Changed the url regexpr for review and added 2 missing imports.
Patch by: Lennard de Rijk
Reviewed by: to-be-reviewed
""" This module houses the GeoIP object, a ctypes wrapper for the MaxMind GeoIP(R) C API ( This is an alternative to the GPL licensed Python GeoIP interface provided by MaxMind. GeoIP(R) is a registered trademark of MaxMind, LLC of Boston, Massachusetts. For IP-based geolocation, this module requires the GeoLite Country and City datasets, in binary format (CSV will not work!). The datasets may be downloaded from MaxMind at Grab GeoIP.dat.gz and GeoLiteCity.dat.gz, and unzip them in the directory corresponding to settings.GEOIP_PATH. See the GeoIP docstring and examples below for more details. TODO: Verify compatibility with Windows. Example: >>> from django.contrib.gis.utils import GeoIP >>> g = GeoIP() >>>'') {'country_code': 'US', 'country_name': 'United States'} >>>'') {'area_code': 650, 'city': 'Mountain View', 'country_code': 'US', 'country_code3': 'USA', 'country_name': 'United States', 'dma_code': 807, 'latitude': 37.419200897216797, 'longitude': -122.05740356445312, 'postal_code': '94043', 'region': 'CA'} >>> g.lat_lon('') (37.789798736572266, -122.39420318603516) >>> g.lon_lat('') (-95.415199279785156, 29.77549934387207) >>> g.geos('').wkt 'POINT (-95.2087020874023438 39.0392990112304688)'"""import os, refrom ctypes import c_char_p, c_float, c_int, Structure, CDLL, POINTERfrom ctypes.util import find_libraryfrom django.conf import settingsif not settings._target: settings.configure()# Creating the settings dictionary with any settings, if needed.GEOIP_SETTINGS = dict((key, getattr(settings, key)) for key in ('GEOIP_PATH', 'GEOIP_LIBRARY_PATH', 'GEOIP_COUNTRY', 'GEOIP_CITY') if hasattr(settings, key))lib_path = GEOIP_SETTINGS.get('GEOIP_LIBRARY_PATH', None)# GeoIP Exception class.class GeoIPException(Exception): pass# The shared library for the GeoIP C API. May be downloaded# from lib_path: lib_name = Noneelse: # TODO: Is this really the library name for Windows? lib_name = 'GeoIP'# Getting the path to the GeoIP library.if lib_name: lib_path = find_library(lib_name)if lib_path is None: raise GeoIPException('Could not find the GeoIP library (tried "%s"). ' 'Try setting GEOIP_LIBRARY_PATH in your settings.' % lib_name)lgeoip = CDLL(lib_path)# Regular expressions for recognizing IP addresses and the GeoIP# free database editions.ipregex = re.compile(r'^(?P<w>\d\d?\d?)\.(?P<x>\d\d?\d?)\.(?P<y>\d\d?\d?)\.(?P<z>\d\d?\d?)$')free_regex = re.compile(r'^GEO-\d{3}FREE')lite_regex = re.compile(r'^GEO-\d{3}LITE')#### GeoIP C Structure definitions ####class GeoIPRecord(Structure): _fields_ = [('country_code', c_char_p), ('country_code3', c_char_p), ('country_name', c_char_p), ('region', c_char_p), ('city', c_char_p), ('postal_code', c_char_p), ('latitude', c_float), ('longitude', c_float), ('dma_code', c_int), ('area_code', c_int), ]class GeoIPTag(Structure): pass#### ctypes function prototypes ####RECTYPE = POINTER(GeoIPRecord)DBTYPE = POINTER(GeoIPTag)# For retrieving records by name or address.def record_output(func): func.restype = RECTYPE return funcrec_by_addr = record_output(lgeoip.GeoIP_record_by_addr)rec_by_name = record_output(lgeoip.GeoIP_record_by_name)# For opening up GeoIP databases.geoip_open = lgeoip.GeoIP_opengeoip_open.restype = DBTYPE# String output routines.def string_output(func): func.restype = c_char_p return funcgeoip_dbinfo = string_output(lgeoip.GeoIP_database_info)cntry_code_by_addr = string_output(lgeoip.GeoIP_country_code_by_addr)cntry_code_by_name = string_output(lgeoip.GeoIP_country_code_by_name)cntry_name_by_addr = string_output(lgeoip.GeoIP_country_name_by_addr)cntry_name_by_name = string_output(lgeoip.GeoIP_country_name_by_name)#### GeoIP class ####class GeoIP(object): # The flags for GeoIP memory caching. # GEOIP_STANDARD - read database from filesystem, uses least memory. # # GEOIP_MEMORY_CACHE - load database into memory, faster performance # but uses more memory # # GEOIP_CHECK_CACHE - check for updated database. If database has been updated, # reload filehandle and/or memory cache. # # GEOIP_INDEX_CACHE - just cache # the most frequently accessed index portion of the database, resulting # in faster lookups than GEOIP_STANDARD, but less memory usage than # GEOIP_MEMORY_CACHE - useful for larger databases such as # GeoIP Organization and GeoIP City. Note, for GeoIP Country, Region # and Netspeed databases, GEOIP_INDEX_CACHE is equivalent to GEOIP_MEMORY_CACHE # GEOIP_STANDARD = 0 GEOIP_MEMORY_CACHE = 1 GEOIP_CHECK_CACHE = 2 GEOIP_INDEX_CACHE = 4 cache_options = dict((opt, None) for opt in (0, 1, 2, 4)) def __init__(self, path=None, cache=0, country=None, city=None): """ Initializes the GeoIP object, no parameters are required to use default settings. Keyword arguments may be passed in to customize the locations of the GeoIP data sets. * path: Base directory to where GeoIP data is located or the full path to where the city or country data files (*.dat) are located. Assumes that both the city and country data sets are located in this directory; overrides the GEOIP_PATH settings attribute. * cache: The cache settings when opening up the GeoIP datasets, and may be an integer in (0, 1, 2, 4) corresponding to the GEOIP_STANDARD, GEOIP_MEMORY_CACHE, GEOIP_CHECK_CACHE, and GEOIP_INDEX_CACHE `GeoIPOptions` C API settings, respectively. Defaults to 0, meaning that the data is read from the disk. * country: The name of the GeoIP country data file. Defaults to 'GeoIP.dat'; overrides the GEOIP_COUNTRY settings attribute. * city: The name of the GeoIP city data file. Defaults to 'GeoLiteCity.dat'; overrides the GEOIP_CITY settings attribute. """ # Checking the given cache option. if cache in self.cache_options: self._cache = self.cache_options[cache] else: raise GeoIPException('Invalid caching option: %s' % cache) # Getting the GeoIP data path. if not path: path = GEOIP_SETTINGS.get('GEOIP_PATH', None) if not path: raise GeoIPException('GeoIP path must be provided via parameter or the GEOIP_PATH setting.') if not isinstance(path, basestring): raise TypeError('Invalid path type: %s' % type(path).__name__) cntry_ptr, city_ptr = (None, None) if os.path.isdir(path): # Getting the country and city files using the settings # dictionary. If no settings are provided, default names # are assigned. country = os.path.join(path, country or GEOIP_SETTINGS.get('GEOIP_COUNTRY', 'GeoIP.dat')) city = os.path.join(path, city or GEOIP_SETTINGS.get('GEOIP_CITY', 'GeoLiteCity.dat')) elif os.path.isfile(path): # Otherwise, some detective work will be needed to figure # out whether the given database path is for the GeoIP country # or city databases. ptr = geoip_open(path, cache) info = geoip_dbinfo(ptr) if lite_regex.match(info): # GeoLite City database. city, city_ptr = path, ptr elif free_regex.match(info): # GeoIP Country database. country, cntry_ptr = path, ptr else: raise GeoIPException('Unable to recognize database edition: %s' % info) else: raise GeoIPException('GeoIP path must be a valid file or directory.') # `_init_db` does the dirty work. self._init_db(country, cache, '_country', cntry_ptr) self._init_db(city, cache, '_city', city_ptr) def _init_db(self, db_file, cache, attname, ptr=None): "Helper routine for setting GeoIP ctypes database properties." if ptr: # Pointer already retrieved. pass elif os.path.isfile(db_file or ''): ptr = geoip_open(db_file, cache) setattr(self, attname, ptr) setattr(self, '%s_file' % attname, db_file) def _check_query(self, query, country=False, city=False, city_or_country=False): "Helper routine for checking the query and database availability." # Making sure a string was passed in for the query. if not isinstance(query, basestring): raise TypeError('GeoIP query must be a string, not type %s' % type(query).__name__) # Extra checks for the existence of country and city databases. if city_or_country and self._country is None and self._city is None: raise GeoIPException('Invalid GeoIP country and city data files.') elif country and self._country is None: raise GeoIPException('Invalid GeoIP country data file: %s' % self._country_file) elif city and self._city is None: raise GeoIPException('Invalid GeoIP city data file: %s' % self._city_file) def city(self, query): """ Returns a dictionary of city information for the given IP address or Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN). Some information in the dictionary may be undefined (None). """ self._check_query(query, city=True) if ipregex.match(query): # If an IP address was passed in ptr = rec_by_addr(self._city, c_char_p(query)) else: # If a FQDN was passed in. ptr = rec_by_name(self._city, c_char_p(query)) # Checking the pointer to the C structure, if valid pull out elements # into a dicionary and return. if bool(ptr): record = ptr.contents return dict((tup[0], getattr(record, tup[0])) for tup in record._fields_) else: return None def country_code(self, query): "Returns the country code for the given IP Address or FQDN." self._check_query(query, city_or_country=True) if self._country: if ipregex.match(query): return cntry_code_by_addr(self._country, query) else: return cntry_code_by_name(self._country, query) else: return['country_code'] def country_name(self, query): "Returns the country name for the given IP Address or FQDN." self._check_query(query, city_or_country=True) if self._country: if ipregex.match(query): return cntry_name_by_addr(self._country, query) else: return cntry_name_by_name(self._country, query) else: return['country_name'] def country(self, query): """ Returns a dictonary with with the country code and name when given an IP address or a Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN). For example, both '' and '' are valid parameters. """ # Returning the country code and name return {'country_code' : self.country_code(query), 'country_name' : self.country_name(query), } #### Coordinate retrieval routines #### def coords(self, query, ordering=('longitude', 'latitude')): cdict = if cdict is None: return None else: return tuple(cdict[o] for o in ordering) def lon_lat(self, query): "Returns a tuple of the (longitude, latitude) for the given query." return self.coords(query) def lat_lon(self, query): "Returns a tuple of the (latitude, longitude) for the given query." return self.coords(query, ('latitude', 'longitude')) def geos(self, query): "Returns a GEOS Point object for the given query." ll = self.lon_lat(query) if ll: from django.contrib.gis.geos import Point return Point(ll, srid=4326) else: return None #### GeoIP Database Information Routines #### def country_info(self): "Returns information about the GeoIP country database." if self._country is None: ci = 'No GeoIP Country data in "%s"' % self._country_file else: ci = geoip_dbinfo(self._country) return ci country_info = property(country_info) def city_info(self): "Retuns information about the GeoIP city database." if self._city is None: ci = 'No GeoIP City data in "%s"' % self._city_file else: ci = geoip_dbinfo(self._city) return ci city_info = property(city_info) def info(self): "Returns information about all GeoIP databases in use." return 'Country:\n\t%s\nCity:\n\t%s' % (self.country_info, self.city_info) info = property(info) #### Methods for compatibility w/the GeoIP-Python API. #### @classmethod def open(cls, full_path, cache): return GeoIP(full_path, cache) def _rec_by_arg(self, arg): if self._city: return else: return region_by_addr = city region_by_name = city record_by_addr = _rec_by_arg record_by_name = _rec_by_arg country_code_by_addr = country_code country_code_by_name = country_code country_name_by_addr = country_name country_name_by_name = country_name