author Pawel Solyga <>
Thu, 04 Jun 2009 20:55:30 +0200
changeset 2390 723dfa4811e8
parent 2302 7b281ac17abd
child 2800 cd9eed2b787e
permissions -rw-r--r--
Partial fix for displaying mentors and students on Organization home page. Connections between mentors and students are not yet displayed and also there is some probably with displaying markers in Safari for some reason, everything works fine in FF.

var duplicateSlots = new function() {
  // this variable will contain all the org details, and filled
  // incrementally
  var orgs_details = {};
  // this variable will contain all student/proposal data details,
  // filled incrementally
  var assigned_proposals = new Array();

  // public function to begin iterating load of JSONs and then call printing
  // of duplicates

  this.showDuplicatesInit = function() {

    html_string = '';
    // Remember this object for Javascript scoping
    var this_object = this;
    var NUMBER_OF_ORGS = number_of_orgs;
    var OFFSET_LENGTH = offset_length;
    // Variables to handle progress bar updating
    var ITERATIONS = (number_of_orgs % offset_length)==0 ? Math.floor(number_of_orgs/offset_length) : Math.floor(number_of_orgs/offset_length)+1;

    if (ITERATIONS==0) {
      $("#div_duplicate_slots").html("<strong>No org slots to process</strong>");

    var successful_calls = 0;

      function() {
        // For every ajax success, bind this function to update user feedback
        $(this).bind("ajaxSuccess", function() {
          var percentage = Math.floor(100 * (successful_calls) / (ITERATIONS));
          $("#description_progressbar").html(" Processed orgs chunk " + (successful_calls) + "/" + ITERATIONS);
          // If this is the last call, feedback the user and print the duplicates data
          if (successful_calls==ITERATIONS) {
              function() {
            $("#description_done").html("<strong> Done!</strong>");
              function() {
                  function() {
                    // Call printing to HTML function with correct scope
        // Call the showDuplicates function for the first time with correct scope
        $("#duplicates_progress_bar").fadeIn("slow", showDuplicates.apply(this_object,[url_to_query,OFFSET_LENGTH,NUMBER_OF_ORGS]));

  function showDuplicates(url_to_query,OFFSET_LENGTH,NUMBER_OF_ORGS) {
    var current_offset = 0;
    orgs_details = {};
    assigned_proposals = new Array();

    // Here Ajax call is handled
    setTimeout(function() {
        mode: "sync",
        type: "GET",
        timeout: 1000000,
        dataType: "json",
        url: "/program/assigned_proposals/"+url_to_query+"?limit="+OFFSET_LENGTH+"&offset="+current_offset,
        success: function (data, textStatus) {
          if (data) {
            // Load JSON data
        error: function(XMLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown) {
          // if there is an error return the button and leave a try again message
          if (XMLHttpRequest!=undefined) {
            $("#id_button_duplicate_slots").fadeIn("slow", function() {
	      $("#description_done").html("<strong class='error'> Error encountered, try again</strong>");
      if (current_offset<NUMBER_OF_ORGS) {
    // This prevent page reloading after each ajax call
    return false;

  // private function to load a JSON and pushing the data to the
  // private global variables
  function loadSingleJSONData(data) {
    if (data) {
      // pushing org details
      for (var org_key in {
        orgs_details[org_key] =[org_key];
      // pushing proposals
        function(intIndex, proposal) {
          // if this student_key is not yet present
          if (assigned_proposals[proposal.student_key]==undefined) {
            // create the object and insert general info
            assigned_proposals[proposal.student_key] = {};
            assigned_proposals[proposal.student_key].name = proposal.student_name;
            assigned_proposals[proposal.student_key].contact = proposal.student_contact;
            assigned_proposals[proposal.student_key].proposals = new Array();
          // anyway, push the accepted proposals
              "org_key" : proposal.org_key,
              "proposal_key" : proposal.key_name,
              "proposal_title": proposal.proposal_title

  // private function to generate the JSON to send for caching and calling
  // the actual function that will print the data
  function printDuplicatesAndSendJSON() {
    // JSON skeleton that need to be sent to the server
    var to_json = {
      "data": {
        "orgs" : orgs_details,
        "students": {}
    // for every student...
    for (var student_key in assigned_proposals) {
      var accepted_proposals = assigned_proposals[student_key].proposals.length;
      // if accepted proposal are less than 2, then ignore and continue the iteration
      if (accepted_proposals<2) continue;
      var student = assigned_proposals[student_key];
      // push this student to the caching JSON[student_key] = student;
      var proposals = student.proposals;
      // call the function that prints the output html
    if (html_string=="") {
      $("#div_duplicate_slots").html("<strong>No duplicate slots found</strong>");
    // at the end, send the JSON for caching purposes
      url: location.href,
      type: 'POST',
      processData: true,
      data: {result: JSON.stringify(to_json)},
      contentType: 'application/json',
      dataType: 'json',

  // public function to output actual HTML out of the data (cached or not)
  this.showDuplicatesHtml = function(orgs_details,student,student_key,proposals) {
    if (html_string == '') {
    html_string+= '<li>Student: <strong><a href="/student/show/'+student_key+'">''</a></strong> (<a href="mailto:''">''</a>)';
      function (intIndex, proposal) {
        html_string+='<li>Organization: <a href="/org/show/'+proposal.org_key+'">'+orgs_details[proposal.org_key].name+'</a>, admin: '+orgs_details[proposal.org_key].admin_name+' (<a href="mailto:'+orgs_details[proposal.org_key].admin_email+'">'+orgs_details[proposal.org_key].admin_email+'</a>)</li>';
        html_string+='<ul><li>Proposal: <a href="/student_proposal/show/'+proposal.proposal_key+'">'+proposal.proposal_title+'</a></li></ul>';