Add sorting of student projects on organization home page.
List of student projects on organization home page is now sorted in alphabetical order by student name. Fixes issue 613.
"Global Django exceptions"class ObjectDoesNotExist(Exception): "The requested object does not exist" silent_variable_failure = Trueclass MultipleObjectsReturned(Exception): "The query returned multiple objects when only one was expected." passclass SuspiciousOperation(Exception): "The user did something suspicious" passclass PermissionDenied(Exception): "The user did not have permission to do that" passclass ViewDoesNotExist(Exception): "The requested view does not exist" passclass MiddlewareNotUsed(Exception): "This middleware is not used in this server configuration" passclass ImproperlyConfigured(Exception): "Django is somehow improperly configured" passclass FieldError(Exception): """Some kind of problem with a model field.""" passclass ValidationError(Exception): """An error while validating data.""" pass