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User Profile for <i>Givenname Surname</i>
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This is the landing page after a user signs in using the
<a href="">Google
Account login facility provided by Google App Engine</a>.
Please use this form to set basic site-wide settings for your participation
in Google Open Source Programs.
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<form method="post" action="profile_save.html" name="user_profile">
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Display name:
<input size="40" name="displayname" value="Givenname Surname">
<td class="explain">
Human-readable name displayed throughout the site for this user. UTF-8
characters are permitted.
<th class="error">
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<input size="40" name="linkname" value="logged_dot_in_dot_user_at_gmail_dot_com">
Please select another linkname: <i>(list of potential error messages)</i>
<i>logged_dot_in_dot_user_at_gmail_dot_com</i> is already in use.
<i>logged_dot_in_dot_user_at_gmail_dot_com</i> is too long.
<i>logged_dot_in_dot_user_at_gmail_dot_com</i> contains invalid characters.
<td class="explain">
Short nickname, used in site URLs referring to this user's content. This
linkname is must only contain alphanumeric <code>[A-Za-z0-9]</code>
characters or the underscore <code>_</code> (no spaces or other punctuation).
Also, it must be unique. If some other user is already using a given linkname,
it will be unavailable and a different linkname will need to be selected.
<td colspan="3">
<b><i>TODO</i></b>: site-wide privacy settings go here...
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<input type="checkbox" name="agreetoterms" value="agree" checked>
I have read and agree to the <i>Google Open Source Programs</i>
<a href="/svn/trunk/mockups/site/docs/tos/tos.html">Terms of Service</a>.
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