Redone the acceptedStudentsExport functionality.
The method has been renamed to exportStudentsWithProjects and retrieves the document_name and the new shipping address properties. Also it filters out all invalid projects or projects for wich the scope_path doesn't match the given scope_pa
Also there is no more need to use the argument given to this method when adding the extra columns. The data is now prepared by one loop which uses the key present in the accepted_students dictionary for retrieving the data used by the extra columns.
<head><title>Seed DB links</title></head>
<a href="../../seed_db">Seed DB</a> <br />
<a href="../../clear_db">Clear DB</a> <br />
<a href="../../reseed_db">Reseed DB</a> <br />
<a href="../../seed_many?start=0&step=15&seed_type=user&end=15&goal=200">
200 Users</a> <br />
<a href="../../seed_many?start=0&step=15&seed_type=org&end=15&goal=200">
200 Organizations</a> <br />
<a href="../../seed_many?start=0&step=15&seed_type=org_app&end=15&goal=200">
200 Organizations Pre-Accepted Applications</a> <br />
<a href="../../seed_many?start=200&step=15&seed_type=org_app&end=215&goal=400&status=pre-rejected">
200 Organizations Pre-Rejected Applications</a> <br />
<a href="../../seed_many?start=0&step=15&seed_type=mentor&end=15&goal=200">
200 Mentors</a> <br />
<a href="../../seed_many?start=0&step=15&seed_type=student&end=15&goal=200">
200 Students</a> <br />
<a href="../../seed_many?start=0&step=5&seed_type=student_proposal&end=5&goal=25">
25*rand Student Proposals</a> <br />