Copy the default django patterns rather than modifying them
This prevents an ever-growing list of urls in the case that
getDjangoURLPatterns is called multiple times.
Patch by: Sverre Rabbelier
msgid ""msgstr """Project-Id-Version: \n""POT-Creation-Date: \n""PO-Revision-Date: 2008-08-22 14:45+0100\n""Last-Translator: Frantisek Malina <>\n""Language-Team: \n""MIME-Version: 1.0\n""Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n""Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"# translation of django.po to Slovak#: conf/ "Arabic"msgstr "Arabsky"#: conf/ "Bengali"msgstr "Bengálsky"#: conf/ "Bulgarian"msgstr "Bulharský"#: conf/ "Catalan"msgstr "Katalánsky"#: conf/ conf/ "Welsh"msgstr "Welšsky"#: conf/ "Danish"msgstr "Dánsky"#: conf/ "German"msgstr "Nemecky"#: conf/ "Greek"msgstr "Grécky"#: conf/ "English"msgstr "Anglicky"#: conf/ "Spanish"msgstr "Španielsky"#: conf/ "Argentinean Spanish"msgstr "Argentínska španielčina"#: conf/ "Persian"msgstr "Perzský"#: conf/ "Finnish"msgstr "Fínsky"#: conf/ "French"msgstr "Francúzsky"#: conf/ "Gaeilge"msgstr "Gaeilge"#: conf/ "Galician"msgstr "Galicijsky"#: conf/ "Hungarian"msgstr "Maďarsky"#: conf/ "Hebrew"msgstr "Hebrejsky"#: conf/ "Croatian"msgstr "Chorvátsky"#: conf/ "Icelandic"msgstr "Islandsky"#: conf/ "Italian"msgstr "Taliansky"#: conf/ "Japanese"msgstr "Japonsky"#: conf/ "Korean"msgstr "Korejský"#: conf/ "Khmer"msgstr "Khmer"#: conf/ "Kannada"msgstr "Kannada"#: conf/ "Latvian"msgstr "Lotyšsky"#: conf/ "Macedonian"msgstr "Mecedónsky"#: conf/ "Dutch"msgstr "Holandsky"#: conf/ "Norwegian"msgstr "Nórsky"#: conf/ "Polish"msgstr "Poľsky"#: conf/ "Portugese"msgstr "Portugalsky"#: conf/ "Brazilian"msgstr "Brazílsky"#: conf/ "Romanian"msgstr "Rumunsky"#: conf/ "Russian"msgstr "Rusky"#: conf/ "Slovak"msgstr "Slovensky"#: conf/ "Slovenian"msgstr "Slovinsky"#: conf/ "Serbian"msgstr "Srbsky"#: conf/ "Swedish"msgstr "Švédsky"#: conf/ "Tamil"msgstr "Tamilsky"#: conf/ "Telugu"msgstr "Telugu"#: conf/ "Turkish"msgstr "Turecky"#: conf/ "Ukrainian"msgstr "Ukrajinsky"#: conf/ "Simplified Chinese"msgstr "Čínsky (zjednodušene)"#: conf/ "Traditional Chinese"msgstr "Čínsky (tradične)"#: contrib/admin/, python-formatmsgid """<h3>By %s:</h3>\n""<ul>\n"msgstr """<h3>Od %s:</h3>\n""<ul>\n"#: contrib/admin/ contrib/admin/ contrib/admin/ contrib/admin/ "All"msgstr "Všetko"#: contrib/admin/ "Any date"msgstr "Lubovoľný dátum"#: contrib/admin/ "Today"msgstr "Dnes"#: contrib/admin/ "Past 7 days"msgstr "Posledných 7 dní"#: contrib/admin/ "This month"msgstr "Tento mesiac"#: contrib/admin/ "This year"msgstr "Tento rok"#: contrib/admin/ newforms/ oldforms/ "Yes"msgstr "Áno"#: contrib/admin/ newforms/ oldforms/ "No"msgstr "Nie"#: contrib/admin/ newforms/ oldforms/ "Unknown"msgstr "Neznámy"#: contrib/admin/ "action time"msgstr "čas udalosti"#: contrib/admin/ "object id"msgstr "id objektu"#: contrib/admin/ "object repr"msgstr "objekt repr"#: contrib/admin/ "action flag"msgstr "príznak udalosti"#: contrib/admin/ "change message"msgstr "zmeniť zprávu"#: contrib/admin/ "log entry"msgstr "záznam priebehu"#: contrib/admin/ "log entries"msgstr "záznamy priebehu"#: contrib/admin/templates/admin/404.html:4#: contrib/admin/templates/admin/404.html:8msgid "Page not found"msgstr "Stránku sme nenašli"#: contrib/admin/templates/admin/404.html:10msgid "We're sorry, but the requested page could not be found."msgstr "Ľutujeme, ale požadovanú stránku sme nenašli"#: contrib/admin/templates/admin/500.html:4#: contrib/admin/templates/admin/base.html:37#: contrib/admin/templates/admin/change_form.html:12#: contrib/admin/templates/admin/change_list.html:5#: contrib/admin/templates/admin/delete_confirmation.html:5#: contrib/admin/templates/admin/invalid_setup.html:4#: contrib/admin/templates/admin/object_history.html:4#: contrib/admin/templates/admin/auth/user/change_password.html:11#: contrib/admin/templates/admin_doc/bookmarklets.html:3#: contrib/admin/templates/registration/logged_out.html:4#: contrib/admin/templates/registration/password_change_done.html:3#: contrib/admin/templates/registration/password_change_form.html:3#: contrib/admin/templates/registration/password_reset_done.html:4#: contrib/admin/templates/registration/password_reset_form.html:4msgid "Home"msgstr "Domov"#: contrib/admin/templates/admin/500.html:4msgid "Server error"msgstr "Chyba servera"#: contrib/admin/templates/admin/500.html:6msgid "Server error (500)"msgstr "Chyba servera (500)"#: contrib/admin/templates/admin/500.html:9msgid "Server Error <em>(500)</em>"msgstr "Chyba servera <em>(500)</em>"#: contrib/admin/templates/admin/500.html:10msgid "There's been an error. It's been reported to the site administrators via e-mail and should be fixed shortly. Thanks for your patience."msgstr "Vznikla neočakávaná chyba. Správcu sme informovali e-mailom. Chyba bude odstránená tak skoro ake je to len možné. Ďakujeme za pochopenie."#: contrib/admin/templates/admin/base.html:26msgid "Welcome,"msgstr "Vitajte,"#: contrib/admin/templates/admin/base.html:28#: contrib/admin/templates/admin_doc/bookmarklets.html:3msgid "Documentation"msgstr "Dokumentácia"#: contrib/admin/templates/admin/base.html:29#: contrib/admin/templates/admin/auth/user/change_password.html:14#: contrib/admin/templates/admin/auth/user/change_password.html:45msgid "Change password"msgstr "Zmeniť heslo"#: contrib/admin/templates/admin/base.html:30#: contrib/comments/templates/comments/form.html:6msgid "Log out"msgstr "Odhlásenie"#: contrib/admin/templates/admin/base_site.html:4msgid "Django site admin"msgstr "Administrácia"#: contrib/admin/templates/admin/base_site.html:7msgid "Django administration"msgstr "Administrácia"#: contrib/admin/templates/admin/change_form.html:14#: contrib/admin/templates/admin/index.html:28msgid "Add"msgstr "Pridať: "#: contrib/admin/templates/admin/change_form.html:20#: contrib/admin/templates/admin/object_history.html:4msgid "History"msgstr "História"#: contrib/admin/templates/admin/change_form.html:21msgid "View on site"msgstr "Pozrieť na stránke"#: contrib/admin/templates/admin/change_form.html:31#: contrib/admin/templates/admin/auth/user/change_password.html:23msgid "Please correct the error below."msgid_plural "Please correct the errors below."msgstr[0] "Prosím, opravte chybu uvedenú nižšie."msgstr[1] "Prosím, opravte chyby uvedené nižšie."#: contrib/admin/templates/admin/change_form.html:49msgid "Ordering"msgstr "Radenie"#: contrib/admin/templates/admin/change_form.html:52msgid "Order:"msgstr "Poradie:"#: contrib/admin/templates/admin/change_list.html:11#, python-formatmsgid "Add %(name)s"msgstr "Pridať: %(name)s"#: contrib/admin/templates/admin/delete_confirmation.html:8#: contrib/admin/templates/admin/submit_line.html:3msgid "Delete"msgstr "Vymazať"#: contrib/admin/templates/admin/delete_confirmation.html:13#, python-formatmsgid "Deleting the %(object_name)s '%(escaped_object)s' would result in deleting related objects, but your account doesn't have permission to delete the following types of objects:"msgstr "Zmazanie objektu %(object_name)s '%(escaped_object)s' by spôsobilo zmazanie súvisiacich objektov, avšak Vaše užívateľské práva vám neumožňujú zmazať nasledujúce typy objektov:"#: contrib/admin/templates/admin/delete_confirmation.html:20#, python-formatmsgid "Are you sure you want to delete the %(object_name)s \"%(escaped_object)s\"? All of the following related items will be deleted:"msgstr "Ste si istý, že chcete zmazať objekt %(object_name)s \"%(escaped_object)s\"? Zmazané budú aj všetky tieto súvisiace objekty:"#: contrib/admin/templates/admin/delete_confirmation.html:25msgid "Yes, I'm sure"msgstr "Áno, som si istý"#: contrib/admin/templates/admin/filter.html:2#, python-formatmsgid " By %(filter_title)s "msgstr "Podľa: %(filter_title)s "#: contrib/admin/templates/admin/filters.html:4msgid "Filter"msgstr "Trieď"#: contrib/admin/templates/admin/index.html:17#, python-formatmsgid "Models available in the %(name)s application."msgstr "Modely dostupné v aplikácii %(name)s."#: contrib/admin/templates/admin/index.html:18#, python-formatmsgid "%(name)s"msgstr "%(name)s"#: contrib/admin/templates/admin/index.html:34msgid "Change"msgstr "Zmeniť"#: contrib/admin/templates/admin/index.html:44msgid "You don't have permission to edit anything."msgstr "Nemáte právo na vykonávanie zmien."#: contrib/admin/templates/admin/index.html:52msgid "Recent Actions"msgstr "Posledné udalosti"#: contrib/admin/templates/admin/index.html:53msgid "My Actions"msgstr "Moje udalosti"#: contrib/admin/templates/admin/index.html:57msgid "None available"msgstr "Nedostupné"#: contrib/admin/templates/admin/invalid_setup.html:8msgid "Something's wrong with your database installation. Make sure the appropriate database tables have been created, and make sure the database is readable by the appropriate user."msgstr "S inštaláciou alebo nastavením Vašej databázy nie je niečo v poriadku. Uistite sa, že ste vytvorili potrebné databázové tabuľky. Taktiež skontrolujte, či má systémový užívateľ, pod ktorým beží aplikácia, právo na prístup k databáze a čítanie súborov databázy."#: contrib/admin/templates/admin/login.html:17#: contrib/comments/templates/comments/form.html:6#: contrib/comments/templates/comments/form.html:8msgid "Username:"msgstr "Meno:"#: contrib/admin/templates/admin/login.html:20#: contrib/comments/templates/comments/form.html:8msgid "Password:"msgstr "Heslo:"#: contrib/admin/templates/admin/login.html:25#: contrib/admin/views/ "Log in"msgstr "Prihlásenie"#: contrib/admin/templates/admin/object_history.html:17msgid "Date/time"msgstr "Dátum a čas"#: contrib/admin/templates/admin/object_history.html:18msgid "User"msgstr "Užívateľ"#: contrib/admin/templates/admin/object_history.html:19msgid "Action"msgstr "Udalosť"#: contrib/admin/templates/admin/object_history.html:25msgid "DATE_WITH_TIME_FULL"msgstr "DATE_WITH_TIME_FULL"#: contrib/admin/templates/admin/object_history.html:35msgid "This object doesn't have a change history. It probably wasn't added via this admin site."msgstr "Tento object nemá históriu vykonaných zmien. Možno sme ho nepridali prostredníctvom tohto administračného rozhrania."#: contrib/admin/templates/admin/pagination.html:10msgid "Show all"msgstr "Zobraz všetky"#: contrib/admin/templates/admin/search_form.html:8msgid "Go"msgstr "Choď"#: contrib/admin/templates/admin/search_form.html:10#, python-formatmsgid "1 result"msgid_plural "%(counter)s results"msgstr[0] "1 výsledok"msgstr[1] "%(counter)s výsledkov"#: contrib/admin/templates/admin/search_form.html:10#, python-formatmsgid "%(full_result_count)s total"msgstr "%(full_result_count)s spolu"#: contrib/admin/templates/admin/submit_line.html:4msgid "Save as new"msgstr "Ulož ako nový"#: contrib/admin/templates/admin/submit_line.html:5msgid "Save and add another"msgstr "Ulož a pridaj ďaľší "#: contrib/admin/templates/admin/submit_line.html:6msgid "Save and continue editing"msgstr "Ulož a pokračuj v úpravách"#: contrib/admin/templates/admin/submit_line.html:7msgid "Save"msgstr "Ulož"#: contrib/admin/templates/admin/auth/user/add_form.html:6msgid "First, enter a username and password. Then, you'll be able to edit more user options."msgstr "Najskôr zadajte užívateľské meno a heslo. Neskôr budete môcť upraviť ostatné užívateľské nastavnia."#: contrib/admin/templates/admin/auth/user/add_form.html:12msgid "Username"msgstr "Užívateľské meno"#: contrib/admin/templates/admin/auth/user/add_form.html:18#: contrib/admin/templates/admin/auth/user/change_password.html:33msgid "Password"msgstr "Heslo"#: contrib/admin/templates/admin/auth/user/add_form.html:23#: contrib/admin/templates/admin/auth/user/change_password.html:38msgid "Password (again)"msgstr "Heslo (potvrdiť)"#: contrib/admin/templates/admin/auth/user/add_form.html:24#: contrib/admin/templates/admin/auth/user/change_password.html:39msgid "Enter the same password as above, for verification."msgstr "Znova zadajte heslo, kvôli overeniu."#: contrib/admin/templates/admin/auth/user/change_password.html:27#, python-formatmsgid "Enter a new password for the user <strong>%(username)s</strong>."msgstr "Zadajte nové heslo pre užívateľa <strong>%(username)s</strong>."#: contrib/admin/templates/admin_doc/bookmarklets.html:3msgid "Bookmarklets"msgstr "Záložky"#: contrib/admin/templates/admin_doc/bookmarklets.html:4msgid "Documentation bookmarklets"msgstr "Dokumentácia záložiek"#: contrib/admin/templates/admin_doc/bookmarklets.html:8msgid """\n""<p class=\"help\">To install bookmarklets, drag the link to your bookmarks\n""toolbar, or right-click the link and add it to your bookmarks. Now you can\n""select the bookmarklet from any page in the site. Note that some of these\n""bookmarklets require you to be viewing the site from a computer designated\n""as \"internal\" (talk to your system administrator if you aren't sure if\n""your computer is \"internal\").</p>\n"msgstr """\n""<p class=\"help\">Ak chete nainštalovať záložky, pretiahnite linku do Vášho panela so záložkami\n""alebo kliknite pravým tlačidlom myši na linku a pridajte ju do svojich záložiek.\n""Následne môžete záložky použiť na stránkach. Všimnite si, že použitie niektorých záložiek vyžaduje, aby bol Váš počítač pridaný do zoznamu INTERNAL_IPS. Ak nie ste si istý, že ste v tomto zozname, oslovte Vášho administrátora.</p>\n"#: contrib/admin/templates/admin_doc/bookmarklets.html:18msgid "Documentation for this page"msgstr "Dokumentácia k tejto stránke"#: contrib/admin/templates/admin_doc/bookmarklets.html:19msgid "Jumps you from any page to the documentation for the view that generates that page."msgstr "Skočte z ľubovoľnej stránky do dokumentácie, kde je popísané, ako sa táto stránka generuje."#: contrib/admin/templates/admin_doc/bookmarklets.html:21msgid "Show object ID"msgstr "Zobraz ID objektu."#: contrib/admin/templates/admin_doc/bookmarklets.html:22msgid "Shows the content-type and unique ID for pages that represent a single object."msgstr "Zobrazuje content-type a ID stránok, ktoré reprezentujú jediný objekt."#: contrib/admin/templates/admin_doc/bookmarklets.html:24msgid "Edit this object (current window)"msgstr "Uprav tento objekt (v tomto okne)"#: contrib/admin/templates/admin_doc/bookmarklets.html:25msgid "Jumps to the admin page for pages that represent a single object."msgstr "Skočiť na stránku administrácie, ktorá reprezentuje tento objekt."#: contrib/admin/templates/admin_doc/bookmarklets.html:27msgid "Edit this object (new window)"msgstr "Edituj tento objekt (v novom okne)"#: contrib/admin/templates/admin_doc/bookmarklets.html:28msgid "As above, but opens the admin page in a new window."msgstr "To isté ako predtým, ale otvorí administračnú stránku v novom okne."#: contrib/admin/templates/registration/logged_out.html:8msgid "Thanks for spending some quality time with the Web site today."msgstr "Ďakujeme Vám, za čas strávený na našich stránkach."#: contrib/admin/templates/registration/logged_out.html:10msgid "Log in again"msgstr "Prihlásiť sa znovu"#: contrib/admin/templates/registration/password_change_done.html:3#: contrib/admin/templates/registration/password_change_form.html:3#: contrib/admin/templates/registration/password_change_form.html:5#: contrib/admin/templates/registration/password_change_form.html:9msgid "Password change"msgstr "Zmena heslo"#: contrib/admin/templates/registration/password_change_done.html:5#: contrib/admin/templates/registration/password_change_done.html:9msgid "Password change successful"msgstr "Heslo sme úspešne zmenili"#: contrib/admin/templates/registration/password_change_done.html:11msgid "Your password was changed."msgstr "Vaše heslo sme zmenili."#: contrib/admin/templates/registration/password_change_form.html:11msgid "Please enter your old password, for security's sake, and then enter your new password twice so we can verify you typed it in correctly."msgstr "Z bezpečnostných dôvodov zadajte najskôr staré heslo a potom dva krát nové heslo, tak aby sa mohlo overiť, či nevznikol preklep."#: contrib/admin/templates/registration/password_change_form.html:16msgid "Old password:"msgstr "Staré heslo:"#: contrib/admin/templates/registration/password_change_form.html:18msgid "New password:"msgstr "Nové heslo:"#: contrib/admin/templates/registration/password_change_form.html:20msgid "Confirm password:"msgstr "Potvrdenie hesla:"#: contrib/admin/templates/registration/password_change_form.html:22msgid "Change my password"msgstr "Zmeň svoje heslo"#: contrib/admin/templates/registration/password_reset_done.html:4#: contrib/admin/templates/registration/password_reset_form.html:4#: contrib/admin/templates/registration/password_reset_form.html:6#: contrib/admin/templates/registration/password_reset_form.html:10msgid "Password reset"msgstr "Obnovenie hesla"#: contrib/admin/templates/registration/password_reset_done.html:6#: contrib/admin/templates/registration/password_reset_done.html:10msgid "Password reset successful"msgstr "Heslo sme úspešne obnovili"#: contrib/admin/templates/registration/password_reset_done.html:12msgid "We've e-mailed a new password to the e-mail address you submitted. You should be receiving it shortly."msgstr "Poslali sme Vám nové heslo na uvedenú adresu. Mali by ste ho zakrátko prijať."#: contrib/admin/templates/registration/password_reset_email.html:2msgid "You're receiving this e-mail because you requested a password reset"msgstr "Poslali sme Vám túto správu, lebo ste si vyžiadali obnovenie hesla."#: contrib/admin/templates/registration/password_reset_email.html:3#, python-formatmsgid "for your user account at %(site_name)s"msgstr "pre Váš užívateľský účet na %(site_name)s"#: contrib/admin/templates/registration/password_reset_email.html:5#, python-formatmsgid "Your new password is: %(new_password)s"msgstr "Vaše nové heslo je: %(new_password)s"#: contrib/admin/templates/registration/password_reset_email.html:7msgid "Feel free to change this password by going to this page:"msgstr "Heslo si kľudne môžete zmeniť na tejto stránke:"#: contrib/admin/templates/registration/password_reset_email.html:11msgid "Your username, in case you've forgotten:"msgstr "Vaše užívateľské meno, pre prípad, že ste zabudli:"#: contrib/admin/templates/registration/password_reset_email.html:13msgid "Thanks for using our site!"msgstr "Ďakujeme vám, že využívate služby našej stránky!"#: contrib/admin/templates/registration/password_reset_email.html:15#, python-formatmsgid "The %(site_name)s team"msgstr "Tím %(site_name)s"#: contrib/admin/templates/registration/password_reset_form.html:12msgid "Forgotten your password? Enter your e-mail address below, and we'll reset your password and e-mail the new one to you."msgstr "Zabudli ste svoje heslo? Zadajte svoju e-mail adresu, na ktorú Vám pošleme nové heslo."#: contrib/admin/templates/registration/password_reset_form.html:16msgid "E-mail address:"msgstr "E-mail adresa:"#: contrib/admin/templates/registration/password_reset_form.html:16msgid "Reset my password"msgstr "Obnova môjho hesla"#: contrib/admin/templates/widget/date_time.html:3msgid "Date:"msgstr "Dátum:"#: contrib/admin/templates/widget/date_time.html:4msgid "Time:"msgstr "Čas:"#: contrib/admin/templates/widget/file.html:2msgid "Currently:"msgstr "Aktuálne:"#: contrib/admin/templates/widget/file.html:3msgid "Change:"msgstr "Zmeniť:"#: contrib/admin/templatetags/ "All dates"msgstr "Všetky dátumy"#: contrib/admin/views/ contrib/admin/views/, python-formatmsgid "The %(name)s \"%(obj)s\" was added successfully."msgstr "Objekt %(name)s \"%(obj)s\" sme úspešne pridali."#: contrib/admin/views/ contrib/admin/views/ contrib/admin/views/ "You may edit it again below."msgstr "Môžete pokračovať v zmenách."#: contrib/admin/views/ "Add user"msgstr "Pridať užívateľa"#: contrib/admin/views/ "Password changed successfully."msgstr "Heslo sme úspešne zmenili."#: contrib/admin/views/, python-formatmsgid "Change password: %s"msgstr "Zmeniť heslo: %s"#: contrib/admin/views/ contrib/auth/ "Please enter a correct username and password. Note that both fields are case-sensitive."msgstr "Prosím, zadajte užívateľské meno a heslo. Rešpektujte malé a veľké písmená."#: contrib/admin/views/ "Please log in again, because your session has expired. Don't worry: Your submission has been saved."msgstr "Vaše prihlásenie vypršalo. Prosím, príhlaste sa znovu. Nemusíte sa obávať o Vaše údaje, tie sme uchovali."#: contrib/admin/views/ "Looks like your browser isn't configured to accept cookies. Please enable cookies, reload this page, and try again."msgstr "Vyzerá to, že Váš prehliadač nemá povolené cookies. Prosím, povoľte si cookies a skúste znova načítať stránku."#: contrib/admin/views/ "Usernames cannot contain the '@' character."msgstr "Užívateľské meno nemože obsahovať znak '@'."#: contrib/admin/views/, python-formatmsgid "Your e-mail address is not your username. Try '%s' instead."msgstr "Vaša e-mail adresa nie je užívateľským menom. Skúste použiť meno '%s'."#: contrib/admin/views/ contrib/admin/views/ contrib/admin/views/ "tag:"msgstr "značka:"#: contrib/admin/views/ contrib/admin/views/ contrib/admin/views/ "filter:"msgstr "trieď:"#: contrib/admin/views/ contrib/admin/views/ contrib/admin/views/ "view:"msgstr "prehľad:"#: contrib/admin/views/, python-formatmsgid "App %r not found"msgstr "Aplikáciu %r sa nepodarilo nájsť."#: contrib/admin/views/, python-formatmsgid "Model %(name)r not found in app %(label)r"msgstr "Model %(name)r sa nenachádza v aplikácii %(label)r"#: contrib/admin/views/, python-formatmsgid "the related `%(label)s.%(type)s` object"msgstr "súvisiaci objekt `%(label)s.%(type)s`"#: contrib/admin/views/ contrib/admin/views/ contrib/admin/views/ contrib/admin/views/ "model:"msgstr "model:"#: contrib/admin/views/, python-formatmsgid "related `%(label)s.%(name)s` objects"msgstr "súvisiace objekty `%(label)s.%(name)s`"#: contrib/admin/views/, python-formatmsgid "all %s"msgstr "všetky %s"#: contrib/admin/views/, python-formatmsgid "number of %s"msgstr "počet %s"#: contrib/admin/views/, python-formatmsgid "Fields on %s objects"msgstr "Polia objektov %s"#: contrib/admin/views/ contrib/admin/views/ contrib/admin/views/ contrib/admin/views/ contrib/admin/views/ contrib/admin/views/ "Integer"msgstr "Celé číslo"#: contrib/admin/views/ "Boolean (Either True or False)"msgstr "Logická hodnota (True alebo False)"#: contrib/admin/views/ contrib/admin/views/, python-formatmsgid "String (up to %(max_length)s)"msgstr "Reťazec (až do %(max_length)s)"#: contrib/admin/views/ "Comma-separated integers"msgstr "Celé čísla oddelené čiarkou"#: contrib/admin/views/ "Date (without time)"msgstr "Dátum (bez času)"#: contrib/admin/views/ "Date (with time)"msgstr "Dátum (a čas)"#: contrib/admin/views/ "Decimal number"msgstr "Desatinné číslo"#: contrib/admin/views/ "E-mail address"msgstr "E-mail adresa"#: contrib/admin/views/ contrib/admin/views/ contrib/admin/views/ "File path"msgstr "Cesta k súboru"#: contrib/admin/views/ "Floating point number"msgstr "Číslo s desatinnou čiarkou"#: contrib/admin/views/ contrib/comments/ "IP address"msgstr "IP adresa"#: contrib/admin/views/ "Boolean (Either True, False or None)"msgstr "Logická hodnota (True, False alebo None)"#: contrib/admin/views/ "Relation to parent model"msgstr "Vzťah k nadradenému modelu"#: contrib/admin/views/ "Phone number"msgstr "Telefónne číslo "#: contrib/admin/views/ "Text"msgstr "Text"#: contrib/admin/views/ "Time"msgstr "Čas"#: contrib/admin/views/ contrib/flatpages/ "URL"msgstr "URL"#: contrib/admin/views/ "U.S. state (two uppercase letters)"msgstr "Štát USA (dve veľké písmena)"#: contrib/admin/views/ "XML text"msgstr "XML text"#: contrib/admin/views/, python-formatmsgid "%s does not appear to be a urlpattern object"msgstr "%s nevyzerá ako urlpattern objekt"#: contrib/admin/views/ "Site administration"msgstr "Administrácia"#: contrib/admin/views/ contrib/admin/views/, python-formatmsgid "You may add another %s below."msgstr "Môžete pokračovať v pridávaní ďaľších %s."#: contrib/admin/views/, python-formatmsgid "Add %s"msgstr "Pridaj: %s"#: contrib/admin/views/, python-formatmsgid "Added %s."msgstr "Sme pridali %s."#: contrib/admin/views/ contrib/admin/views/ contrib/admin/views/ core/ db/models/ "and"msgstr "a"#: contrib/admin/views/, python-formatmsgid "Changed %s."msgstr "Sme zmenili %s"#: contrib/admin/views/, python-formatmsgid "Deleted %s."msgstr "Sme vymazali %s."#: contrib/admin/views/ "No fields changed."msgstr "Žiadne polia sme nezmenili."#: contrib/admin/views/, python-formatmsgid "The %(name)s \"%(obj)s\" was changed successfully."msgstr "Objekt %(name)s \"%(obj)s\" sme úspešne zmenili."#: contrib/admin/views/, python-formatmsgid "The %(name)s \"%(obj)s\" was added successfully. You may edit it again below."msgstr "Objekt %(name)s \"%(obj)s\" sme úspešne zmenili. Ďalšie zmeny môžete urobiť nižšie."#: contrib/admin/views/, python-formatmsgid "Change %s"msgstr "Zmeň %s"#: contrib/admin/views/, python-formatmsgid "One or more %(fieldname)s in %(name)s: %(obj)s"msgstr "Jeden alebo viac %(fieldname)s v %(name)s: %(obj)s"#: contrib/admin/views/, python-formatmsgid "One or more %(fieldname)s in %(name)s:"msgstr "Jeden alebo viac %(fieldname)s v %(name)s:"#: contrib/admin/views/, python-formatmsgid "The %(name)s \"%(obj)s\" was deleted successfully."msgstr "Objekt %(name)s \"%(obj)s\" sme úspešne vymazali."#: contrib/admin/views/ "Are you sure?"msgstr "Ste si istý?"#: contrib/admin/views/, python-formatmsgid "Change history: %s"msgstr "Zmeniť históriu: %s"#: contrib/admin/views/, python-formatmsgid "Select %s"msgstr "Výber %s"#: contrib/admin/views/, python-formatmsgid "Select %s to change"msgstr "Vyberte: \"%s\" pre úpravy"#: contrib/admin/views/ "Database error"msgstr "Chyba databázy"#: contrib/auth/ contrib/auth/ "The two password fields didn't match."msgstr "Pole hesla a jeho potvrdenie sa nezhodujú."#: contrib/auth/ "A user with that username already exists."msgstr "Užívateľ s týmto menom už existuje."#: contrib/auth/ "Your Web browser doesn't appear to have cookies enabled. Cookies are required for logging in."msgstr "Váš prehliadač nemá povolené cookies. Cookies sú potrebné pre úspešné prihlásenie."#: contrib/auth/ "This account is inactive."msgstr "Tento účet je deaktivovaný."#: contrib/auth/ "That e-mail address doesn't have an associated user account. Are you sure you've registered?"msgstr "K tejto e-mail adrese neexistuje žiadny užívateľský účet. Ste si istý, že ste sa zaregistrovali?"#: contrib/auth/, python-formatmsgid "Password reset on %s"msgstr "Obnovenie hesla na %s"#: contrib/auth/ "The two 'new password' fields didn't match."msgstr "Polia nové heslo a jeho potvrdenie sa nezhodujú."#: contrib/auth/ "Your old password was entered incorrectly. Please enter it again."msgstr "Vaše staré heslo ste nezadali správne. Prosím, napíšte ho znovu."#: contrib/auth/ contrib/auth/ "name"msgstr "meno"#: contrib/auth/ "codename"msgstr "codename"#: contrib/auth/ "permission"msgstr "povolenie"#: contrib/auth/ contrib/auth/ "permissions"msgstr "práva"#: contrib/auth/ "group"msgstr "skupina"#: contrib/auth/ contrib/auth/ "groups"msgstr "skupiny"#: contrib/auth/ "username"msgstr "užívateľské meno"#: contrib/auth/ "Required. 30 characters or fewer. Alphanumeric characters only (letters, digits and underscores)."msgstr "Povinná položka s dĺkou 30 znakov alebo menej. Povolené sú len alfanumerické znaky (písmená, čísla a podtržník)."#: contrib/auth/ "first name"msgstr "prvé meno"#: contrib/auth/ "last name"msgstr "priezvisko"#: contrib/auth/ "e-mail address"msgstr "e-mail adresa"#: contrib/auth/ "password"msgstr "heslo"#: contrib/auth/ "Use '[algo]$[salt]$[hexdigest]' or use the <a href=\"password/\">change password form</a>."msgstr "Použite '[algo]$[salt]$[hexdigest]' alebo <a href=\"password/\">formulár na zmenu hesla</a>."#: contrib/auth/ "staff status"msgstr "zamestnanec"#: contrib/auth/ "Designates whether the user can log into this admin site."msgstr "Určuje, či má užívateľ oprávnenie prihlásiť sa do administrácie stránok."#: contrib/auth/ "active"msgstr "aktívny"#: contrib/auth/ "Designates whether this user can log into the Django admin. Unselect this instead of deleting accounts."msgstr "Určuje, či je účet aktívny. Odškrtnite, ak chcete vypnúť užívateľský účet."#: contrib/auth/ "superuser status"msgstr "superužívateľ"#: contrib/auth/ "Designates that this user has all permissions without explicitly assigning them."msgstr "Určuje, či užívateľ získava automaticky všetky práva aj bez priameho priradenia."#: contrib/auth/ "last login"msgstr "naposledy prihlásený"#: contrib/auth/ "date joined"msgstr "dátum registrácie"#: contrib/auth/ "In addition to the permissions manually assigned, this user will also get all permissions granted to each group he/she is in."msgstr "Okrem ručne zadaných práv bude mať užívateľ aj všetky práva prislúchajúce skupinám, v ktorých sa nachádza."#: contrib/auth/ "user permissions"msgstr "užívateľské práva"#: contrib/auth/ "user"msgstr "uživateľ"#: contrib/auth/ "users"msgstr "užívatelia"#: contrib/auth/ "Personal info"msgstr "Osobné údaje"#: contrib/auth/ "Permissions"msgstr "Práva"#: contrib/auth/ "Important dates"msgstr "Dôležité dátumy"#: contrib/auth/ "Groups"msgstr "Skupiny"#: contrib/auth/ "message"msgstr "správa"#: contrib/auth/ "Logged out"msgstr "Odhlásený"#: contrib/comments/ contrib/comments/ "object ID"msgstr "ID objektu"#: contrib/comments/ "headline"msgstr "nadpis"#: contrib/comments/ contrib/comments/ contrib/comments/ "comment"msgstr "komentár"#: contrib/comments/ "rating #1"msgstr "hodnotenie #1"#: contrib/comments/ "rating #2"msgstr "hodnotenie #2"#: contrib/comments/ "rating #3"msgstr "hodnotenie #3"#: contrib/comments/ "rating #4"msgstr "hodnotenie #4"#: contrib/comments/ "rating #5"msgstr "hodnotenie #5"#: contrib/comments/ "rating #6"msgstr "hodnotenie #6"#: contrib/comments/ "rating #7"msgstr "hodnotenie #7"#: contrib/comments/ "rating #8"msgstr "hodnotenie #8"#: contrib/comments/ "is valid rating"msgstr "je platné hodnotenie"#: contrib/comments/ contrib/comments/ "date/time submitted"msgstr "dátum a čas odoslania"#: contrib/comments/ contrib/comments/ "is public"msgstr "je verejný"#: contrib/comments/ "is removed"msgstr "je vymazaný"#: contrib/comments/ "Check this box if the comment is inappropriate. A \"This comment has been removed\" message will be displayed instead."msgstr "Zaškrtnite toto pole, ak je komentár nevhodný. Správa \"Tento komenár bol zmazaný\" sa bude zobrazovať namiesto neho."#: contrib/comments/ "comments"msgstr "komentáre"#: contrib/comments/ contrib/comments/ "Content object"msgstr "Obsah objektu"#: contrib/comments/, python-formatmsgid """Posted by %(user)s at %(date)s\n""\n""%(comment)s\n""\n""http://%(domain)s%(url)s"msgstr """Pridaný užívateľom %(user)s dňa %(date)s\n""\n""%(comment)s\n""\n""http://%(domain)s%(url)s"#: contrib/comments/ "person's name"msgstr "meno osoby"#: contrib/comments/ "ip address"msgstr "ip adresa"#: contrib/comments/ "approved by staff"msgstr "schválený zamestnancom"#: contrib/comments/ "free comment"msgstr "voľný komentár"#: contrib/comments/ "free comments"msgstr "voľné komentáre"#: contrib/comments/ "score"msgstr "stav skóre"#: contrib/comments/ "score date"msgstr "dátum stavu skóre"#: contrib/comments/ "karma score"msgstr "karma"#: contrib/comments/ "karma scores"msgstr "karma"#: contrib/comments/, python-formatmsgid "%(score)d rating by %(user)s"msgstr "%(score)d od hodnotiteľa %(user)s"#: contrib/comments/, python-formatmsgid """This comment was flagged by %(user)s:\n""\n""%(text)s"msgstr """Tento komentár bol označený užívateľom %(user)s:\n""\n""%(text)s"#: contrib/comments/ "flag date"msgstr "označený dátum"#: contrib/comments/ "user flag"msgstr "užívateľské označenie"#: contrib/comments/ "user flags"msgstr "užívateľské označenia"#: contrib/comments/, python-formatmsgid "Flag by %r"msgstr " Označ podľa %r"#: contrib/comments/ "deletion date"msgstr "dátum vymazania"#: contrib/comments/ "moderator deletion"msgstr "zmazania moderátorom"#: contrib/comments/ "moderator deletions"msgstr "Zmazané moderátorom"#: contrib/comments/, python-formatmsgid "Moderator deletion by %r"msgstr "Zmazanané moderátorom %r"#: contrib/comments/templates/comments/form.html:8msgid "Forgotten your password?"msgstr "Zabudli ste heslo?"#: contrib/comments/templates/comments/form.html:12msgid "Ratings"msgstr "Hodnotenia"#: contrib/comments/templates/comments/form.html:12#: contrib/comments/templates/comments/form.html:23msgid "Required"msgstr "Povinné"#: contrib/comments/templates/comments/form.html:12#: contrib/comments/templates/comments/form.html:23msgid "Optional"msgstr "Nepovinné"#: contrib/comments/templates/comments/form.html:23msgid "Post a photo"msgstr "Pošli foto"#: contrib/comments/templates/comments/form.html:28#: contrib/comments/templates/comments/freeform.html:5msgid "Comment:"msgstr "Komentár:"#: contrib/comments/templates/comments/form.html:35#: contrib/comments/templates/comments/freeform.html:10msgid "Preview comment"msgstr "Náhľad komentára"#: contrib/comments/templates/comments/freeform.html:4msgid "Your name:"msgstr "Tvoje meno:"#: contrib/comments/views/ "This rating is required because you've entered at least one other rating."msgstr "Toto hodnotenie je povinné, lebo súvisí s predchádzjúcou voľbou."#: contrib/comments/views/, python-formatmsgid """This comment was posted by a user who has posted fewer than %(count)s comment:\n""\n""%(text)s"msgid_plural """This comment was posted by a user who has posted fewer than %(count)s comments:\n""\n""%(text)s"msgstr[0] """Tento komentár je od užívateľa, ktorý poslal menej ako %(count)s príspevok\n""%(text)s"msgstr[1] """Tento komentár je od užívateľa, ktorý poslal menej ako %(count)s príspevkov .\n""%(text)s"#: contrib/comments/views/, python-formatmsgid """This comment was posted by a sketchy user:\n""\n""%(text)s"msgstr """Tento komentár je od užívateľa, ktorý sa rád vyjadruje v náznakoch:\n""\n""%(text)s"#: contrib/comments/views/ contrib/comments/views/ "Only POSTs are allowed"msgstr "Dovolené sú len POST"#: contrib/comments/views/ contrib/comments/views/ "One or more of the required fields wasn't submitted"msgstr "Nevložili ste jedno alebo viac povinných polí"#: contrib/comments/views/ contrib/comments/views/ "Somebody tampered with the comment form (security violation)"msgstr "Niekto sa pokúšal manipulovať s formulárom komentára (porušiť bezpečnosť)"#: contrib/comments/views/ contrib/comments/views/ "The comment form had an invalid 'target' parameter -- the object ID was invalid"msgstr "Formulár komentára ma chybný 'target' parameter -- ID objektu bolo neplatné"#: contrib/comments/views/ contrib/comments/views/ "The comment form didn't provide either 'preview' or 'post'"msgstr "Formulár komentára neposkytol ani 'náhľad' ani 'odoslanie'."#: contrib/comments/views/ "Anonymous users cannot vote"msgstr "Hlasovať môžu len prihlásení užívatelia"#: contrib/comments/views/ "Invalid comment ID"msgstr "Chybné ID komentára"#: contrib/comments/views/ "No voting for yourself"msgstr "Nemôžete hlasovať za samého seba"#: contrib/contenttypes/ "python model class name"msgstr "python meno triedy modelu"#: contrib/contenttypes/ "content type"msgstr "typ obsahu"#: contrib/contenttypes/ "content types"msgstr "typy obsahu"#: contrib/flatpages/ "Example: '/about/contact/'. Make sure to have leading and trailing slashes."msgstr "Príklad: '/about/contact/'. Uistite sa, že adresa obsahuje na začiatku a na konci lomítka."#: contrib/flatpages/ "title"msgstr "názov"#: contrib/flatpages/ "content"msgstr "obsah"#: contrib/flatpages/ "enable comments"msgstr "povoliť komentáre"#: contrib/flatpages/ "template name"msgstr "názov šablóny"#: contrib/flatpages/ "Example: 'flatpages/contact_page.html'. If this isn't provided, the system will use 'flatpages/default.html'."msgstr "Príklad: 'flatpages/contact_page'. Ak nič nenapíšete, systém použije 'flatpages/default'."#: contrib/flatpages/ "registration required"msgstr "vyžadujeme registráciu"#: contrib/flatpages/ "If this is checked, only logged-in users will be able to view the page."msgstr "Ak zaškrtnete toto, stránku budú môcť prezerať len prihlásený užívatelia."#: contrib/flatpages/ "flat page"msgstr "statická stránka"#: contrib/flatpages/ "flat pages"msgstr "statické stránky"#: contrib/humanize/templatetags/ "th"msgstr "th"#: contrib/humanize/templatetags/ "st"msgstr "st"#: contrib/humanize/templatetags/ "nd"msgstr "nd"#: contrib/humanize/templatetags/ "rd"msgstr "rd"#: contrib/humanize/templatetags/, python-formatmsgid "%(value).1f million"msgid_plural "%(value).1f million"msgstr[0] "%(value).1f milión"msgstr[1] "%(value).1f milión"#: contrib/humanize/templatetags/, python-formatmsgid "%(value).1f billion"msgid_plural "%(value).1f billion"msgstr[0] "%(value).1f miliarda"msgstr[1] "%(value).1f miliarda"#: contrib/humanize/templatetags/, python-formatmsgid "%(value).1f trillion"msgid_plural "%(value).1f trillion"msgstr[0] "%(value).1f bilión"msgstr[1] "%(value).1f bilión"#: contrib/humanize/templatetags/ "one"msgstr "jeden"#: contrib/humanize/templatetags/ "two"msgstr "dva"#: contrib/humanize/templatetags/ "three"msgstr "tri"#: contrib/humanize/templatetags/ "four"msgstr "štyri"#: contrib/humanize/templatetags/ "five"msgstr "pí¤ť"#: contrib/humanize/templatetags/ "six"msgstr "šesť"#: contrib/humanize/templatetags/ "seven"msgstr "sedem"#: contrib/humanize/templatetags/ "eight"msgstr "osem"#: contrib/humanize/templatetags/ "nine"msgstr "deví¤ť"#: contrib/humanize/templatetags/ "today"msgstr "dnes"#: contrib/humanize/templatetags/ "tomorrow"msgstr "zajtra"#: contrib/humanize/templatetags/ "yesterday"msgstr "včera"#: contrib/localflavor/ar/ contrib/localflavor/ar/ "Enter a postal code in the format NNNN or ANNNNAAA."msgstr "Zadajte poštové smerovacie číslo v tvare NNNN alebo ANNNNAAA."#: contrib/localflavor/ar/ contrib/localflavor/br/ contrib/localflavor/pe/ contrib/localflavor/pe/ "This field requires only numbers."msgstr "Toto pole môže obsahovať len čísla."#: contrib/localflavor/ar/ "This field requires 7 or 8 digits."msgstr "Toto pole vyžaduje minimálne 7 alebo 8 číslic."#: contrib/localflavor/ar/ "Enter a valid CUIT in XX-XXXXXXXX-X or XXXXXXXXXXXX format."msgstr "Vložte platné CUIT číslo vo formáte XX-XXXXXXXX-X alebo XXXXXXXXXXXX ."#: contrib/localflavor/ar/ "Invalid CUIT."msgstr "Neplatné CUIT."#: contrib/localflavor/au/ "Enter a 4 digit post code."msgstr "Vložte 4 čísla poštového smerovacieho čísla."#: contrib/localflavor/br/ "Enter a zip code in the format XXXXX-XXX."msgstr "Vložte poštové smerovacie číslo v tvare XXXXX-XXX."#: contrib/localflavor/br/ "Phone numbers must be in XX-XXXX-XXXX format."msgstr "Telefónne číslo musí mať formát XX-XXXX-XXXX. "#: contrib/localflavor/br/ "Select a valid brazilian state. That state is not one of the available states."msgstr "Vyberte platný Brazílsky štát. Tento štát nepatrí medzi dostupné štáty."#: contrib/localflavor/br/ "This field requires at most 11 digits or 14 characters."msgstr "Toto pole môže mať najviac 11 čisiel alebo 14 písmen."#: contrib/localflavor/br/ "Invalid CPF number."msgstr "Chybné CPF číslo."#: contrib/localflavor/br/ "This field requires at least 14 digits"msgstr "Toto pole vyžaduje minimálne 14 číslic."#: contrib/localflavor/br/ "Invalid CNPJ number."msgstr "Chybné CNJP číslo."#: contrib/localflavor/ca/ "Enter a postal code in the format XXX XXX."msgstr "Zadajte poštové smerovacie číslo v tvare XXX XXX."#: contrib/localflavor/ca/ "Enter a valid Canadian Social Insurance number in XXX-XXX-XXXX format."msgstr "Vložte platné kanadské číslo sociálneho poistenia vo formáte XXX-XXX-XXXX."#: contrib/localflavor/ch/ "Aargau"msgstr "Aargau"#: contrib/localflavor/ch/ "Appenzell Innerrhoden"msgstr "Appenzell Innerrhoden"#: contrib/localflavor/ch/ "Appenzell Ausserrhoden"msgstr "Appenzell Ausserrhoden"#: contrib/localflavor/ch/ "Basel-Stadt"msgstr "Basel-Stadt"#: contrib/localflavor/ch/ "Basel-Land"msgstr "Basel-Land"#: contrib/localflavor/ch/ "Berne"msgstr "Berne"#: contrib/localflavor/ch/ "Fribourg"msgstr "Fribourg"#: contrib/localflavor/ch/ "Geneva"msgstr "Ženeva"#: contrib/localflavor/ch/ "Glarus"msgstr "Glarus"#: contrib/localflavor/ch/ "Graubuenden"msgstr "Graubuenden"#: contrib/localflavor/ch/ "Jura"msgstr "Jura"#: contrib/localflavor/ch/ "Lucerne"msgstr "Lucerne"#: contrib/localflavor/ch/ "Neuchatel"msgstr "Neuchatel"#: contrib/localflavor/ch/ "Nidwalden"msgstr "Nidwalden"#: contrib/localflavor/ch/ "Obwalden"msgstr "Obwalden"#: contrib/localflavor/ch/ "Schaffhausen"msgstr "Schaffhausen"#: contrib/localflavor/ch/ "Schwyz"msgstr "Schwyz"#: contrib/localflavor/ch/ "Solothurn"msgstr "Solothurn"#: contrib/localflavor/ch/ "St. Gallen"msgstr "St. Gallen"#: contrib/localflavor/ch/ "Thurgau"msgstr "Thurgau"#: contrib/localflavor/ch/ "Ticino"msgstr "Ticino"#: contrib/localflavor/ch/ "Uri"msgstr "Uri"#: contrib/localflavor/ch/ "Valais"msgstr "Valais"#: contrib/localflavor/ch/ "Vaud"msgstr "Vaud"#: contrib/localflavor/ch/ "Zug"msgstr "Zug"#: contrib/localflavor/ch/ "Zurich"msgstr "Zurich"#: contrib/localflavor/ch/ contrib/localflavor/no/ "Enter a zip code in the format XXXX."msgstr "Vložte poštové smerovacie číslo v tvare XXXX."#: contrib/localflavor/ch/ "Enter a valid Swiss identity or passport card number in X1234567<0 or 1234567890 format."msgstr "Vložte platné švajčiarske číslo občianskeho preukazu alebo pasu vo formáte X1234567<0 alebo 1234567890."#: contrib/localflavor/cl/ "Enter valid a Chilean RUT. The format is XX.XXX.XXX-X."msgstr "Vložte platné čílske RUT. Formát je XX.XXX.XXX-X."#: contrib/localflavor/cl/ "Enter valid a Chilean RUT"msgstr "Vložte platné čílske RUT."#: contrib/localflavor/de/ "Baden-Wuerttemberg"msgstr "Bádensko-Wuerttembersko"#: contrib/localflavor/de/ "Bavaria"msgstr "Bavórsko"#: contrib/localflavor/de/ "Berlin"msgstr "Berlín"#: contrib/localflavor/de/ "Brandenburg"msgstr "Brandenburg"#: contrib/localflavor/de/ "Bremen"msgstr "Brémy"#: contrib/localflavor/de/ "Hamburg"msgstr "Hamburg"#: contrib/localflavor/de/ "Hessen"msgstr "Hessensko"#: contrib/localflavor/de/ "Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania"msgstr "Mecklenburg-Západná Pomerania"#: contrib/localflavor/de/ "Lower Saxony"msgstr "Nižné Sasko"#: contrib/localflavor/de/ "North Rhine-Westphalia"msgstr "Severné Rínsko-Westfálsko"#: contrib/localflavor/de/ "Rhineland-Palatinate"msgstr "Rhineland-Palatinate"#: contrib/localflavor/de/ "Saarland"msgstr "Saarland"#: contrib/localflavor/de/ "Saxony"msgstr "Sasko"#: contrib/localflavor/de/ "Saxony-Anhalt"msgstr "Sasko-Anhaltsko"#: contrib/localflavor/de/ "Schleswig-Holstein"msgstr "Schleswigsko-Holsteinsko"#: contrib/localflavor/de/ "Thuringia"msgstr "Thuringia"#: contrib/localflavor/de/ contrib/localflavor/fi/ contrib/localflavor/fr/ "Enter a zip code in the format XXXXX."msgstr "Vložte poštové smerovacie číslo v tvare XXXXX."#: contrib/localflavor/de/ "Enter a valid German identity card number in XXXXXXXXXXX-XXXXXXX-XXXXXXX-X format."msgstr "Vložte platné nemecké číslo občianskeho preukazu vo formáte XXXXXXXXXXX-XXXXXXX-XXXXXXX-X."#: contrib/localflavor/es/ "Arava"msgstr "Arava"#: contrib/localflavor/es/ "Albacete"msgstr "Albacete"#: contrib/localflavor/es/ "Alacant"msgstr "Alacant"#: contrib/localflavor/es/ "Almeria"msgstr "Almeria"#: contrib/localflavor/es/ "Avila"msgstr "Avila"#: contrib/localflavor/es/ "Badajoz"msgstr "Badajoz"#: contrib/localflavor/es/ "Illes Balears"msgstr "Illes Balears"#: contrib/localflavor/es/ "Barcelona"msgstr "Barcelona"#: contrib/localflavor/es/ "Burgos"msgstr "Burgos"#: contrib/localflavor/es/ "Caceres"msgstr "Caceres"#: contrib/localflavor/es/ "Cadiz"msgstr "Cadiz"#: contrib/localflavor/es/ "Castello"msgstr "Castello"#: contrib/localflavor/es/ "Ciudad Real"msgstr "Ciudad Real"#: contrib/localflavor/es/ "Cordoba"msgstr "Cordoba"#: contrib/localflavor/es/ "A Coruna"msgstr "A Coruna"#: contrib/localflavor/es/ "Cuenca"msgstr "Cuenca"#: contrib/localflavor/es/ "Girona"msgstr "Girona"#: contrib/localflavor/es/ "Granada"msgstr "Granada"#: contrib/localflavor/es/ "Guadalajara"msgstr "Guadalajara"#: contrib/localflavor/es/ "Guipuzkoa"msgstr "Guipuzkoa"#: contrib/localflavor/es/ "Huelva"msgstr "Huelva"#: contrib/localflavor/es/ "Huesca"msgstr "Huesca"#: contrib/localflavor/es/ "Jaen"msgstr "Jaen"#: contrib/localflavor/es/ "Leon"msgstr "Leon"#: contrib/localflavor/es/ "Lleida"msgstr "Lleida"#: contrib/localflavor/es/ contrib/localflavor/es/ "La Rioja"msgstr "La Rioja"#: contrib/localflavor/es/ "Lugo"msgstr "Lugo"#: contrib/localflavor/es/ contrib/localflavor/es/ "Madrid"msgstr "Madrid"#: contrib/localflavor/es/ "Malaga"msgstr "Malaga"#: contrib/localflavor/es/ "Murcia"msgstr "Murcia"#: contrib/localflavor/es/ "Navarre"msgstr "Navarre"#: contrib/localflavor/es/ "Ourense"msgstr "Ourense"#: contrib/localflavor/es/ "Asturias"msgstr "Asturias"#: contrib/localflavor/es/ "Palencia"msgstr "Palencia"#: contrib/localflavor/es/ "Las Palmas"msgstr "Las Palmas"#: contrib/localflavor/es/ "Pontevedra"msgstr "Pontevedra"#: contrib/localflavor/es/ "Salamanca"msgstr "Salamanca"#: contrib/localflavor/es/ "Santa Cruz de Tenerife"msgstr "Santa Cruz de Tenerife"#: contrib/localflavor/es/ contrib/localflavor/es/ "Cantabria"msgstr "Kantábria"#: contrib/localflavor/es/ "Segovia"msgstr "Segovia"#: contrib/localflavor/es/ "Seville"msgstr "Seville"#: contrib/localflavor/es/ "Soria"msgstr "Soria"#: contrib/localflavor/es/ "Tarragona"msgstr "Tarragona"#: contrib/localflavor/es/ "Teruel"msgstr "Teruel"#: contrib/localflavor/es/ "Toledo"msgstr "Toledo"#: contrib/localflavor/es/ "Valencia"msgstr "Valencia"#: contrib/localflavor/es/ "Valladolid"msgstr "Valladolid"#: contrib/localflavor/es/ "Bizkaia"msgstr "Bizkaia"#: contrib/localflavor/es/ "Zamora"msgstr "Zamora"#: contrib/localflavor/es/ "Zaragoza"msgstr "Zaragoza"#: contrib/localflavor/es/ "Ceuta"msgstr "Ceuta"#: contrib/localflavor/es/ "Melilla"msgstr "Melilla"#: contrib/localflavor/es/ "Andalusia"msgstr "Andalusia"#: contrib/localflavor/es/ "Aragon"msgstr "Aragon"#: contrib/localflavor/es/ "Principality of Asturias"msgstr "Principality of Asturias"#: contrib/localflavor/es/ "Balearic Islands"msgstr "Baleárske ostrovy"#: contrib/localflavor/es/ "Basque Country"msgstr "Baskicko"#: contrib/localflavor/es/ "Canary Islands"msgstr "Kanárske ostrovy"#: contrib/localflavor/es/ "Castile-La Mancha"msgstr "Castile-La Mancha"#: contrib/localflavor/es/ "Castile and Leon"msgstr "Castile and Leon"#: contrib/localflavor/es/ "Catalonia"msgstr "Catalonia"#: contrib/localflavor/es/ "Extremadura"msgstr "Extremadura"#: contrib/localflavor/es/ "Galicia"msgstr "Galicia"#: contrib/localflavor/es/ "Region of Murcia"msgstr "Murcia a okolie"#: contrib/localflavor/es/ "Foral Community of Navarre"msgstr "Foral Community of Navarre"#: contrib/localflavor/es/ "Valencian Community"msgstr "Valencian Community"#: contrib/localflavor/es/ "Enter a valid postal code in the range and format 01XXX - 52XXX."msgstr "Zadajte platné poštové smerovacie číslo v rozmedzí a tvare 01XXX - 52XXX."#: contrib/localflavor/es/ "Enter a valid phone number in one of the formats 6XXXXXXXX, 8XXXXXXXX or 9XXXXXXXX."msgstr "Zadajte platné telefónne číslo v tvare 6XXXXXXXX, 8XXXXXXXX alebo 9XXXXXXXX."#: contrib/localflavor/es/ contrib/localflavor/es/ db/models/fields/, python-formatmsgid "Please enter a valid %s."msgstr "Prosím, zadajte platné %s."#: contrib/localflavor/es/ "Invalid checksum for NIF."msgstr "Nesprávny počet znakov pre NIF."#: contrib/localflavor/es/ "Invalid checksum for NIE."msgstr "Nesprávny počet znakov pre NIE."#: contrib/localflavor/es/ "Invalid checksum for CIF."msgstr "Nesprávny počet znakov pre CIF."#: contrib/localflavor/es/ "Please enter a valid bank account number in format XXXX-XXXX-XX-XXXXXXXXXX."msgstr "Zadajte platné číslo bankového účtu v tvare XXXX-XXXX-XX-XXXXXXXXXX."#: contrib/localflavor/es/ "Invalid checksum for bank account number."msgstr "Nesprávny počet znakov pre číslo bankového účtu."#: contrib/localflavor/fi/ contrib/localflavor/fi/ "Enter a valid Finnish social security number."msgstr "Vložte platné fínske číslo sociálneho poistenia (social security number)."#: contrib/localflavor/in_/ "Enter a zip code in the format XXXXXXX."msgstr "Vložte poštové smerovacie číslo v tvare XXXXXXX."#: contrib/localflavor/is_/ "Enter a valid Icelandic identification number. The format is XXXXXX-XXXX."msgstr "Zadajte platné Islanské číslo v tvare XXXXXX-XXXX."#: contrib/localflavor/is_/ "The Icelandic identification number is not valid."msgstr "Islandské identifikačné číslo je neplatné."#: contrib/localflavor/it/ "Enter a valid zip code."msgstr "Zadajte platné poštové smerovacie číslo."#: contrib/localflavor/it/ "Enter a valid Social Security number."msgstr "Vložte platné číslo sociálneho poistenia ."#: contrib/localflavor/it/ "Enter a valid VAT number."msgstr "Zadajte platné VAT číslo."#: contrib/localflavor/jp/ "Enter a postal code in the format XXXXXXX or XXX-XXXX."msgstr "Zadajte poštové smerovacie číslo v tvare XXXXXXX alebo XXX-XXXX."#: contrib/localflavor/jp/ "Hokkaido"msgstr "Hokkaido"#: contrib/localflavor/jp/ "Aomori"msgstr "Aomori"#: contrib/localflavor/jp/ "Iwate"msgstr "Iwate"#: contrib/localflavor/jp/ "Miyagi"msgstr "Miyagi"#: contrib/localflavor/jp/ "Akita"msgstr "Akita"#: contrib/localflavor/jp/ "Yamagata"msgstr "Yamagata"#: contrib/localflavor/jp/ contrib/localflavor/jp/ "Ibaraki"msgstr "Ibaraki"#: contrib/localflavor/jp/ contrib/localflavor/jp/ "Gunma"msgstr "Gunma"#: contrib/localflavor/jp/ "Saitama"msgstr "Saitama"#: contrib/localflavor/jp/ contrib/localflavor/jp/ "Tokyo"msgstr "Tokyo"#: contrib/localflavor/jp/ "Kanagawa"msgstr "Kanagawa"#: contrib/localflavor/jp/ contrib/localflavor/jp/ "Nagano"msgstr "Nagano"#: contrib/localflavor/jp/ "Niigata"msgstr "Niigata"#: contrib/localflavor/jp/ "Toyama"msgstr "Toyama"#: contrib/localflavor/jp/ contrib/localflavor/jp/ "Fukui"msgstr "Fukui"#: contrib/localflavor/jp/ "Gifu"msgstr "Gifu"#: contrib/localflavor/jp/ contrib/localflavor/jp/ "Aichi"msgstr "Aichi"#: contrib/localflavor/jp/ "Mie"msgstr "Mie"#: contrib/localflavor/jp/ contrib/localflavor/jp/ "Kyoto"msgstr "Kyoto"#: contrib/localflavor/jp/ "Osaka"msgstr "Osaka"#: contrib/localflavor/jp/ "Hyogo"msgstr "Hyogo"#: contrib/localflavor/jp/ "Nara"msgstr "Nara"#: contrib/localflavor/jp/ "Wakayama"msgstr "Wakayama"#: contrib/localflavor/jp/ "Tottori"msgstr "Tottori"#: contrib/localflavor/jp/ contrib/localflavor/jp/ "Okayama"msgstr "Okayama"#: contrib/localflavor/jp/ contrib/localflavor/jp/ contrib/localflavor/jp/ contrib/localflavor/jp/ "Kagawa"msgstr "Kagawa"#: contrib/localflavor/jp/ "Ehime"msgstr "Ehime"#: contrib/localflavor/jp/ "Kochi"msgstr "Kochi"#: contrib/localflavor/jp/ "Fukuoka"msgstr "Fukuoka"#: contrib/localflavor/jp/ "Saga"msgstr "Saga"#: contrib/localflavor/jp/ "Nagasaki"msgstr "Nagasaki"#: contrib/localflavor/jp/ "Kumamoto"msgstr "Kumamoto"#: contrib/localflavor/jp/ "Oita"msgstr "Oita"#: contrib/localflavor/jp/ "Miyazaki"msgstr "Miyazaki"#: contrib/localflavor/jp/ contrib/localflavor/jp/ "Okinawa"msgstr "Okinawa"#: contrib/localflavor/nl/ "Enter a valid postal code"msgstr "Zadajte platné poštové smerovacie číslo"#: contrib/localflavor/nl/ "Enter a valid phone number"msgstr "Zadajte platné telofónne číslo."#: contrib/localflavor/nl/ "Enter a valid SoFi number"msgstr "Zadajte platné SoFi číslo."#: contrib/localflavor/nl/ "Drente"msgstr "Drente"#: contrib/localflavor/nl/ "Flevoland"msgstr "Flevoland"#: contrib/localflavor/nl/ "Friesland"msgstr "Friesland"#: contrib/localflavor/nl/ "Gelderland"msgstr "Gelderland"#: contrib/localflavor/nl/ "Groningen"msgstr "Groningen"#: contrib/localflavor/nl/ "Limburg"msgstr "Limburg"#: contrib/localflavor/nl/ "Noord-Brabant"msgstr "Noord-Brabantsko"#: contrib/localflavor/nl/ "Noord-Holland"msgstr "Noord-Holandsko"#: contrib/localflavor/nl/ "Overijssel"msgstr "Overijssel"#: contrib/localflavor/nl/ "Utrecht"msgstr "Utrecht"#: contrib/localflavor/nl/ "Zeeland"msgstr "Zéland"#: contrib/localflavor/nl/ "Zuid-Holland"msgstr "Zuid-Holandsko"#: contrib/localflavor/no/ "Enter a valid Norwegian social security number."msgstr "Vložte platné nórske číslo sociálneho poistenia (social security number)."#: contrib/localflavor/pe/ "This field requires 8 digits."msgstr "Toto pole vyžaduje 8 číslic."#: contrib/localflavor/pe/ "This field requires 11 digits."msgstr "Toto pole vyžaduje 11 číslic."#: contrib/localflavor/pl/ "National Identification Number consists of 11 digits."msgstr "Národné identifikačné číslo sa skladá z 11 znakov."#: contrib/localflavor/pl/ "Wrong checksum for the National Identification Number."msgstr "Nesprávny počet znakov pre národné identifikačné číslo."#: contrib/localflavor/pl/ "Enter a tax number field (NIP) in the format XXX-XXX-XX-XX or XX-XX-XXX-XXX."msgstr "Zadajte platné daňové číselné pole (NIP) v tvare XXX-XXX-XX-XX alebo XX-XX-XXX-XXX."#: contrib/localflavor/pl/ "Wrong checksum for the Tax Number (NIP)."msgstr "Nesprávny počet znakov pre daňové číslo (NIP)."#: contrib/localflavor/pl/ "National Business Register Number (REGON) consists of 7 or 9 digits."msgstr "Národné číslo registrovaného obchodníka (REGON) sa skladá z 7 alebo 9 číslic."#: contrib/localflavor/pl/ "Wrong checksum for the National Business Register Number (REGON)."msgstr "Nesprávny počet znakov pre národné číslo registrovaného obchodníka (REGON)."#: contrib/localflavor/pl/ "Enter a postal code in the format XX-XXX."msgstr "Vložte poštové smerovacie číslo v tvare XX-XXX."#: contrib/localflavor/pl/ contrib/localflavor/pl/ "Kuyavia-Pomerania"msgstr "Kuyavia-Pomerania"#: contrib/localflavor/pl/ "Lublin"msgstr "Lublin"#: contrib/localflavor/pl/ "Lubusz"msgstr "Lubusz"#: contrib/localflavor/pl/ contrib/localflavor/pl/ contrib/localflavor/pl/ "Masovia"msgstr "Masovia"#: contrib/localflavor/pl/ "Opole"msgstr "Opole"#: contrib/localflavor/pl/ "Subcarpatia"msgstr "Podkarpatsko"#: contrib/localflavor/pl/ "Podlasie"msgstr "Podlasie"#: contrib/localflavor/pl/ "Pomerania"msgstr "Pomerania"#: contrib/localflavor/pl/ "Silesia"msgstr "Silesia"#: contrib/localflavor/pl/ "Swietokrzyskie"msgstr "Swietokrzyskie"#: contrib/localflavor/pl/ "Warmia-Masuria"msgstr "Warmia-Masuria"#: contrib/localflavor/pl/ contrib/localflavor/pl/ "West Pomerania"msgstr "Západná Pomerania"#: contrib/localflavor/sk/ "Enter a postal code in the format XXXXX or XXX XX."msgstr "Zadajte poštové smerovacie číslo v tvare XXXXX alebo XXX-XX."#: contrib/localflavor/sk/ "Banska Bystrica"msgstr "Banská Bystrica"#: contrib/localflavor/sk/ "Banska Stiavnica"msgstr "Banská Štiavnica"#: contrib/localflavor/sk/ "Bardejov"msgstr "Bardejov"#: contrib/localflavor/sk/ "Banovce nad Bebravou"msgstr "Bánovce nad Bebravou"#: contrib/localflavor/sk/ "Brezno"msgstr "Brezno"#: contrib/localflavor/sk/ "Bratislava I"msgstr "Bratislava I"#: contrib/localflavor/sk/ "Bratislava II"msgstr "Bratislava II"#: contrib/localflavor/sk/ "Bratislava III"msgstr "Bratislava III"#: contrib/localflavor/sk/ "Bratislava IV"msgstr "Bratislava IV"#: contrib/localflavor/sk/ "Bratislava V"msgstr "Bratislava V"#: contrib/localflavor/sk/ "Bytca"msgstr "Bytča"#: contrib/localflavor/sk/ "Cadca"msgstr "Čadca"#: contrib/localflavor/sk/ "Detva"msgstr "Detva"#: contrib/localflavor/sk/ "Dolny Kubin"msgstr "Dolný Kubín"#: contrib/localflavor/sk/ "Dunajska Streda"msgstr "Dunajská Streda"#: contrib/localflavor/sk/ "Galanta"msgstr "Galanta"#: contrib/localflavor/sk/ "Gelnica"msgstr "Gelnica"#: contrib/localflavor/sk/ "Hlohovec"msgstr "Hlohovec"#: contrib/localflavor/sk/ "Humenne"msgstr "Humenné"#: contrib/localflavor/sk/ "Ilava"msgstr "Ilava"#: contrib/localflavor/sk/ "Kezmarok"msgstr "Kežmarok"#: contrib/localflavor/sk/ "Komarno"msgstr "Komárno"#: contrib/localflavor/sk/ "Kosice I"msgstr "Košice I"#: contrib/localflavor/sk/ "Kosice II"msgstr "Košice II"#: contrib/localflavor/sk/ "Kosice III"msgstr "Košice III"#: contrib/localflavor/sk/ "Kosice IV"msgstr "Košice IV"#: contrib/localflavor/sk/ "Kosice - okolie"msgstr "Košice - okolie"#: contrib/localflavor/sk/ "Krupina"msgstr "Krupina"#: contrib/localflavor/sk/ "Kysucke Nove Mesto"msgstr "Kysucké Nové Mesto"#: contrib/localflavor/sk/ "Levice"msgstr "Levice"#: contrib/localflavor/sk/ "Levoca"msgstr "Levoča"#: contrib/localflavor/sk/ "Liptovsky Mikulas"msgstr "Liptovský Mikuláš"#: contrib/localflavor/sk/ "Lucenec"msgstr "Lučenec"#: contrib/localflavor/sk/ "Malacky"msgstr "Malacky"#: contrib/localflavor/sk/ "Martin"msgstr "Martin"#: contrib/localflavor/sk/ "Medzilaborce"msgstr "Medzilaborce"#: contrib/localflavor/sk/ "Michalovce"msgstr "Michalovce"#: contrib/localflavor/sk/ "Myjava"msgstr "Myjava"#: contrib/localflavor/sk/ "Namestovo"msgstr "Námestovo"#: contrib/localflavor/sk/ "Nitra"msgstr "Nitra"#: contrib/localflavor/sk/ "Nove Mesto nad Vahom"msgstr "Nové Mesto nad Váhom"#: contrib/localflavor/sk/ "Nove Zamky"msgstr "Nové Zámky"#: contrib/localflavor/sk/ "Partizanske"msgstr "Partizánske"#: contrib/localflavor/sk/ "Pezinok"msgstr "Pezinok"#: contrib/localflavor/sk/ "Piestany"msgstr "Piešťany"#: contrib/localflavor/sk/ "Poltar"msgstr "Poltár"#: contrib/localflavor/sk/ "Poprad"msgstr "Poprad"#: contrib/localflavor/sk/ "Povazska Bystrica"msgstr "Považská Bystrica"#: contrib/localflavor/sk/ "Presov"msgstr "Prešov"#: contrib/localflavor/sk/ "Prievidza"msgstr "Prievidza"#: contrib/localflavor/sk/ "Puchov"msgstr "Púchov"#: contrib/localflavor/sk/ "Revuca"msgstr "Revúca"#: contrib/localflavor/sk/ "Rimavska Sobota"msgstr "Rimavská Sobota"#: contrib/localflavor/sk/ "Roznava"msgstr "Rožňava"#: contrib/localflavor/sk/ "Ruzomberok"msgstr "Ružomberok"#: contrib/localflavor/sk/ "Sabinov"msgstr "Sabinov"#: contrib/localflavor/sk/ "Senec"msgstr "Senec"#: contrib/localflavor/sk/ "Senica"msgstr "Senica"#: contrib/localflavor/sk/ "Skalica"msgstr "Skalica"#: contrib/localflavor/sk/ "Snina"msgstr "Snina"#: contrib/localflavor/sk/ "Sobrance"msgstr "Sobrance"#: contrib/localflavor/sk/ "Spisska Nova Ves"msgstr "Spišská Nová Ves"#: contrib/localflavor/sk/ "Stara Lubovna"msgstr "Stará Ľubovňa"#: contrib/localflavor/sk/ "Stropkov"msgstr "Stropkov"#: contrib/localflavor/sk/ "Svidnik"msgstr "Svidník"#: contrib/localflavor/sk/ "Sala"msgstr "Šaľa"#: contrib/localflavor/sk/ "Topolcany"msgstr "Topoľčany"#: contrib/localflavor/sk/ "Trebisov"msgstr "Trebišov"#: contrib/localflavor/sk/ "Trencin"msgstr "Trenčín"#: contrib/localflavor/sk/ "Trnava"msgstr "Trnava"#: contrib/localflavor/sk/ "Turcianske Teplice"msgstr "Turčianske Teplice"#: contrib/localflavor/sk/ "Tvrdosin"msgstr "Tvrdošín"#: contrib/localflavor/sk/ "Velky Krtis"msgstr "Veľký Krtíš"#: contrib/localflavor/sk/ "Vranov nad Toplou"msgstr "Vranov nad Topľou"#: contrib/localflavor/sk/ "Zlate Moravce"msgstr "Zlaté Moravce"#: contrib/localflavor/sk/ "Zvolen"msgstr "Zvolen"#: contrib/localflavor/sk/ "Zarnovica"msgstr "Žarnovica"#: contrib/localflavor/sk/ "Ziar nad Hronom"msgstr "Žiar nad Hronom"#: contrib/localflavor/sk/ "Zilina"msgstr "Žilina"#: contrib/localflavor/sk/ "Banska Bystrica region"msgstr "Bansko-Bystrický kraj"#: contrib/localflavor/sk/ "Bratislava region"msgstr "Bratislavský kraj"#: contrib/localflavor/sk/ "Kosice region"msgstr "Košický kraj"#: contrib/localflavor/sk/ "Nitra region"msgstr "Nitriansky kraj"#: contrib/localflavor/sk/ "Presov region"msgstr "Prešovský kraj"#: contrib/localflavor/sk/ "Trencin region"msgstr "Trančiansky kraj"#: contrib/localflavor/sk/ "Trnava region"msgstr "Trnavský kraj"#: contrib/localflavor/sk/ "Zilina region"msgstr "Žilinský kraj"#: contrib/localflavor/uk/ "Enter a postcode. A space is required between the two postcode parts."msgstr "Zadajte britský poštový kód (PSČ). Medzera medzi dvomi časťami kódu je povinná."#: contrib/localflavor/us/ "Enter a zip code in the format XXXXX or XXXXX-XXXX."msgstr "Zadajte americký poštový kód (ZIP) vo formáte XXXXX alebo XXXXX-XXXX."#: contrib/localflavor/us/ "Enter a valid U.S. Social Security number in XXX-XX-XXXX format."msgstr "Vložte platné U.S. číslo sociálneho poistenia vo formáte XXX-XX-XXXX."#: contrib/redirects/ "redirect from"msgstr "presmerovať z"#: contrib/redirects/ "This should be an absolute path, excluding the domain name. Example: '/events/search/'."msgstr "Tu by sa mala použiť absolútna cesta bez názvu domény. Napríklad: '/events/search/'."#: contrib/redirects/ "redirect to"msgstr "presmerovať na "#: contrib/redirects/ "This can be either an absolute path (as above) or a full URL starting with 'http://'."msgstr "Tu môže byť buď absolútna cesta (ako je uvedené vyššie) alebo úplná adresa URL začínajúca s 'http://'."#: contrib/redirects/ "redirect"msgstr "presmerovanie"#: contrib/redirects/ "redirects"msgstr "presmerovania"#: contrib/sessions/ "session key"msgstr "kľúč session"#: contrib/sessions/ "session data"msgstr "údaje session"#: contrib/sessions/ "expire date"msgstr "dátum vypršania platnosti"#: contrib/sessions/ "session"msgstr "session"#: contrib/sessions/ "sessions"msgstr "sessions"#: contrib/sites/ "domain name"msgstr "názov domény"#: contrib/sites/ "display name"msgstr "zobrazené meno"#: contrib/sites/ "site"msgstr "web"#: contrib/sites/ "sites"msgstr "weby"#: core/ "This value must contain only letters, numbers and underscores."msgstr "Táto hodnota môže obsahovať len písmená, číslice a podčiarkovníky."#: core/ "This value must contain only letters, numbers, underscores, dashes or slashes."msgstr "Táto hodnota môže obsahovať len písmena, číslice, podčiarkovniky, pomlčky a lomítka."#: core/ "This value must contain only letters, numbers, underscores or hyphens."msgstr "Táto hodnota môže obsahovať len písmená, číslice, počiarkovníky a pomlčky."#: core/ "Uppercase letters are not allowed here."msgstr "Veľké písmená nie sú povolené."#: core/ "Lowercase letters are not allowed here."msgstr "Malé písmena nie sú povolené."#: core/ "Enter only digits separated by commas."msgstr "Zadávajte len číslice oddelené čiarkami."#: core/ "Enter valid e-mail addresses separated by commas."msgstr "Zadajte platné e-mail adresy oddelené čiarkami."#: core/ "Please enter a valid IP address."msgstr "Prosím, zadajte platnú IP adresu."#: core/ "Empty values are not allowed here."msgstr "Prázdne hodnoty tu nie sú povolené."#: core/ "Non-numeric characters aren't allowed here."msgstr "Iné ako numerické znaky tu nie sú povolené."#: core/ "This value can't be comprised solely of digits."msgstr "Táto hodnota nemôže byť čisto numerická."#: core/ newforms/ "Enter a whole number."msgstr "Zadajte celé číslo."#: core/ "Only alphabetical characters are allowed here."msgstr "Tu sú povolené len alfanumerické znaky."#: core/ "Year must be 1900 or later."msgstr "Rok musí byť 1900 alebo neskôr."#: core/, python-formatmsgid "Invalid date: %s"msgstr "Neplatný dátum: %s"#: core/ db/models/fields/ "Enter a valid date in YYYY-MM-DD format."msgstr "Zadajte platný dátum vo formáte RRRR-MM-DD."#: core/ "Enter a valid time in HH:MM format."msgstr "Zadajte platný čas vo formáte HH:MM."#: core/ db/models/fields/ "Enter a valid date/time in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM format."msgstr "Zadajte platný dátum a čas vo formáte RRRR-MM-DD HH:MM."#: core/ newforms/ "Enter a valid e-mail address."msgstr "Zadajte platnú e-mail adresu."#: core/ core/ newforms/ oldforms/ "No file was submitted. Check the encoding type on the form."msgstr "Súbor sme neodoslali. Skontrolujte atribút 'enctype' encoding vo formulári."#: core/ newforms/ "Upload a valid image. The file you uploaded was either not an image or a corrupted image."msgstr "Nahrajte platný obrázok. Súbor, ktorý ste odoslali nebol obrázkový formát alebo bol poškodený."#: core/, python-formatmsgid "The URL %s does not point to a valid image."msgstr "URL %s neodkazuje na platný obrázok."#: core/, python-formatmsgid "Phone numbers must be in XXX-XXX-XXXX format. \"%s\" is invalid."msgstr "Telefónne číslo musí mať formát XXX-XXX-XXXX. Číslo \"%s\" je neplatné."#: core/, python-formatmsgid "The URL %s does not point to a valid QuickTime video."msgstr "URL %s neodkazuje na platné QuickTime video."#: core/ "A valid URL is required."msgstr "Je požadovaná platná URL adresa."#: core/, python-formatmsgid """Valid HTML is required. Specific errors are:\n""%s"msgstr """HTML kód musí zodpovedať špecifikácii. Zistené chyby sú:\n""%s"#: core/, python-formatmsgid "Badly formed XML: %s"msgstr "Chybné XML nezodpovedajúce definícii: %s"#: core/, python-formatmsgid "Invalid URL: %s"msgstr "Neplatná adresa URL: %s"#: core/ core/, python-formatmsgid "The URL %s is a broken link."msgstr "Odkaz na URL %s je neplatný."#: core/ "Enter a valid U.S. state abbreviation."msgstr "Zadajte platnú skratku štátu USA."#: core/, python-formatmsgid "Watch your mouth! The word %s is not allowed here."msgid_plural "Watch your mouth! The words %s are not allowed here."msgstr[0] "Vyjadrujte sa slušne! Slovo %s tu nie je dovolené použivať."msgstr[1] "Vyjadrujte sa slušne! Slová %s tu nie je dovolené použivať."#: core/, python-formatmsgid "This field must match the '%s' field."msgstr "Toto pole sa musí zhodovať s poľom '%s'. "#: core/ "Please enter something for at least one field."msgstr "Prosím, vyplňte aspoň jedno pole."#: core/ core/ "Please enter both fields or leave them both empty."msgstr "Prosím, vyplňte buď obidve polia, alebo ich nechajte prázdne."#: core/, python-formatmsgid "This field must be given if %(field)s is %(value)s"msgstr "Toto pole musí byť vyplnené ak, %(field)s je %(value)s"#: core/, python-formatmsgid "This field must be given if %(field)s is not %(value)s"msgstr "Toto pole musí byť vyplnené, ak %(field)s nie je %(value)s"#: core/ "Duplicate values are not allowed."msgstr "Duplicitné hodnoty nie sú povolené."#: core/, python-formatmsgid "This value must be between %(lower)s and %(upper)s."msgstr "Táto hodnota musí byť medzi %(lower)s a %(upper)s."#: core/, python-formatmsgid "This value must be at least %s."msgstr "Táto hodnota musí byť prinajmenšom %s."#: core/, python-formatmsgid "This value must be no more than %s."msgstr "Táto hodnota musí byť väčšia ako %s."#: core/, python-formatmsgid "This value must be a power of %s."msgstr "Táto hodnota musí byť mocninou %s."#: core/ "Please enter a valid decimal number."msgstr "Prosím, vložte platné desatinné číslo. "#: core/, python-formatmsgid "Please enter a valid decimal number with at most %s total digit."msgid_plural "Please enter a valid decimal number with at most %s total digits."msgstr[0] "Prosím, vložte platné desatinné číslo. "msgstr[1] "Prosím, vložte platné desatinné čísla. "#: core/, python-formatmsgid "Please enter a valid decimal number with a whole part of at most %s digit."msgid_plural "Please enter a valid decimal number with a whole part of at most %s digits."msgstr[0] "Prosím vlož platné desatinné číslo s najviac %s číslicou. "msgstr[1] "Prosím vlož platné desatinné číslo s najviac %s číslicami."#: core/, python-formatmsgid "Please enter a valid decimal number with at most %s decimal place."msgid_plural "Please enter a valid decimal number with at most %s decimal places."msgstr[0] "Prosím, vložte platné desatinné číslo s najviac %s desatinným miestom. "msgstr[1] "Prosím, vložte platné desatinné číslo s najviac %s desatinnými miestamy. "#: core/ "Please enter a valid floating point number."msgstr "Prosím, vložte platné číslo s pohyblivou desatinnou čiarkou. "#: core/, python-formatmsgid "Make sure your uploaded file is at least %s bytes big."msgstr "Uistite sa, že posielaný súbor nemá menej ako %s bajtov."#: core/, python-formatmsgid "Make sure your uploaded file is at most %s bytes big."msgstr "Uistite sa, že posielaný súbor nemá viac ako %s bajtov."#: core/ "The format for this field is wrong."msgstr "Formát pre toto pole je chybný."#: core/ "This field is invalid."msgstr "Toto pole nie je platné."#: core/, python-formatmsgid "Could not retrieve anything from %s."msgstr "Z %s nič neprišlo."#: core/, python-formatmsgid "The URL %(url)s returned the invalid Content-Type header '%(contenttype)s'."msgstr "URL adresa %(url)s vrátila v hlavičke neplatný Content-Type '%(contenttype)s'."#: core/, python-formatmsgid "Please close the unclosed %(tag)s tag from line %(line)s. (Line starts with \"%(start)s\".)"msgstr "Prosím, uzatvorte značku %(tag)s na riadku %(line)s. (Riadok začína s \"%(start)s\".)"#: core/, python-formatmsgid "Some text starting on line %(line)s is not allowed in that context. (Line starts with \"%(start)s\".)"msgstr "Text začínajúci na riadku %(line)s nepovoľujeme v tomto kontexte. (Riadok začína s \"%(start)s\".)"#: core/, python-formatmsgid "\"%(attr)s\" on line %(line)s is an invalid attribute. (Line starts with \"%(start)s\".)"msgstr "\"%(attr)s\" na riadku %(line)s je neplatný atribút. (Riadok začína s \"%(start)s\".)"#: core/, python-formatmsgid "\"<%(tag)s>\" on line %(line)s is an invalid tag. (Line starts with \"%(start)s\".)"msgstr "\"<%(tag)s>\" na riadku %(line)s je neplatný tag. (Riadok začína s \"%(start)s\".)"#: core/, python-formatmsgid "A tag on line %(line)s is missing one or more required attributes. (Line starts with \"%(start)s\".)"msgstr "V tagu na riadku %(line)s chýba jeden alebo viac atribútov. (Riadok začína s \"%(start)s\".)"#: core/, python-formatmsgid "The \"%(attr)s\" attribute on line %(line)s has an invalid value. (Line starts with \"%(start)s\".)"msgstr "Atribút \"%(attr)s\" na riadku %(line)s má neplatnú hodnotu. (Riadok začína s \"%(start)s\".)"#: db/models/, python-formatmsgid "%(object)s with this %(type)s already exists for the given %(field)s."msgstr "%(object)s s %(type)s už existuje pre prvok %(field)s."#: db/models/fields/, python-formatmsgid "%(optname)s with this %(fieldname)s already exists."msgstr "%(optname)s s %(fieldname)s už existuje."#: db/models/fields/ db/models/fields/ db/models/fields/ db/models/fields/ newforms/ oldforms/ "This field is required."msgstr "Toto pole je povinné."#: db/models/fields/ "This value must be an integer."msgstr "Táto hodnota musí byť celé číslo."#: db/models/fields/ "This value must be either True or False."msgstr "Táto hodnota musí byť True alebo False."#: db/models/fields/ "This field cannot be null."msgstr "Toto pole nemôže obsahovať null."#: db/models/fields/ "This value must be a decimal number."msgstr "Táto hodnota musí byť desiatkove číslo."#: db/models/fields/ "Enter a valid filename."msgstr "Zadajte platný názov súboru."#: db/models/fields/ "This value must be either None, True or False."msgstr "Táto hodnota musí byť buď None, True alebo False."#: db/models/fields/ "Separate multiple IDs with commas."msgstr "Oddeľte viacnásobné ID čiarkami."#: db/models/fields/ "Hold down \"Control\", or \"Command\" on a Mac, to select more than one."msgstr "Ak chcete vybrať viacero možností, podržte \"Control\" alebo \"Command\" na Mac-u."#: db/models/fields/, python-formatmsgid "Please enter valid %(self)s IDs. The value %(value)r is invalid."msgid_plural "Please enter valid %(self)s IDs. The values %(value)r are invalid."msgstr[0] "Prosím, vložte platné %(self)s ID. Hodnota %(value)r je neplatná."msgstr[1] "Prosím, vložte platné %(self)s ID-čka. Hodnoty %(value)r sú neplatné."#: newforms/ "Enter a valid value."msgstr "Zadajte platnú hodnotu."#: newforms/, python-formatmsgid "Ensure this value has at most %(max)d characters (it has %(length)d)."msgstr "Uistite sa, že táto hodnota má najviac %(max)d znakov (teraz má %(length)d)."#: newforms/, python-formatmsgid "Ensure this value has at least %(min)d characters (it has %(length)d)."msgstr "Uistite sa, že zadaná hodnota má najmenej %(min)d znakov (teraz má %(length)d)."#: newforms/ newforms/ newforms/, python-formatmsgid "Ensure this value is less than or equal to %s."msgstr "Uistite sa, že táto hodnota je menšia alebo rovná %s."#: newforms/ newforms/ newforms/, python-formatmsgid "Ensure this value is greater than or equal to %s."msgstr "Uistite sa, že hodnota je väčšia alebo rovná %s."#: newforms/ newforms/ "Enter a number."msgstr "Zadajte číslo."#: newforms/, python-formatmsgid "Ensure that there are no more than %s digits in total."msgstr "Zabezpečte aby výraz nemal viac ako %s číslic celkom."#: newforms/, python-formatmsgid "Ensure that there are no more than %s decimal places."msgstr "Zabezpečte aby nebolo viac ako %s desatinných miest."#: newforms/, python-formatmsgid "Ensure that there are no more than %s digits before the decimal point."msgstr "Zabezpečte aby nebolo viac ako %s číslic pred desatinnou bodkou."#: newforms/ newforms/ "Enter a valid date."msgstr "Zadajte platný dátum."#: newforms/ newforms/ "Enter a valid time."msgstr "Zadajte platný čas."#: newforms/ "Enter a valid date/time."msgstr "Zadajte platný dátum a čas."#: newforms/ "No file was submitted."msgstr "Žiaden súbor nebol odoslaný."#: newforms/ oldforms/ "The submitted file is empty."msgstr "Odoslaný súbor je prázdny."#: newforms/ "Enter a valid URL."msgstr "Zadajte platnú URL adresu."#: newforms/ "This URL appears to be a broken link."msgstr "Toto URL je asi chybný odkaz."#: newforms/ newforms/ "Select a valid choice. That choice is not one of the available choices."msgstr "Vyberte platnú možnosť. Vybraná položka nepatrí medzi platné možnosti."#: newforms/, python-formatmsgid "Select a valid choice. %(value)s is not one of the available choices."msgstr "Vyberte platnú voľbu. %(value)s nepatrí medzi dostupné možnosti."#: newforms/ newforms/ newforms/ "Enter a list of values."msgstr "Vložte zoznam hodnôt."#: newforms/ "Enter a valid IPv4 address."msgstr "Zadajte platnú IPv4 adresu."#: newforms/, python-formatmsgid "Select a valid choice. %s is not one of the available choices."msgstr "Vyberte platnú možnost. %s nepatrí medzi dostupné možnosti."#: oldforms/, python-formatmsgid "Ensure your text is less than %s character."msgid_plural "Ensure your text is less than %s characters."msgstr[0] "Uisite sa, že text je kratší ako %s znak."msgstr[1] "Uisite sa, že text je kratší ako %s znakov."#: oldforms/ "Line breaks are not allowed here."msgstr "Zalomenia riadkov nie sú povolené."#: oldforms/ oldforms/ oldforms/, python-formatmsgid "Select a valid choice; '%(data)s' is not in %(choices)s."msgstr "Vyberte platnú možnosť; '%(data)s' nie je v %(choices)s."#: oldforms/ "Enter a whole number between -32,768 and 32,767."msgstr "Zadajte celé číslo s hodnotou medzi -32768 a 32767."#: oldforms/ "Enter a positive number."msgstr "Zadajte celé kladné číslo."#: oldforms/ "Enter a whole number between 0 and 32,767."msgstr "Zadajte celé číslo s hodnotou medzi 0 a 32767."#: template/ "yes,no,maybe"msgstr "áno,nie,možno"#: template/, python-formatmsgid "%(size)d byte"msgid_plural "%(size)d bytes"msgstr[0] ""msgstr[1] ""#: template/, python-formatmsgid "%.1f KB"msgstr "%.1f KB"#: template/, python-formatmsgid "%.1f MB"msgstr "%.1f MB"#: template/, python-formatmsgid "%.1f GB"msgstr "%.1f GB"#: utils/ "p.m."msgstr "p.m."#: utils/ "a.m."msgstr "a.m."#: utils/ "PM"msgstr "popoludní"#: utils/ "AM"msgstr "dopoludnia"#: utils/ "midnight"msgstr "polnoc"#: utils/ "noon"msgstr "poludnie"#: utils/ "Monday"msgstr "Pondelok"#: utils/ "Tuesday"msgstr "Utorok"#: utils/ "Wednesday"msgstr "Streda"#: utils/ "Thursday"msgstr "Štvrtok"#: utils/ "Friday"msgstr "Piatok"#: utils/ "Saturday"msgstr "Sobota"#: utils/ "Sunday"msgstr "Nedeľa"#: utils/ "Mon"msgstr "Pon"#: utils/ "Tue"msgstr "Uto"#: utils/ "Wed"msgstr "Str"#: utils/ "Thu"msgstr "Štv"#: utils/ "Fri"msgstr "Pia"#: utils/ "Sat"msgstr "Sob"#: utils/ "Sun"msgstr "Neď"#: utils/ "January"msgstr "Január"#: utils/ "February"msgstr "Február"#: utils/ utils/ "March"msgstr "Marec"#: utils/ utils/ "April"msgstr "Apríl"#: utils/ utils/ "May"msgstr "Máj"#: utils/ utils/ "June"msgstr "Jún"#: utils/ utils/ "July"msgstr "Júl"#: utils/ "August"msgstr "August"#: utils/ "September"msgstr "September"#: utils/ "October"msgstr "Október"#: utils/ "November"msgstr "November"#: utils/ "December"msgstr "December"#: utils/ "jan"msgstr "jan"#: utils/ "feb"msgstr "feb"#: utils/ "mar"msgstr "mar"#: utils/ "apr"msgstr "apr"#: utils/ "may"msgstr "máj"#: utils/ "jun"msgstr "jún"#: utils/ "jul"msgstr "júl"#: utils/ "aug"msgstr "aug"#: utils/ "sep"msgstr "sep"#: utils/ "oct"msgstr "okt"#: utils/ "nov"msgstr "nov"#: utils/ "dec"msgstr "dec"#: utils/ "Jan."msgstr "Jan."#: utils/ "Feb."msgstr "Feb."#: utils/ "Aug."msgstr "Aug."#: utils/ "Sept."msgstr "Sept."#: utils/ "Oct."msgstr "Okt."#: utils/ "Nov."msgstr "Nov."#: utils/ "Dec."msgstr "Dec."#: utils/ "or"msgstr "alebo"#: utils/ "year"msgid_plural "years"msgstr[0] "rok"msgstr[1] "roky"#: utils/ "month"msgid_plural "months"msgstr[0] "mesiac"msgstr[1] "mesiacov"#: utils/ "week"msgid_plural "weeks"msgstr[0] "týždeň"msgstr[1] "týždňov"#: utils/ "day"msgid_plural "days"msgstr[0] "deň"msgstr[1] "dni"#: utils/ "hour"msgid_plural "hours"msgstr[0] "hodina"msgstr[1] "hodín"#: utils/ "minute"msgid_plural "minutes"msgstr[0] "minúta"msgstr[1] "minúty"#: utils/ "minutes"msgstr "minúty"#: utils/, python-formatmsgid "%(number)d %(type)s"msgstr "%(number)d %(type)s"#: utils/, python-formatmsgid ", %(number)d %(type)s"msgstr ", %(number)d %(type)s"#: utils/translation/ "DATE_FORMAT"msgstr "DÁTUM_FORMÁT"#: utils/translation/ "DATETIME_FORMAT"msgstr "DÁTUMAČAS_FORMÁT"#: utils/translation/ "TIME_FORMAT"msgstr "ČAS_FORMÁT"#: utils/translation/ "YEAR_MONTH_FORMAT"msgstr "ROK_MESIAC_FORMÁT"#: utils/translation/ "MONTH_DAY_FORMAT"msgstr "MESIAC_DEŇ_FORMÁT"#: views/generic/, python-formatmsgid "The %(verbose_name)s was created successfully."msgstr "Objekt %(verbose_name)s sme úspešne vytvorili."#: views/generic/, python-formatmsgid "The %(verbose_name)s was updated successfully."msgstr "Objekt %(verbose_name)s sme úspešne zmenili."#: views/generic/, python-formatmsgid "The %(verbose_name)s was deleted."msgstr "Objekt %(verbose_name)s sme zmazali."#~ msgid "AnonymousUser"#~ msgstr "Neregistrovaný užívateľ"