Changed the TaskRunner to start and run update tasks.
Also changed the way the different updates are defined as to comments received on r2ddd386d1d.
import os
import re
from Cookie import SimpleCookie, CookieError
from pprint import pformat
from urllib import urlencode
from urlparse import urljoin
# The mod_python version is more efficient, so try importing it first.
from mod_python.util import parse_qsl
except ImportError:
from cgi import parse_qsl
from django.utils.datastructures import MultiValueDict, ImmutableList
from django.utils.encoding import smart_str, iri_to_uri, force_unicode
from django.http.multipartparser import MultiPartParser
from django.conf import settings
from django.core.files import uploadhandler
from utils import *
absolute_http_url_re = re.compile(r"^https?://", re.I)
class Http404(Exception):
class HttpRequest(object):
"""A basic HTTP request."""
# The encoding used in GET/POST dicts. None means use default setting.
_encoding = None
_upload_handlers = []
def __init__(self):
self.GET, self.POST, self.COOKIES, self.META, self.FILES = {}, {}, {}, {}, {}
self.path = ''
self.path_info = ''
self.method = None
def __repr__(self):
return '<HttpRequest\nGET:%s,\nPOST:%s,\nCOOKIES:%s,\nMETA:%s>' % \
(pformat(self.GET), pformat(self.POST), pformat(self.COOKIES),
def get_host(self):
"""Returns the HTTP host using the environment or request headers."""
# We try three options, in order of decreasing preference.
elif 'HTTP_HOST' in self.META:
host = self.META['HTTP_HOST']
# Reconstruct the host using the algorithm from PEP 333.
host = self.META['SERVER_NAME']
server_port = str(self.META['SERVER_PORT'])
if server_port != (self.is_secure() and '443' or '80'):
host = '%s:%s' % (host, server_port)
return host
def get_full_path(self):
return ''
def build_absolute_uri(self, location=None):
Builds an absolute URI from the location and the variables available in
this request. If no location is specified, the absolute URI is built on
if not location:
location = self.get_full_path()
if not absolute_http_url_re.match(location):
current_uri = '%s://%s%s' % (self.is_secure() and 'https' or 'http',
self.get_host(), self.path)
location = urljoin(current_uri, location)
return location
def is_secure(self):
return os.environ.get("HTTPS") == "on"
def is_ajax(self):
return self.META.get('HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH') == 'XMLHttpRequest'
def _set_encoding(self, val):
Sets the encoding used for GET/POST accesses. If the GET or POST
dictionary has already been created, it is removed and recreated on the
next access (so that it is decoded correctly).
self._encoding = val
if hasattr(self, '_get'):
del self._get
if hasattr(self, '_post'):
del self._post
def _get_encoding(self):
return self._encoding
encoding = property(_get_encoding, _set_encoding)
def _initialize_handlers(self):
self._upload_handlers = [uploadhandler.load_handler(handler, self)
for handler in settings.FILE_UPLOAD_HANDLERS]
def _set_upload_handlers(self, upload_handlers):
if hasattr(self, '_files'):
raise AttributeError("You cannot set the upload handlers after the upload has been processed.")
self._upload_handlers = upload_handlers
def _get_upload_handlers(self):
if not self._upload_handlers:
# If thre are no upload handlers defined, initialize them from settings.
return self._upload_handlers
upload_handlers = property(_get_upload_handlers, _set_upload_handlers)
def parse_file_upload(self, META, post_data):
"""Returns a tuple of (POST QueryDict, FILES MultiValueDict)."""
self.upload_handlers = ImmutableList(
warning = "You cannot alter upload handlers after the upload has been processed."
parser = MultiPartParser(META, post_data, self.upload_handlers, self.encoding)
return parser.parse()
class QueryDict(MultiValueDict):
A specialized MultiValueDict that takes a query string when initialized.
This is immutable unless you create a copy of it.
Values retrieved from this class are converted from the given encoding
(DEFAULT_CHARSET by default) to unicode.
# These are both reset in __init__, but is specified here at the class
# level so that unpickling will have valid values
_mutable = True
_encoding = None
def __init__(self, query_string, mutable=False, encoding=None):
if not encoding:
# *Important*: do not import settings any earlier because of note
# in core.handlers.modpython.
from django.conf import settings
encoding = settings.DEFAULT_CHARSET
self.encoding = encoding
for key, value in parse_qsl((query_string or ''), True): # keep_blank_values=True
self.appendlist(force_unicode(key, encoding, errors='replace'),
force_unicode(value, encoding, errors='replace'))
self._mutable = mutable
def _get_encoding(self):
if self._encoding is None:
# *Important*: do not import settings at the module level because
# of the note in core.handlers.modpython.
from django.conf import settings
self._encoding = settings.DEFAULT_CHARSET
return self._encoding
def _set_encoding(self, value):
self._encoding = value
encoding = property(_get_encoding, _set_encoding)
def _assert_mutable(self):
if not self._mutable:
raise AttributeError("This QueryDict instance is immutable")
def __setitem__(self, key, value):
key = str_to_unicode(key, self.encoding)
value = str_to_unicode(value, self.encoding)
MultiValueDict.__setitem__(self, key, value)
def __delitem__(self, key):
super(QueryDict, self).__delitem__(key)
def __copy__(self):
result = self.__class__('', mutable=True)
for key, value in dict.items(self):
dict.__setitem__(result, key, value)
return result
def __deepcopy__(self, memo):
import copy
result = self.__class__('', mutable=True)
memo[id(self)] = result
for key, value in dict.items(self):
dict.__setitem__(result, copy.deepcopy(key, memo), copy.deepcopy(value, memo))
return result
def setlist(self, key, list_):
key = str_to_unicode(key, self.encoding)
list_ = [str_to_unicode(elt, self.encoding) for elt in list_]
MultiValueDict.setlist(self, key, list_)
def setlistdefault(self, key, default_list=()):
if key not in self:
self.setlist(key, default_list)
return MultiValueDict.getlist(self, key)
def appendlist(self, key, value):
key = str_to_unicode(key, self.encoding)
value = str_to_unicode(value, self.encoding)
MultiValueDict.appendlist(self, key, value)
def update(self, other_dict):
f = lambda s: str_to_unicode(s, self.encoding)
if hasattr(other_dict, 'lists'):
for key, valuelist in other_dict.lists():
for value in valuelist:
MultiValueDict.update(self, {f(key): f(value)})
d = dict([(f(k), f(v)) for k, v in other_dict.items()])
MultiValueDict.update(self, d)
def pop(self, key, *args):
return MultiValueDict.pop(self, key, *args)
def popitem(self):
return MultiValueDict.popitem(self)
def clear(self):
def setdefault(self, key, default=None):
key = str_to_unicode(key, self.encoding)
default = str_to_unicode(default, self.encoding)
return MultiValueDict.setdefault(self, key, default)
def copy(self):
"""Returns a mutable copy of this object."""
return self.__deepcopy__({})
def urlencode(self):
output = []
for k, list_ in self.lists():
k = smart_str(k, self.encoding)
output.extend([urlencode({k: smart_str(v, self.encoding)}) for v in list_])
return '&'.join(output)
def parse_cookie(cookie):
if cookie == '':
return {}
c = SimpleCookie()
except CookieError:
# Invalid cookie
return {}
cookiedict = {}
for key in c.keys():
cookiedict[key] = c.get(key).value
return cookiedict
class HttpResponse(object):
"""A basic HTTP response, with content and dictionary-accessed headers."""
status_code = 200
def __init__(self, content='', mimetype=None, status=None,
from django.conf import settings
self._charset = settings.DEFAULT_CHARSET
if mimetype:
content_type = mimetype # For backwards compatibility
if not content_type:
content_type = "%s; charset=%s" % (settings.DEFAULT_CONTENT_TYPE,
if not isinstance(content, basestring) and hasattr(content, '__iter__'):
self._container = content
self._is_string = False
self._container = [content]
self._is_string = True
self.cookies = SimpleCookie()
if status:
self.status_code = status
# _headers is a mapping of the lower-case name to the original case of
# the header (required for working with legacy systems) and the header
# value.
self._headers = {'content-type': ('Content-Type', content_type)}
def __str__(self):
"""Full HTTP message, including headers."""
return '\n'.join(['%s: %s' % (key, value)
for key, value in self._headers.values()]) \
+ '\n\n' + self.content
def _convert_to_ascii(self, *values):
"""Converts all values to ascii strings."""
for value in values:
if isinstance(value, unicode):
yield value.encode('us-ascii')
except UnicodeError, e:
e.reason += ', HTTP response headers must be in US-ASCII format'
yield str(value)
def __setitem__(self, header, value):
header, value = self._convert_to_ascii(header, value)
self._headers[header.lower()] = (header, value)
def __delitem__(self, header):
del self._headers[header.lower()]
except KeyError:
def __getitem__(self, header):
return self._headers[header.lower()][1]
def has_header(self, header):
"""Case-insensitive check for a header."""
return self._headers.has_key(header.lower())
__contains__ = has_header
def items(self):
return self._headers.values()
def get(self, header, alternate):
return self._headers.get(header.lower(), (None, alternate))[1]
def set_cookie(self, key, value='', max_age=None, expires=None, path='/',
domain=None, secure=False):
self.cookies[key] = value
if max_age is not None:
self.cookies[key]['max-age'] = max_age
if expires is not None:
self.cookies[key]['expires'] = expires
if path is not None:
self.cookies[key]['path'] = path
if domain is not None:
self.cookies[key]['domain'] = domain
if secure:
self.cookies[key]['secure'] = True
def delete_cookie(self, key, path='/', domain=None):
self.set_cookie(key, max_age=0, path=path, domain=domain,
expires='Thu, 01-Jan-1970 00:00:00 GMT')
def _get_content(self):
if self.has_header('Content-Encoding'):
return ''.join(self._container)
return smart_str(''.join(self._container), self._charset)
def _set_content(self, value):
self._container = [value]
self._is_string = True
content = property(_get_content, _set_content)
def __iter__(self):
self._iterator = iter(self._container)
return self
def next(self):
chunk =
if isinstance(chunk, unicode):
chunk = chunk.encode(self._charset)
return str(chunk)
def close(self):
if hasattr(self._container, 'close'):
# The remaining methods partially implement the file-like object interface.
# See
def write(self, content):
if not self._is_string:
raise Exception("This %s instance is not writable" % self.__class__)
def flush(self):
def tell(self):
if not self._is_string:
raise Exception("This %s instance cannot tell its position" % self.__class__)
return sum([len(chunk) for chunk in self._container])
class HttpResponseRedirect(HttpResponse):
status_code = 302
def __init__(self, redirect_to):
self['Location'] = iri_to_uri(redirect_to)
class HttpResponsePermanentRedirect(HttpResponse):
status_code = 301
def __init__(self, redirect_to):
self['Location'] = iri_to_uri(redirect_to)
class HttpResponseNotModified(HttpResponse):
status_code = 304
class HttpResponseBadRequest(HttpResponse):
status_code = 400
class HttpResponseNotFound(HttpResponse):
status_code = 404
class HttpResponseForbidden(HttpResponse):
status_code = 403
class HttpResponseNotAllowed(HttpResponse):
status_code = 405
def __init__(self, permitted_methods):
self['Allow'] = ', '.join(permitted_methods)
class HttpResponseGone(HttpResponse):
status_code = 410
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
HttpResponse.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
class HttpResponseServerError(HttpResponse):
status_code = 500
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
HttpResponse.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
# A backwards compatible alias for HttpRequest.get_host.
def get_host(request):
return request.get_host()
# It's neither necessary nor appropriate to use
# django.utils.encoding.smart_unicode for parsing URLs and form inputs. Thus,
# this slightly more restricted function.
def str_to_unicode(s, encoding):
Converts basestring objects to unicode, using the given encoding. Illegally
encoded input characters are replaced with Unicode "unknown" codepoint
Returns any non-basestring objects without change.
if isinstance(s, str):
return unicode(s, encoding, 'replace')
return s