian counties as `choices` in a formfield.
This exists as a standalone file so that it's only imported into memory when
explicitly needed.
('AB', u'Alba'),
('AR', u'Arad'),
('AG', u'Argeş'),
('BC', u'Bacău'),
('BH', u'Bihor'),
('BN', u'Bistriţa-Năsăud'),
('BT', u'Botoşani'),
('BV', u'Braşov'),
('BR', u'Brăila'),
('B', u'Bucureşti'),
('BZ', u'Buzău'),
('CS', u'Caraş-Severin'),
('CL', u'Călăraşi'),
('CJ', u'Cluj'),
('CT', u'Constanţa'),
('CV', u'Covasna'),
('DB', u'Dâmboviţa'),
('DJ', u'Dolj'),
('GL', u'Galaţi'),
('GR', u'Giurgiu'),
('GJ', u'Gorj'),
('HR', u'Harghita'),
('HD', u'Hunedoara'),
('IL', u'Ialomiţa'),
('IS', u'Iaşi'),
('IF', u'Ilfov'),
('MM', u'Maramureş'),
('MH', u'Mehedinţi'),
('MS', u'Mureş'),
('NT', u'Neamţ'),
('OT', u'Olt'),
('PH', u'Prahova'),
('SM', u'Satu Mare'),
('SJ', u'Sălaj'),
('SB', u'Sibiu'),
('SV', u'Suceava'),
('TR', u'Teleorman'),
('TM', u'Timiş'),
('TL', u'Tulcea'),
('VS', u'Vaslui'),
('VL', u'Vâlcea'),
('VN', u'Vrancea'),