Now showing link to edit the home page document on the home page.
This will only show up if you have the right to edit the document.
Update issue 271
Now also working for home pages.
* jquery.spin-button
* (c) 2008 Semooh (
* Dual licensed under the MIT (MIT-LICENSE.txt)
* and GPL (GPL-LICENSE.txt) licenses.
spin: function(opt){
return this.each(function(){
opt = $.extend({
imageBasePath: '/soc/content/images/',
spinBtnImage: 'spin-button.png',
spinUpImage: 'spin-up.png',
spinDownImage: 'spin-down.png',
interval: 1,
max: null,
min: null,
timeInterval: 500,
timeBlink: 200
}, opt || {});
var txt = $(this);
var spinBtnImage = opt.imageBasePath+opt.spinBtnImage;
var btnSpin = new Image();
btnSpin.src = spinBtnImage;
var spinUpImage = opt.imageBasePath+opt.spinUpImage;
var btnSpinUp = new Image();
btnSpinUp.src = spinUpImage;
var spinDownImage = opt.imageBasePath+opt.spinDownImage;
var btnSpinDown = new Image();
btnSpinDown.src = spinDownImage;
var btn = $(document.createElement('img'));
btn.attr('src', spinBtnImage);
btn.css({cursor: 'pointer', verticalAlign: 'bottom', padding: 0, margin: 0});
txt.css({marginRight:0, paddingRight:0});
function spin(vector){
var val = txt.val();
val = parseFloat(val) + (vector*opt.interval);
if(opt.min!=null && val<opt.min) val=opt.min;
if(opt.min!=null && val>opt.max) val=opt.max;
if(val != txt.val()){
src = (vector > 0 ? spinUpImage : spinDownImage);
btn.attr('src', src);
setTimeout(function(){btn.attr('src', spinBtnImage);}, opt.timeBlink);
var pos = e.pageY - btn.offset().top;
var vector = (btn.height()/2 > pos ? 1 : -1);
var tk = setTimeout(arguments.callee, opt.timeInterval);
$(document).one('mouseup', function(){
clearTimeout(tk); btn.attr('src', spinBtnImage);
return false;