Fix sponsor key field extraction
When extracting key field there is no sponsor or user object, instead
only their link names are known.
This module converts requested URLs to callback view functions.
RegexURLResolver is the main class here. Its resolve() method takes a URL (as
a string) and returns a tuple in this format:
(view_function, function_args, function_kwargs)
import re
from django.http import Http404
from django.core.exceptions import ImproperlyConfigured, ViewDoesNotExist
from django.utils.datastructures import MultiValueDict
from django.utils.encoding import iri_to_uri, force_unicode, smart_str
from django.utils.functional import memoize
from django.utils.regex_helper import normalize
from django.utils.thread_support import currentThread
except NameError:
from django.utils.itercompat import reversed # Python 2.3 fallback
from sets import Set as set
_resolver_cache = {} # Maps urlconf modules to RegexURLResolver instances.
_callable_cache = {} # Maps view and url pattern names to their view functions.
# SCRIPT_NAME prefixes for each thread are stored here. If there's no entry for
# the current thread (which is the only one we ever access), it is assumed to
# be empty.
_prefixes = {}
class Resolver404(Http404):
class NoReverseMatch(Exception):
# Don't make this raise an error when used in a template.
silent_variable_failure = True
def get_callable(lookup_view, can_fail=False):
Convert a string version of a function name to the callable object.
If the lookup_view is not an import path, it is assumed to be a URL pattern
label and the original string is returned.
If can_fail is True, lookup_view might be a URL pattern label, so errors
during the import fail and the string is returned.
if not callable(lookup_view):
# Bail early for non-ASCII strings (they can't be functions).
lookup_view = lookup_view.encode('ascii')
mod_name, func_name = get_mod_func(lookup_view)
if func_name != '':
lookup_view = getattr(__import__(mod_name, {}, {}, ['']), func_name)
if not callable(lookup_view):
raise AttributeError("'%s.%s' is not a callable." % (mod_name, func_name))
except (ImportError, AttributeError):
if not can_fail:
except UnicodeEncodeError:
return lookup_view
get_callable = memoize(get_callable, _callable_cache, 1)
def get_resolver(urlconf):
if urlconf is None:
from django.conf import settings
urlconf = settings.ROOT_URLCONF
return RegexURLResolver(r'^/', urlconf)
get_resolver = memoize(get_resolver, _resolver_cache, 1)
def get_mod_func(callback):
# Converts '' to
# ['', 'story_detail']
dot = callback.rindex('.')
except ValueError:
return callback, ''
return callback[:dot], callback[dot+1:]
class RegexURLPattern(object):
def __init__(self, regex, callback, default_args=None, name=None):
# regex is a string representing a regular expression.
# callback is either a string like ''
# which represents the path to a module and a view function name, or a
# callable object (view).
self.regex = re.compile(regex, re.UNICODE)
if callable(callback):
self._callback = callback
self._callback = None
self._callback_str = callback
self.default_args = default_args or {} = name
def __repr__(self):
return '<%s %s %s>' % (self.__class__.__name__,, self.regex.pattern)
def add_prefix(self, prefix):
Adds the prefix string to a string-based callback.
if not prefix or not hasattr(self, '_callback_str'):
self._callback_str = prefix + '.' + self._callback_str
def resolve(self, path):
match =
if match:
# If there are any named groups, use those as kwargs, ignoring
# non-named groups. Otherwise, pass all non-named arguments as
# positional arguments.
kwargs = match.groupdict()
if kwargs:
args = ()
args = match.groups()
# In both cases, pass any extra_kwargs as **kwargs.
return self.callback, args, kwargs
def _get_callback(self):
if self._callback is not None:
return self._callback
self._callback = get_callable(self._callback_str)
except ImportError, e:
mod_name, _ = get_mod_func(self._callback_str)
raise ViewDoesNotExist, "Could not import %s. Error was: %s" % (mod_name, str(e))
except AttributeError, e:
mod_name, func_name = get_mod_func(self._callback_str)
raise ViewDoesNotExist, "Tried %s in module %s. Error was: %s" % (func_name, mod_name, str(e))
return self._callback
callback = property(_get_callback)
class RegexURLResolver(object):
def __init__(self, regex, urlconf_name, default_kwargs=None):
# regex is a string representing a regular expression.
# urlconf_name is a string representing the module containing urlconfs.
self.regex = re.compile(regex, re.UNICODE)
self.urlconf_name = urlconf_name
self.callback = None
self.default_kwargs = default_kwargs or {}
self._reverse_dict = MultiValueDict()
def __repr__(self):
return '<%s %s %s>' % (self.__class__.__name__, self.urlconf_name, self.regex.pattern)
def _get_reverse_dict(self):
if not self._reverse_dict and hasattr(self.urlconf_module, 'urlpatterns'):
for pattern in reversed(self.urlconf_module.urlpatterns):
p_pattern = pattern.regex.pattern
if p_pattern.startswith('^'):
p_pattern = p_pattern[1:]
if isinstance(pattern, RegexURLResolver):
parent = normalize(pattern.regex.pattern)
for name in pattern.reverse_dict:
for matches, pat in pattern.reverse_dict.getlist(name):
new_matches = []
for piece, p_args in parent:
new_matches.extend([(piece + suffix, p_args + args) for (suffix, args) in matches])
self._reverse_dict.appendlist(name, (new_matches, p_pattern + pat))
bits = normalize(p_pattern)
self._reverse_dict.appendlist(pattern.callback, (bits, p_pattern))
self._reverse_dict.appendlist(, (bits, p_pattern))
return self._reverse_dict
reverse_dict = property(_get_reverse_dict)
def resolve(self, path):
tried = []
match =
if match:
new_path = path[match.end():]
for pattern in self.urlconf_module.urlpatterns:
sub_match = pattern.resolve(new_path)
except Resolver404, e:
tried.extend([(pattern.regex.pattern + ' ' + t) for t in e.args[0]['tried']])
if sub_match:
sub_match_dict = dict([(smart_str(k), v) for k, v in match.groupdict().items()])
for k, v in sub_match[2].iteritems():
sub_match_dict[smart_str(k)] = v
return sub_match[0], sub_match[1], sub_match_dict
raise Resolver404, {'tried': tried, 'path': new_path}
def _get_urlconf_module(self):
return self._urlconf_module
except AttributeError:
self._urlconf_module = __import__(self.urlconf_name, {}, {}, [''])
return self._urlconf_module
urlconf_module = property(_get_urlconf_module)
def _get_url_patterns(self):
return self.urlconf_module.urlpatterns
url_patterns = property(_get_url_patterns)
def _resolve_special(self, view_type):
callback = getattr(self.urlconf_module, 'handler%s' % view_type)
mod_name, func_name = get_mod_func(callback)
return getattr(__import__(mod_name, {}, {}, ['']), func_name), {}
except (ImportError, AttributeError), e:
raise ViewDoesNotExist, "Tried %s. Error was: %s" % (callback, str(e))
def resolve404(self):
return self._resolve_special('404')
def resolve500(self):
return self._resolve_special('500')
def reverse(self, lookup_view, *args, **kwargs):
if args and kwargs:
raise ValueError("Don't mix *args and **kwargs in call to reverse()!")
lookup_view = get_callable(lookup_view, True)
except (ImportError, AttributeError), e:
raise NoReverseMatch("Error importing '%s': %s." % (lookup_view, e))
possibilities = self.reverse_dict.getlist(lookup_view)
for possibility, pattern in possibilities:
for result, params in possibility:
if args:
if len(args) != len(params):
unicode_args = [force_unicode(val) for val in args]
candidate = result % dict(zip(params, unicode_args))
if set(kwargs.keys()) != set(params):
unicode_kwargs = dict([(k, force_unicode(v)) for (k, v) in kwargs.items()])
candidate = result % unicode_kwargs
if'^%s' % pattern, candidate, re.UNICODE):
return candidate
raise NoReverseMatch("Reverse for '%s' with arguments '%s' and keyword "
"arguments '%s' not found." % (lookup_view, args, kwargs))
def resolve(path, urlconf=None):
return get_resolver(urlconf).resolve(path)
def reverse(viewname, urlconf=None, args=None, kwargs=None, prefix=None):
args = args or []
kwargs = kwargs or {}
if prefix is None:
prefix = get_script_prefix()
return iri_to_uri(u'%s%s' % (prefix, get_resolver(urlconf).reverse(viewname,
*args, **kwargs)))
def clear_url_caches():
global _resolver_cache
global _callable_cache
def set_script_prefix(prefix):
Sets the script prefix for the current thread.
if not prefix.endswith('/'):
prefix += '/'
_prefixes[currentThread()] = prefix
def get_script_prefix():
Returns the currently active script prefix. Useful for client code that
wishes to construct their own URLs manually (although accessing the request
instance is normally going to be a lot cleaner).
return _prefixes.get(currentThread(), u'/')