Take advantage of the Model inheritance provided by polymodel.PolyModel to
have create a class hierarchy rooted at Person.
Also, add some missing Role classes, such as Role, (Organization) Mentor,
(Club) Member, (School) Student. Make (Organization) Administrator be a
Reviewer like Mentor is.
Patch by: Todd Larsen
Review by: Pawel Solyga, Sverre Rabbelier, Augie Fackler
Review URL: http://codereviews.googleopensourceprograms.com/607
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
An alphabetical list of Brazilian states for use as `choices` in a formfield.
This exists in this standalone file so that it's only imported into memory
when explicitly needed.
('AC', 'Acre'),
('AL', 'Alagoas'),
('AP', u'Amapá'),
('AM', 'Amazonas'),
('BA', 'Bahia'),
('CE', u'Ceará'),
('DF', 'Distrito Federal'),
('ES', u'Espírito Santo'),
('GO', u'Goiás'),
('MA', u'Maranhão'),
('MT', 'Mato Grosso'),
('MS', 'Mato Grosso do Sul'),
('MG', 'Minas Gerais'),
('PA', u'Pará'),
('PB', u'Paraíba'),
('PR', u'Paraná'),
('PE', 'Pernambuco'),
('PI', u'Piauí'),
('RJ', 'Rio de Janeiro'),
('RN', 'Rio Grande do Norte'),
('RS', 'Rio Grande do Sul'),
('RO', u'Rondônia'),
('RR', 'Roraima'),
('SC', 'Santa Catarina'),
('SP', u'São Paulo'),
('SE', 'Sergipe'),
('TO', 'Tocantins'),