author Lennard de Rijk <>
Thu, 13 Aug 2009 14:02:22 -0700
changeset 2770 71a5a56cf29e
parent 2371 805400745f57
child 2926 effa1cfb3607
permissions -rw-r--r--
Redone the acceptedStudentsExport functionality. The method has been renamed to exportStudentsWithProjects and retrieves the document_name and the new shipping address properties. Also it filters out all invalid projects or projects for wich the scope_path doesn't match the given scope_pa th_start. Also there is no more need to use the argument given to this method when adding the extra columns. The data is now prepared by one loop which uses the key present in the accepted_students dictionary for retrieving the data used by the extra columns.

# Copyright 2008 the Melange authors.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

"""This module contains the Student Model."""

__authors__ = [
  '"Todd Larsen" <>',
  '"Sverre Rabbelier" <>',
  '"Lennard de Rijk" <>',

from google.appengine.ext import db

from django.utils.translation import ugettext

from soc.models import countries

import soc.models.role

class Student(soc.models.role.Role):
  """Student details for a specific Program.

  school_name = db.StringProperty(required=True, 
      verbose_name=ugettext('School Name')) = ugettext("5. Education")
  school_name.help_text = ugettext(
      'Please enter the full name of your school, college or university in'
      ' this field. Please use the complete formal name of your school, e.g.'
      ' UC Berekeley instead of Cal or UCB. It would be most wonderful if you'
      ' could provide your school\'s name in English, as all the program '
      'administrators speak English as their first language and it will make'
      ' it much easier for us to assemble program statistics, etc., later if'
      ' we can easily read the name of your school.')

  school_country = db.StringProperty(required=True,
      verbose_name=ugettext('School Country/Territory'),
      choices=countries.COUNTRIES_AND_TERRITORIES) = ugettext("5. Education")

  major = db.StringProperty(required=True,
      verbose_name=ugettext('Major Subject')) = ugettext("5. Education")
  # TODO add more degrees because this should be used in GHOP as well
  degree = db.StringProperty(required=True,
      choices=['Undergraduate', 'Master', 'PhD']) = ugettext("5. Education")
  expected_graduation = db.IntegerProperty(required=True,
      verbose_name=ugettext('Expected Graduation Year'))
  expected_graduation.help_text = ugettext("Pick your expected graduation year") = ugettext("5. Education")

  #: Property to gain insight into where students heard about this program
  program_knowledge = db.TextProperty(required=True, verbose_name=ugettext(
      "How did you hear about this program?"))
  program_knowledge.help_text = ugettext("Please be as "
      "specific as possible, e.g. blog post (include URL if possible), mailing "
      "list (please include list address), information session (please include "
      "location and speakers if you can), etc.") = ugettext("4. Private Info")

  #: A many:1 relationship that ties multiple Students to the
  #: School that they attend.
  school = db.ReferenceProperty(,
                                required=False, collection_name='students')

  can_we_contact_you = db.BooleanProperty(verbose_name=ugettext(
      'Can we contact you?'))
  can_we_contact_you.help_text = ugettext(
      'Please check here if you would not mind being contacted by the Program'
      ' Administrators for follow up with members of the press who would like'
      ' to interview you about the program. You will not be contacted unless '
      ' you successfully complete your project. <br />'
      '<b>Please note that checking this  box has no effect on your chances'
      ' of being accepted into the program</b>.') = ugettext("2. Contact Info (Private)")