Added invididual model logic files
Patch by: Sverre Rabbelier
Reviewed by: to-be-reviewed
# Copyright 2008 the Melange authors.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
"""Developer views for editing and examining Sponsor profiles.
__authors__ = [
'"Pawel Solyga" <>',
from google.appengine.api import users
from django import http
from django import newforms as forms
import soc.logic
from soc.logic import validate
from soc.logic import out_of_band
from import id_user
import soc.models.sponsor
from soc.views import helper
from soc.views.helper import access
import soc.views.helper.forms
import soc.views.helper.requests
import soc.views.helper.responses
import soc.views.helper.widgets
from soc.views import simple
from soc.views.user import profile
import soc.views.out_of_band
class CreateForm(helper.forms.DbModelForm):
"""Django form displayed when creating a Sponsor.
class Meta:
"""Inner Meta class that defines some behavior for the form.
#: db.Model subclass for which the form will gather information
model = soc.models.sponsor.Sponsor
#: list of model fields which will *not* be gathered by the form
exclude = ['founder', 'inheritance_line']
# TODO(pawel.solyga): write validation functions for other fields
def clean_link_name(self):
link_name = self.cleaned_data.get('link_name')
if not validate.isLinkNameFormatValid(link_name):
raise forms.ValidationError("This link name is in wrong format.")
if soc.logic.sponsor_logic.getFromFields(link_name=link_name):
raise forms.ValidationError("This link name is already in use.")
return link_name
class EditForm(CreateForm):
"""Django form displayed when editing a Sponsor.
link_name = forms.CharField(widget=helper.widgets.ReadOnlyInput())
def clean_link_name(self):
link_name = self.cleaned_data.get('link_name')
if not validate.isLinkNameFormatValid(link_name):
raise forms.ValidationError("This link name is in wrong format.")
return link_name
DEF_SITE_SPONSOR_PROFILE_EDIT_TMPL = 'soc/site/sponsor/profile/edit.html'
DEF_SPONSOR_NO_LINKNAME_CHANGE_MSG = 'Sponsor link name cannot be changed.'
DEF_CREATE_NEW_SPONSOR_MSG = ' You can create a new sponsor by visiting' \
' <a href="/site/sponsor/profile">Create ' \
'a New Sponsor</a> page.'
def edit(request, link_name=None, template=DEF_SITE_SPONSOR_PROFILE_EDIT_TMPL):
"""View for a Developer to modify the properties of a Sponsor Model entity.
request: the standard django request object
link_name: the Sponsor's site-unique "link_name" extracted from the URL
template: the "sibling" template (or a search list of such templates)
from which to construct the public.html template name (or names)
A subclass of django.http.HttpResponse which either contains the form to
be filled out, or a redirect to the correct view in the interface.
except soc.views.out_of_band.AccessViolationResponse, alt_response:
return alt_response.response()
# create default template context for use with any templates
context = helper.responses.getUniversalContext(request)
logged_in_id = users.get_current_user()
user = soc.logic.user_logic.getFromFields(email=logged_in_id)
sponsor_form = None
existing_sponsor = None
# try to fetch Sponsor entity corresponding to link_name if one exists
existing_sponsor = soc.logic.sponsor_logic.getIfFields(link_name=link_name)
except out_of_band.ErrorResponse, error:
# show custom 404 page when link name doesn't exist in Datastore
error.message = error.message + DEF_CREATE_NEW_SPONSOR_MSG
return simple.errorResponse(request, error, template, context)
if request.method == 'POST':
if existing_sponsor:
sponsor_form = EditForm(request.POST)
sponsor_form = CreateForm(request.POST)
if sponsor_form.is_valid():
if link_name:
# Form doesn't allow to change link_name but somebody might want to
# abuse that manually, so we check if form link_name is the same as
# url link_name
if sponsor_form.cleaned_data.get('link_name') != link_name:
error = out_of_band.ErrorResponse(msg)
return simple.errorResponse(request, error, template, context)
fields = {}
# Ask for all the fields and pull them out
for field in sponsor_form.cleaned_data:
value = sponsor_form.cleaned_data.get(field)
fields[field] = value
fields['founder'] = user
form_ln = fields['link_name']
form_sponsor = soc.logic.sponsor_logic.updateOrCreateFromFields(fields, link_name=form_ln)
if not form_sponsor:
return http.HttpResponseRedirect('/')
# redirect to new /site/sponsor/profile/form_link_name?s=0
# (causes 'Profile saved' message to be displayed)
return helper.responses.redirectToChangedSuffix(
request, None, form_ln,
else: # request.method == 'GET'
if existing_sponsor:
# is 'Profile saved' parameter present, but referrer was not ourself?
# (e.g. someone bookmarked the GET that followed the POST submit)
if (request.GET.get(profile.SUBMIT_MSG_PARAM_NAME)
and (not helper.requests.isReferrerSelf(request, suffix=link_name))):
# redirect to aggressively remove 'Profile saved' query parameter
return http.HttpResponseRedirect(request.path)
# referrer was us, so select which submit message to display
# (may display no message if ?s=0 parameter is not present)
context['notice'] = (
request, profile.SUBMIT_MSG_PARAM_NAME,
# populate form with the existing Sponsor entity
sponsor_form = EditForm(instance=existing_sponsor)
if request.GET.get(profile.SUBMIT_MSG_PARAM_NAME):
# redirect to aggressively remove 'Profile saved' query parameter
return http.HttpResponseRedirect(request.path)
# no Sponsor entity exists for this link name, so show a blank form
sponsor_form = CreateForm()
context.update({'form': sponsor_form,
'existing_group': existing_sponsor,
'group_type': 'Sponsor'})
return helper.responses.respond(request, template, context)
DEF_SITE_SPONSOR_PROFILE_CREATE_TMPL = 'soc/group/profile/edit.html'
def create(request, template=DEF_SITE_SPONSOR_PROFILE_CREATE_TMPL):
"""create() view is same as edit() view, but with no link_name supplied.
return edit(request, link_name=None, template=template)
def delete(request, link_name=None, template=DEF_SITE_SPONSOR_PROFILE_EDIT_TMPL):
"""Request handler for a Developer to delete Sponsor Model entity.
request: the standard django request object
link_name: the Sponsor's site-unique "link_name" extracted from the URL
template: the "sibling" template (or a search list of such templates)
from which to construct the public.html template name (or names)
A subclass of django.http.HttpResponse which redirects
to /site/sponsor/list.
except soc.views.out_of_band.AccessViolationResponse, alt_response:
return alt_response.response()
# create default template context for use with any templates
context = helper.responses.getUniversalContext(request)
existing_sponsor = None
# try to fetch Sponsor entity corresponding to link_name if one exists
existing_sponsor = soc.logic.sponsor_logic.getIfFields(link_name=link_name)
except out_of_band.ErrorResponse, error:
# show custom 404 page when link name doesn't exist in Datastore
error.message = error.message + DEF_CREATE_NEW_SPONSOR_MSG
return simple.errorResponse(request, error, template, context)
if existing_sponsor:
# TODO(pawel.solyga): Create specific delete method for Sponsor model
# Check if Sponsor can be deleted (has no Hosts and Programs)
return http.HttpResponseRedirect('/site/sponsor/list')