author Daniel Hans <>
Fri, 07 Aug 2009 01:27:24 +0200
changeset 2736 8f3935f0f4ba
parent 2689 18d8486fd411
child 2764 6ed5a3e26692
permissions -rw-r--r--
Argument store added to updateEntityProperties. This argument determines if an entity should be stored in the data model after its properties are updated. It may be useful, for example, along with tasks (Task Queue API). One may want to make some modifications to an entity during execution of a task, but the developer is sure that at least one new task, which also wants to modify the entity, will be queued, so he or she can just update the entity without saving the changes to the data model, set the entity in memcache and the following task (which is to be executed very shortly) is to retrive the current entity from the memcache (without any expensive calls to the actual data model).

# Copyright 2009 the Melange authors.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

"""Survey (Model) query functions.

__authors__ = [
  '"Daniel Diniz" <>',
  '"James Levy" <>',
  '"Lennard de Rijk" <>',

import logging

from google.appengine.ext import db

from soc.cache import sidebar
from soc.logic.models import linkable as linkable_logic
from soc.logic.models import survey_record as survey_record_logic
from soc.logic.models.user import logic as user_logic
from soc.logic.models import work
from soc.models.program import Program
from soc.models import student_project
from soc.models.survey import Survey
from soc.models.grading_project_survey import GradingProjectSurvey
from soc.models.grading_record import GradingRecord
from soc.models.project_survey import ProjectSurvey
from soc.models.survey import SurveyContent
from soc.models.survey_record import SurveyRecord
from import Work

#TODO(James): Ensure this facilitates variable # of surveys 
GRADES = {'pass': True, 'fail': False}
'accepted': {True: 'mid_term_passed', False: 'mid_term_failed'},
'mid_term_passed': {True: 'passed', False: 'final_failed'}

class Logic(work.Logic):
  """Logic methods for the Survey model.

  def __init__(self, model=Survey, base_model=Work,
    """Defines the name, key_name and model for this entity.

      record_logic: SurveyRecordLogic (or subclass) instance for this Survey

    self.record_logic = record_logic

    super(Logic, self).__init__(model=model, base_model=base_model,

  def createSurvey(self, survey_fields, schema, survey_content=False):
    """Create a new survey from prototype.

      survey_fields = dict of survey field items (see SurveyContent model)
      schema = metadata about survey fields (SurveyContent.schema)
      survey_content = existing SurveyContent entity

    if not survey_content:
      survey_content = SurveyContent()
      # wipe clean existing dynamic properties if they exist
      for prop in survey_content.dynamic_properties():
        delattr(survey_content, prop)

    for name, value in survey_fields.items():
      setattr(survey_content, name, value)

    survey_content.schema = str(schema)


    return survey_content

  def getSurveyForContent(self, survey_content):
    """Returns the Survey belonging to the given SurveyContent.

      survey_content: the SurveyContent to retrieve the Survey for.

      Survey or subclass if possible else None.

    fields = {'survey_content': survey_content}

    return self.getForFields(fields, unique=True)

  def getRecordLogic(self):
    """Returns SurveyRecordLogic that belongs to this SurveyLogic.

    return self.record_logic

  def getUserRole(self, user, survey, project):
    """Gets the role of a user for a project, used for SurveyRecordGroup.

      user: user taking survey
      survey: survey entity
      project: student project for this user

    if survey.taking_access == 'mentor evaluation':
      mentors = self.getMentorforProject(user, project)

      if len(mentors) < 1 or len(mentors) > 1:
        logging.warning('Unable to determine mentor for \
        user %s. Results returned: %s ' % (
        user.key().name(), str(mentors)) )
        return False

      this_mentor = mentors[0]

    if survey.taking_access == 'student evaluation':
      students = self.getStudentforProject(user, project)

      if len(students) < 1 or len(students) > 1:
        logging.warning('Unable to determine student for \
        user %s. Results returned: %s ' % (
        user.key().name(), str(students)) )
        return False

  def getStudentforProject(self, user, project):
    """Get student projects for a given User.

      user = survey taking user
      project = survey taker's student project
    from soc.logic.models.student import logic as student_logic
    import soc.models.student

    # TODO this should be done per Student or Program
    # TODO filter for accepted, midterm_passed, etc?
    user_students = student_logic.getForFields({'user': user}) 
    if not user_students: return []
    return set([project.student for project in sum(
    for s in user_students), []) if project.key() == project.key()])

  def getMentorforProject(self, user, project):
    """Get Student Projects that are being mentored by the given User.

      user = survey taking user
      project = survey taker's student project

    from soc.logic.models.mentor import logic as mentor_logic
    import soc.models.mentor

    # TODO filter for accepted, midterm_passed, etc?
    # TODO this should be done a program basis not user

    user_mentors = mentor_logic.getForFields({'user': user}) 

    if not user_mentors:
      return []

    return set([project.mentor for project in sum(
             for mentor in user_mentors), [])
        if project.key() == project.key()])

  def activateGrades(self, survey):
    """Activates the grades on a Grading Survey.

    TODO(James) Fix this Docstring

      survey = survey entity
    if survey.taking_access != "mentor evaluation":
      logging.error("Cannot grade survey %s with taking access %s"
      % (survey.key().name(), survey.taking_access))
      return False

    program = survey.scope or Program.get_by_key_name(survey.scope_path)

    for project in program.student_projects.fetch(1000):
      this_record_group = GradingRecord.all().filter(
      "project = ", project).filter(
      "initial_status = ", project.status).get()

      if not this_record_group:
         logging.warning('neither mentor nor student has \
         taken the survey for project %s' % project.key().name() )

      if not this_record_group.mentor_record:
        # student has taken survey, but not mentor
        logging.warning('not continuing without mentor record...')

      status_options = PROJECT_STATUSES.get(project.status)

      if not status_options:
        logging.warning('unable to find status options for project \
        status %s' % project.status)

      new_project_grade = this_record_group.mentor_record.grade
      new_project_status = status_options.get(new_project_grade)

      if getattr(this_record_group, 'final_status'):
         logging.warning('project %s record group should not \
         yet have a final status %s' % (
         project.key().name(), this_record_group.final_status ) )

      # assign the new status to the project and surveyrecordgroup
      project.status = new_project_status
      this_record_group.final_status = new_project_status

  def getKeyNameFromPath(self, path):
    """Gets survey key name from a request path.

      path = path of the current request

    # TODO determine if kwargs in the request contains this information
    return '/'.join(path.split('/')[-4:]).split('?')[0]

  def getProjects(self, survey, user):
    """Get projects linking user to a program.

    Serves as access handler (since no projects == no access).
    And retrieves projects to choose from (if mentors have >1 projects).

      survey = survey entity
      user = survey taking user

    this_program = survey.scope or Program.get_by_key_name(survey.scope_path)

    if 'mentor' in survey.taking_access:
      these_projects = self.getMentorProjects(user, this_program)

    elif 'student' in survey.taking_access:
      these_projects = self.getStudentProjects(user, this_program)

    if len(these_projects) == 0:
      return False

    return these_projects

  def getDebugUser(self, survey, this_program):
    """Debugging method impersonates other roles.

    Tests taking survey, saving response, and grading.

      survey = survey entity
      this_program = program scope of survey

    if 'mentor' in survey.taking_access:
      from soc.models.mentor import Mentor
      role = Mentor.get_by_key_name(
      this_program.key().name() + "/org_1/test")

    if 'student' in survey.taking_access:
      from soc.models.student import Student
      role = Student.get_by_key_name(
      this_program.key().name() + "/test")

    if role: return role.user

  def getKeyValuesFromEntity(self, entity):
    """See base.Logic.getKeyNameValues.

    return [entity.prefix, entity.scope_path, entity.link_id]

  def getKeyValuesFromFields(self, fields):
    """See base.Logic.getKeyValuesFromFields.

    return [fields['prefix'], fields['scope_path'], fields['link_id']]

  def getKeyFieldNames(self):
    """See base.Logic.getKeyFieldNames.

    return ['prefix', 'scope_path', 'link_id']

  def getScope(self, entity):
    """Gets Scope for entity.

      entity = Survey entity

    if getattr(entity, 'scope', None):
      return entity.scope

    import soc.models.program
    import soc.models.organization
    import soc.models.user

    # use prefix to generate dict key
    scope_types = {"program": soc.models.program.Program,
    "org": soc.models.organization.Organization,
    "user": soc.models.user.User,

    # determine the type of the scope
    scope_type = scope_types.get(entity.prefix)

    if not scope_type:
      # no matching scope type found
      raise AttributeError('No Matching Scope type found for %s' % entity.prefix)

    # set the scope and update the entity
    entity.scope = scope_type.get_by_key_name(entity.scope_path)

    # return the scope
    return entity.scope

  def hasRecord(self, survey_entity):
    """Returns True iff the given Survey has at least one SurveyRecord.

      survey_entity: a Survey instance

    fields = {'survey': survey_entity}

    record_logic = self.getRecordLogic()
    return record_logic.getQueryForFields(fields).count(1) > 0

  def _onCreate(self, entity):
    """Set the scope of the survey.

    super(Logic, self)._onCreate(entity)

class ProjectLogic(Logic):
  """Logic class for ProjectSurvey.

  def __init__(self, model=ProjectSurvey,
               base_model=Survey, scope_logic=linkable_logic,
    """Defines the name, key_name and model for this entity.

    super(ProjectLogic, self).__init__(model=model, base_model=base_model,

class GradingProjectLogic(ProjectLogic):
  """Logic class for GradingProjectSurvey.

  def __init__(self, model=GradingProjectSurvey,
               base_model=ProjectSurvey, scope_logic=linkable_logic,
    """Defines the name, key_name and model for this entity.

    super(GradingProjectLogic, self).__init__(model=model,

logic = Logic()
project_logic = ProjectLogic()
grading_logic = GradingProjectLogic()