author Lennard de Rijk <>
Thu, 13 Aug 2009 14:02:22 -0700
changeset 2770 71a5a56cf29e
parent 2700 40cf7eaa032e
child 2800 cd9eed2b787e
permissions -rw-r--r--
Redone the acceptedStudentsExport functionality. The method has been renamed to exportStudentsWithProjects and retrieves the document_name and the new shipping address properties. Also it filters out all invalid projects or projects for wich the scope_path doesn't match the given scope_pa th_start. Also there is no more need to use the argument given to this method when adding the extra columns. The data is now prepared by one loop which uses the key present in the accepted_students dictionary for retrieving the data used by the extra columns.

role_profile_gmap = new function(){
  // Create global variables
  var map;
  var marker;
  var geocoder;

  // The following strings can be customized to reflect ids in the page. 
  // You can also add or remove fields used for GMap Geocoding in 
  // the JSON address object

  var current_lat = 0;
  var current_lng = 0;

  // Two different levels for zoom: Starting one and an inner that 
  // is used when showing the map if lat and lon page fields are set
  var world_zoom = 0;
  var country_zoom = 4;
  var state_zoom = 6;
  var city_zoom = 10;
  var address_zoom = 13;

  // Do not add a starting # as this JQuery selector seems 
  // incompatible with GMap API
  var map_div = "role_profile_map";

  var field_lat = "#id_latitude";
  var field_lng = "#id_longitude";
  // Need to save old values to avoid unwanted updating 
  // of lat and lot if marker dragged and blur another time an address field
  var address = {
    street: {
      id: "#id_res_street",
      old_value: ""
    city: {
      id: "#id_res_city",
      old_value: ""
    state: {
      id: "#id_res_state",
      old_value: ""
    country: {
      id: "#id_res_country",
      old_value: ""
    postalcode: {
      id: "#id_res_postalcode",
      old_value: ""

  // Save current address fields in the JSON Object
  function saveOldAddress() {
    for (var a in address) {
      address[a].old_value = $(address[a].id).val();

  // Return true if the user has edited address fields
  function isNewAddress() {
    for (var a in address) {
      if ($(address[a].id).val() != address[a].old_value) return true;
    return false;

  // Write saved lat and lng values to page fields
  function setLatLngFields() {

  // Read lat and lng fields and store them
  function readLatLngFields() {
    current_lat = $(field_lat).val();
    current_lng = $(field_lng).val();

  // This function reads address fields, merge them and uses 
  // GMap API geocoding to find the first hit
  // Using geocoding
  function calculateAddress() {
    // If the user has really edited address fields...
    if (isNewAddress()) {
      // Merge address fields
      var address_string = "";
      for (var a in address) {
        if (a!=address.length-1) {address_string+=","};

      // Ask GMap API for geocoding
        function(point) {
          // If a point is found
          if (point) {
            // Save the current address in the JSON object
            // Set the new zoom, map center and marker coords
            var zoom_set = world_zoom;
            if ($(!="") zoom_set = address_zoom;
            else if ($(!="") zoom_set = city_zoom;
            else if ($(!="") zoom_set = state_zoom;
            else if ($(!="") zoom_set = country_zoom;
            map.setCenter(point, zoom_set);
            // Save point coords in local variables and then update 
            // the page lat/lng fields
            current_lat =;
            current_lng = point.lng();

  // Public function to load the map
  this.map_load = function() {
    // All can happen only if there is gmap compatible browser.
    // TODO: Fallback in case the browser is not compatible
    if (GBrowserIsCompatible()) {
      // Save the address fields. This is useful if the page is being edited 
      // to not update blindly the lat/lng fields with GMap geocoding if 
      // blurring an address field
      var starting_point;
      var zoom_selected = world_zoom;
      var show_marker = true;

      // Create the map and add small controls
      map = new GMap2(document.getElementById(map_div));
      map.addControl(new GSmallMapControl());
      map.addControl(new GMapTypeControl());

      // Instantiate a global geocoder for future use
      geocoder = new GClientGeocoder();

      // If lat and lng fields are not void (the page is being edited) then 
      // update the starting coords, modify the zoom level and tells following 
      // code to show the marker
      if ($(field_lat).val()!="" && $(field_lng).val()!="") {
        zoom_selected = address_zoom;
        show_marker = true;
      // Set map center, marker coords and show it if this is an editing
      starting_point = new GLatLng(current_lat,current_lng);
      map.setCenter(starting_point, zoom_selected);
      marker = new GMarker(starting_point, {draggable:true});
      if (show_marker) map.addOverlay(marker);
      // Adds a new event listener to geocode the address when an address 
      // field is blurred
      for (var a in address) {
      // Adds a new event listener: if the marker has been dragged around...
      GEvent.addListener(marker, "dragend", function() {
        // Update internal variables with current marker coords...
        current_lat = marker.getPoint().lat();
        current_lng = marker.getPoint().lng();
        // ...and set page fields accordingly

org_home_gmap = new function(){
  // Global variables
  var map;

  // HTML div tag where map needs to be inserted
  var map_div = "org_home_map";
  // Setup required icons
  var base_icon = new GIcon();
  base_icon.shadow = "";
  base_icon.iconSize = new GSize(20, 34);
  base_icon.shadowSize = new GSize(37, 34);
  base_icon.iconAnchor = new GPoint(9, 34);
  base_icon.infoWindowAnchor = new GPoint(9, 2);
  base_icon.infoShadowAnchor = new GPoint(18, 25);
  var student_icon = new GIcon(base_icon);
  student_icon.image = "";
  var mentor_icon = new GIcon(base_icon);
  mentor_icon.image = "/soc/content/images/mentor-marker.png";

  // Map load function
  this.map_load = function(map_data) {

    if (GBrowserIsCompatible()) {
      // Create the map and add small controls
      map = new GMap2(document.getElementById(map_div));
      map.addControl(new GLargeMapControl());
      map.addControl(new GMapTypeControl());

      // Set map center and initial zoom level
      map.setCenter(new GLatLng(0, 0), 1);

      var mentors = {};
      var students = {};
      var projects = {};
      var polylines = [];

      jQuery.each(map_data.people, function(key, person) {
        if (person.type === "student") {
          students[key] = {
            "long": person.long,
            "projects": person.projects
        if (person.type === "mentor") {
          mentors[key] = {
            "long": person.long,
            "projects": person.projects

      // Iterate over projects to draw polylines
      jQuery.each(map_data.projects, function (key, project) {
        var current_student = students[project.student_key];
        var current_mentor = mentors[project.mentor_key];
        if (current_student !== undefined && 
            current_mentor !== undefined &&
   !== null &&
            current_student.long !== null &&
   !== null &&
            current_mentor.long !== null) {

      // Iterate over students
      jQuery.each(students, function(key, person) {
        var html = "";
        var marker = null;

        if (!==null && person.long!==null) {
          point = new GLatLng(,

          marker = new GMarker(point, student_icon);
          html = "<strong>" + + "</strong><br />";
          html += "<span style='font-style:italic;'>Student</span><br />";
          html += "<div style='height:100px;width:300px;overflow:auto;font-size:70%'>";
          // iterate through projects
          jQuery.each(person.projects, function () {
            var current_project = map_data.projects[this];
            html += "<a href='"+ current_project.redirect + "'>" + current_project.title + "</a><br />";
            html += "Mentor: " + current_project.mentor_name + "<br />";
          html+= "</div>";
          GEvent.addListener(marker, "click", function() {


      // Iterate over mentors
      jQuery.each(mentors, function(key, person) {
        var html = "";
        var marker = null;

        if (!==null && person.long!==null) {
          point = new GLatLng(,

          marker = new GMarker(point, mentor_icon);
          html = "<strong>" + + "</strong><br />";
          html += "<span style='font-style:italic;'>Mentor</span><br />";
          html += "<div style='height:100px;width:300px;overflow:auto;font-size:70%'>";
          // iterate through projects
          jQuery.each(person.projects, function () {
            var current_project = map_data.projects[this];
            html += "<a href='"+ current_project.redirect + "'>" + current_project.title + "</a><br />";
            html += "Student: " + current_project.student_name + "<br />";
          html+= "</div>";

          GEvent.addListener(marker, "click", function() {


      // Draw all polylines
      jQuery.each(polylines, function() {
        var from = new GLatLng(this[0][0],this[0][1]);
        var to = new GLatLng(this[1][0],this[1][1]);
        var polyline = new GPolyline([from, to], "#ff0000", 3);