Added a seed_db.html
A static page with some seed_db and seed_many links.
Patch by: Sverre Rabbelier
#!/usr/bin/python2.5## Copyright 2008 the Melange authors.## Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.# You may obtain a copy of the License at## Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and# limitations under the License."""Custom optparse OptionParser and functions for reading Python settings files.Default values for trunk/scripts flags can be specified in valid Python syntaxin the ~/.soc_scripts_settings file. For example, a default value for the--user flag can be specified with a variable assignment in the settings filelike: user = 'joeuser'Defaults in the ~/.soc_scripts_settings file can be explicitly overridden bysupplied the actual flag. For example, supplying: --user=someotheruserwould override the default value present in the settings file. Option: class derived from optparse.Option that adds a 'required' parameter OptionParser: class derived from optparse.OptionParser for use with Option readPythonSettings(): interprets a valid Python file as a settings file"""__authors__ = [ # alphabetical order by last name, please '"Todd Larsen" <>',]import osimport optparseimport sysDEF_SETTINGS_FILE_DIR = "~"DEF_SETTINGS_FILE_NAME = '.soc_scripts_settings'class Error(Exception): """Base exception class for all exceptions in the settings module.""" passclass Option(optparse.Option): """Class derived from optparse.Option that adds a 'required' parameter.""" ATTRS = optparse.Option.ATTRS + ['required'] def _check_required(self): """Insures that 'required' option can accept a value.""" if self.required and (not self.takes_value()): raise optparse.OptionError( "'required' parameter set for option that does not take a value", self) # Make sure _check_required() is called from the constructor! CHECK_METHODS = optparse.Option.CHECK_METHODS + [_check_required] def process(self, opt, value, values, parser): optparse.Option.process(self, opt, value, values, parser) parser.option_seen[self] = 1class OptionParser(optparse.OptionParser): """Class derived from optparse.OptionParser for use with Option.""" def _init_parsing_state(self): """Sets up dict to track options seen so far.""" optparse.OptionParser._init_parsing_state(self) self.option_seen = {} def error(self, *args): """Convert errors reported by optparse.OptionParser to Error exceptions. Args: *args: passed through to the Error exception __init__() constructor, usually a list of strings Raises: Error with the supplied *args """ raise Error(*args) def check_values(self, values, args): """Checks to make sure all required=True options were supplied. Args: values, args: passed through unchanged (see Returns:) Returns: (values, args) unchanged. Raises: Error if an option was not supplied that had required=True; exception positional arguments are the error message strings. """ errors = [] for option in self.option_list: if (isinstance(option, Option) and option.required and (not self.option_seen.has_key(option))): errors.append( 'required %s option not supplied' ' (and default settings not allowed)' % option) if errors: self.error(*errors) return values, argsdef printErrors(errors, exit_code=1): """Prints error message strings to sys.stderr and returns an exit code. Args: errors: error message string or list of error message strings to be printed to sys.stderr exit_code: exit code to return (so that this function can be used as an expression in sys.exit() for example); default is 1 Returns: exit_code """ sys.stderr.write('\nERRORS:\n') if (not isinstance(errors, tuple)) and (not isinstance(errors, list)): errors = [errors] for msg in errors: sys.stderr.write(' %s\n' % msg) sys.stderr.write('\n') return exit_codedef printErrorsAndUsage(errors, parser, exit_code=1): """Prints error messages and usage text to sys.stderr and returns exit code. Args: errors: error message string or list of error message strings to be printed to sys.stderr parser: OptionParser with a print_help() method exit_code: exit code to return (so that this function can be used as an expression in sys.exit() for example); default is 1 Returns: exit_code """ exit_code = printErrors(errors, exit_code=exit_code) parser.print_help(file=sys.stderr) return exit_codedef getExpandedPath(path): """Returns an expanded, normalized, absolute path. Args: path: path (possibly relative, possibly containing environment variables, etc.) to be expanded, normalized and made absolute Returns: absolute path, after expanding any environment variables and "~", then removing excess . and .. path elements """ return os.path.abspath( os.path.normpath( os.path.expanduser( os.path.expandvars(path))))def readPythonSettings(defaults={}, # {} OK since defaults is always copied settings_dir=DEF_SETTINGS_FILE_DIR, settings_file=DEF_SETTINGS_FILE_NAME): """Executes a Python-syntax settings file and returns the local variables. Args: defaults: dict of default values to use when settings are not present in the settings file (or if no settings file is present at all); this dict is *copied* and is not altered at all settings_dir: optional directory containing settings_file settings_file: optional settings file name found in settings_dir Returns: dict of setting name/value pairs (possibly including some values from the defaults parameter). Since the settings file is full-fledged Python source, the values could be any valid Python object. Raises: Error if some error occurred parsing the present settings file; exception positional arguments are the error message strings. """ # do not let the original defaults be altered defaults = defaults.copy() # form absolute path to the settings file, expanding any environment # variables and "~", then removing excess . and .. path elements path = getExpandedPath(os.path.join(settings_dir, settings_file)) # empty dict to capture the local variables in the settings file settings_locals = {} try: # execute the Python source file and recover the local variables as settings execfile(path, {}, settings_locals) except IOError: # If the settings file is not present, there are no defaults. pass except Exception, error: # Other exceptions usually mean a faulty settings file. raise Error( 'faulty settings file:', (' %s: %s' % (error.__class__.__name__, str(error))), (' %s' % path)) # overwrite defaults copy with values from the (possibly empty) settings file defaults.update(settings_locals) return defaultsdef readPythonSettingsOrDie(parser=None, **kwargs): """Calls readPythonSettings(), calling sys.exit() on any errors. Args: parser: if supplied, an OptionParser instance used to call print_help() to print usage information if errors occur **kwargs: see readPythonSettings() Returns: On success, returns results of readPythonSettings(). Exits: On any error from readPythonSettings(), prints error messages to stderr, possibly prints usage information, and calls sys.exit(1). """ try: return readPythonSettings(**kwargs) except Error, error: if parser: sys.exit(printErrorsAndUsage(error.args, parser)) else: sys.exit(printErrors(error.args))def makeOptionParserOrDie(*args, **kwargs): """Creates and returns an OptionParser, calling sys.exit() on any errors. Args: *args, **kwargs: supplied directly to OptionParser constructor Returns: On success, returns an OptionParser instance. Exits: On any error, prints error messages to stderr and calls sys.exit(1). """ try: return OptionParser(*args, **kwargs) except Error, error: sys.exit(printErrors(error.args))def parseOptionsOrDie(parser, args): """Parses command-line options, calling sys.exit() on any errors. Args: parser: an OptionParser instance args: list of command-line arguments to supply to parser Returns: On success, returns (options, args) returned by parser.parse_args(args). Exits: On any error, prints error messages and usage information to stderr and calls sys.exit(1). """ try: return parser.parse_args(args) except Error, error: sys.exit(printErrorsAndUsage(error.args, parser))def checkCommonSvnOptions(options): """Checks a common subset of command-line options. Multiple scripts accept a subset of common command-line options. This function does some sanity checks on these flags. These checks are collected here because they were being duplicated in multiple scripts. Args: options: OptionParser.parse_args() options instance to check Returns: list of error message strings, or an empty list if no errors """ errors = [] if not options.repo: errors.extend( ['--repo must be supplied or have a settings file default']) if not options.wc: errors.extend( ['--wc must be supplied or have a settings file default']) if not options.branch: if not options.user: errors.extend( ['at least one of --branch or --user must be supplied']) return errorsdef checkCommonSvnOptionsOrDie(options, parser): """Checks subset of command-line options, calling sys.exit() on any errors. Args: options: see checkCommonSvnOptions() parser: an OptionParser instance used to call print_help() to print usage information if errors occur Exits: On any error messages returned by checkCommonSvnOptions(), prints error messages and usage information to stderr and calls sys.exit(1). """ errors = checkCommonSvnOptions(options) if errors: sys.exit(printErrorsAndUsage(errors, parser))