author Todd Larsen <>
Fri, 19 Sep 2008 04:50:42 +0000
changeset 168 87296bdfc9c6
parent 141 e120c24b89e2
child 183 37d98c3cefa5
permissions -rw-r--r--
Added getSingleIndexedParamValue() that retrieves an index into a list of values from the named query parameter, and then indexes into the supplied list of values to return the corresponding value from the list. Used to convert numeric index query parameters passed by POST to the GET redirect target, so that the GET code can display messages, etc. (without passing the message itself as a query argument and having to escape it or have silly people pass in their own...).

# Copyright 2008 the Melange authors.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

"""Helpers for manipulating templates.

__authors__ = [
  '"Todd Larsen" <>',
  '"Pawel Solyga" <>'

def makeSiblingTemplatesList(templates, new_template_file,
  """Converts template paths into a list of "sibling" templates.
    templates: search list of templates (or just a single template not in a
      list) from which template paths will be extracted (discarding the final
      template file name of each template)
    new_template_file: new "sibling" template file to append to each extracted
      template path
    default_template: a default template (or a list of them) to append to the
      end of the generated "sibling" template paths; default is None
    A list of potential "sibling" templates named by new_template_file located
    in the paths of the templates in the supplied list.  For example, from:
      ['foo/bar/the_old_template.html', 'foo/the_old_template.html']
      ['foo/bar/some_new_template.html', 'foo/some_new_template.html']
  if not isinstance(templates, (list, tuple)):
    templates = [templates]

  if default_template is None:
    default_template = []

  if not isinstance(default_template, (list, tuple)):
    default_template = [default_template]

  sibling_templates = [
    '%s/%s' % (t.rsplit('/', 1)[0], new_template_file) for t in templates]

  return sibling_templates + default_template

def unescape(html): 
  """Returns the given HTML with ampersands, quotes and carets decoded.
  if not isinstance(html, basestring): 
    html = str(html) 
  html.replace('&amp;', '&').replace('&lt;', '<')
  html.replace('&gt;', '>').replace('&quot;', '"').replace('&#39;',"'")
  return html

def getSingleIndexedParamValue(request, param_name, values=()):
  """Returns a value indexed by a query parameter in the HTTP request.
    request: the Django HTTP request object
    param_name: name of the query parameter in the HTTP request
    values: list (or tuple) of ordered values; one of which is
      retrieved by the index value of the param_name argument in
      the HTTP request
    None if the query parameter was not present, was not an integer, or
      was an integer that is not a valid [0..len(values)-1] index into
      the values list.
    Otherwise, returns values[int(param_name value)]
  value_idx = request.GET.get(param_name)
  if isinstance(value_idx, (tuple, list)):
    # keep only the first argument if multiple are present
    value_idx = value_idx[0]

    # GET parameter 'param_name' should be an integer value index
    value_idx = int(value_idx)
    # ignore bogus or missing parameter values, so return None (no message)
    return None
  if value_idx < 0:
    # value index out of range, so return None (no value)
    return None

  if value_idx >= len(values):
    # value index out of range, so return None (no value)
    return None

  # return value associated with valid value index
  return values[value_idx]

def getSingleIndexedParamValueIfMissing(value, request, param_name,
  """Returns missing value indexed by a query parameter in the HTTP request.
    value: an existing value, or a "False" value such as None
    request, param_name, values: see getSingleIndexParamValue()
    value, if value is "non-False"
    Otherwise, returns getSingleIndexedParamValue() result.
  if value:
    # value already present, so return it
    return value

  return getSingleIndexedParamValue(request, param_name, values=values)

# TODO(tlarsen):  write getMultipleIndexParamValues() that returns a
#   list of values if present, omitting those values that are
#   out of range