author Pawel Solyga <>
Thu, 21 May 2009 14:44:41 +0200
changeset 2331 91379f6b8fcb
parent 109 620f9b141567
permissions -rwxr-xr-x
Add sorting of student projects on organization home page. List of student projects on organization home page is now sorted in alphabetical order by student name. Fixes issue 613.

from paste.fixture import *
from webob import Request
from py.test import raises

def simpleapp(environ, start_response):
    status = '200 OK'
    response_headers = [('Content-type','text/plain')]
    start_response(status, response_headers)
    request = Request(environ)
    request.remote_user = 'bob'
    return [
        'Hello world!\n',
        'The get is %r' % request.GET,
        ' and Val is %s\n' % request.GET.get('name'),
        'The languages are: %s\n' % request.accept_language.best_matches('en-US'),
        'The accepttypes is: %s\n' % request.accept.best_match(['text/html', 'application/xml']),
        'post is %r\n' % request.POST,
        'params is %r\n' % request.params,
        'cookies is %r\n' % request.cookies,
        'body: %r\n' % request.body,
        'method: %s\n' % request.method,
        'remote_user: %r\n' % request.environ['REMOTE_USER'],
        'host_url: %r; application_url: %r; path_url: %r; url: %r\n' % (request.host_url, request.application_url, request.path_url, request.url),
        'urlvars: %r\n' % request.urlvars,
        'urlargs: %r\n' % (request.urlargs, ),
        'is_xhr: %r\n' % request.is_xhr,
        'if_modified_since: %r\n' % request.if_modified_since,
        'user_agent: %r\n' % request.user_agent,
        'if_none_match: %r\n' % request.if_none_match,

def test_gets():
    app = TestApp(simpleapp)
    res = app.get('/')
    print res
    assert 'Hello' in res
    assert "get is MultiDict([])" in res
    assert "post is <NoVars: Not a POST request>" in res
    res = app.get('/?name=george')
    res.mustcontain("get is MultiDict([('name', 'george')])")
    res.mustcontain("Val is george")

def test_language_parsing():
    app = TestApp(simpleapp)
    res = app.get('/')
    assert "The languages are: ['en-US']" in res
    res = app.get('/', headers={'Accept-Language':'da, en-gb;q=0.8, en;q=0.7'})
    assert "languages are: ['da', 'en-gb', 'en', 'en-US']" in res

    res = app.get('/', headers={'Accept-Language':'en-gb;q=0.8, da, en;q=0.7'})
    assert "languages are: ['da', 'en-gb', 'en', 'en-US']" in res

def test_mime_parsing():
    app = TestApp(simpleapp)
    res = app.get('/', headers={'Accept':'text/html'})
    assert "accepttypes is: text/html" in res
    res = app.get('/', headers={'Accept':'application/xml'})
    assert "accepttypes is: application/xml" in res
    res = app.get('/', headers={'Accept':'application/xml,*/*'})
    assert "accepttypes is: application/xml" in res

def test_headers():
    app = TestApp(simpleapp)
    headers = {
        'If-Modified-Since': 'Sat, 29 Oct 1994 19:43:31 GMT',
        'Cookie': 'var1=value1',
        'User-Agent': 'Mozilla 4.0 (compatible; MSIE)',
        'If-None-Match': '"etag001", "etag002"',
        'X-Requested-With': 'XMLHttpRequest',
    res = app.get('/?foo=bar&baz', headers=headers)
        'if_modified_since: datetime.datetime(1994, 10, 29, 19, 43, 31, tzinfo=UTC)',
        "user_agent: 'Mozilla",
        'is_xhr: True',
        "cookies is {'var1': 'value1'}",
        "params is NestedMultiDict([('foo', 'bar'), ('baz', '')])",
        "if_none_match: <ETag etag001 or etag002>",
def test_bad_cookie():
    req = Request.blank('/')
    req.headers['Cookie'] = '070-it-:><?0'
    assert req.cookies == {}
    req.headers['Cookie'] = 'foo=bar'
    assert req.cookies == {'foo': 'bar'}
    req.headers['Cookie'] = '...'
    assert req.cookies == {}
    req.headers['Cookie'] = '=foo'
    assert req.cookies == {}