Made changes to the Role View to facilitate the use of the ID-based Requests.
/* * The MIT License * * Copyright (c) 2009 Johann Kuindji * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. * * @author Johann Kuindji, Dmitriy Likhten * */(function($) {if ($.support === undefined) { $.support = { boxModel: $.boxModel };}var windowLoaded = false;$(window).one('load', function(){ windowLoaded=true; });// we need to adapt jquery animations for textareas.// by default, it changes display to 'block' if we're trying to// change width or height. We have to prevent this.// THIS WILL NOT ALTER JQUERY ORIGINAL BEHAVIORS, IT WILL HOWEVER ADD// SOME SO THAT GROWFIELD ANIMATIONS WORK CORRECTLY.$.fx.prototype.originalUpdate = $.fx.prototype.update;$.fx.prototype.update = false;$.fx.prototype.update = function () { if (!this.options.inline) { return; } if ( this.options.step ) { this.elem,, this ); } (jQuery.fx.step[this.prop] || jQuery.fx.step._default)( this );};$.growfield = function(dom,options){ // Extend ptt(prototype) with our own private variables/ // shared's functions are re-referenced and not cloned so // memory is kept at a minimum. var that = $.extend({ dom: dom, o: $(dom), enabled: false, dummy: false, busy: false, initial: false, sizseRelated: false, prevH: false, firstH: false, restoreH: false, opt: $.extend({},$.fn.growfield.defaults,options) },$.growfield.ptt); return that;};//-----------------------------------------------------// This is the base class for all $.growfield objects// (their prototype)//-----------------------------------------------------$.growfield.ptt = (function(){ //----------------------------------------------------- //EVENT HANDLERS for dealing with the growfield object //----------------------------------------------------- var manualKeyUp = function(e) { var obj =; if (e.ctrlKey && (e.keyCode == 38 || e.keyCode == 40)){ obj.update( obj.o.outerHeight() + (obj.opt.step*( e.keyCode==38? -1: 1)), obj.opt.animate ); } }; var keyUp = function(e) { var obj =; if (!obj.busy){ if ($.inArray(e.keyCode, [37,38,39,40]) === -1) { obj.update(obj.getDummyHeight(), obj.opt.animate); } } return true; }; var focus = function(e) { var obj =; if (!obj.busy) { if (obj.opt.restore) { obj.update(obj.dummy ? obj.getDummyHeight() : obj.restoreH, obj.opt.animate, 'growback'); } } }; var blur = function(e) { var obj =; if (!obj.busy) { if (obj.opt.restore) { obj.update(0, obj.opt.animate, 'restore'); } } }; var prepareSizeRelated = function(e) { var obj =; var o = obj.o; var opt = obj.opt; if (!opt.min) { opt.min = parseInt(o.css('min-height'), 10) || obj.firstH || parseInt(o.height(), 10) || 20; if (opt.min <= 0) { opt.min = 20; // opera fix } if (!obj.firstH) { obj.firstH = opt.min; } } if (!opt.max) { opt.max = parseInt(o.css('max-height'), 10) || false; if (opt.max <= 0) { opt.max = false; // opera fix } } if (!opt.step) { opt.step = parseInt(o.css('line-height'), 10) || parseInt(o.css('font-size'), 10) || 20; } var sr = { pt: parseInt(o.css('paddingTop'), 10)||0, pb: parseInt(o.css('paddingBottom'), 10)||0, bt: parseInt(o.css('borderTopWidth'), 10)||0, bb: parseInt(o.css('borderBottomWidth'), 10)||0, lh: parseInt(o.css('lineHeight'), 10) || false, fs: parseInt(o.css('fontSize'), 10) || false }; obj.sizeRelated = sr; }; /** * Create a dummy if one does not yet exist. */ var createDummy = function(e) { var obj =; if(!obj.dummy){ var val = obj.o.val(); // we need dummy to calculate scrollHeight // (there are some tricks that can't be applied to the textarea itself, otherwise user will see it) // Also, dummy must be a textarea too, and must be placed at the same position in DOM // in order to keep all the inherited styles var dummy = obj.o.clone(); dummy.addClass('growfieldDummy'); dummy.attr('tabindex', -9999); dummy.css({ position: 'absolute', left: -9999, top: 0, height: '20px', resize: 'none'}); // The dummy must be inserted after otherwise google chrome will // focus on the dummy instead of on the actual text area, focus will always // be lost. dummy.insertAfter(obj.o);; // if there is no initial value, we have to add some text, otherwise textarea will jitter // at the first keydown if (!val) { dummy.val('dummy text'); } obj.dummy = dummy; // lets set the initial height obj.update((!$.trim(val) || obj.opt.restore) ? 0 : obj.getDummyHeight(), false); } }; /** * Remove the dummy if one exists */ var removeDummy = function(e) { obj =; if(obj.dummy){ obj.dummy.remove(); delete obj.dummy; } }; //----------------------------------------------------- // END EVENT HANDLERS //----------------------------------------------------- // This will bind to $(document).ready if the height is loaded // or a window.load event already occurred. // OR it will just bind to the window.load event. var executeWhenReady = function(data,fn){ if (data.o.height() !== 0 || windowLoaded) { $(document).ready(function(){ fn({data:data}); }); } else { $(window).one('load', data, fn); } }; //----------------------------------------------------- // Public methods. //----------------------------------------------------- var that = { // Toggle the functionality. // enable or true will enable growfield // disable or false will disable growfield toggle: function(mode) { if ((mode=='disable' || mode===false)&&this.enabled) { this.unbind(); } else if ((mode=='enable' || mode===true)&&!this.enabled) { this.bind(); } return this; }, // Bind all growfield events to the object. bind: function(){ executeWhenReady(this,prepareSizeRelated); var opt = this.opt; var o = this.o; // auto mode, textarea grows as you type if ( { o.bind('keyup.growfield', this, keyUp); this.initial = { overflow: this.o.css('overflow'), cssResize: this.o.css('resize') }; // We want to ensure that safari and google chrome do not allow // the user to drag-to-resize the field. This should only be enabled // if auto mode is disabled. if ($.browser.safari) { o.css('resize', 'none'); } o.css('overflow','hidden'); o.bind('focus.growfield', this, createDummy); // all styles must be loaded before prepare elements // we need to ensure the dummy exists at least for a short // time so that we can calculate the initial state... executeWhenReady(this, createDummy); executeWhenReady(this, removeDummy); } // manual mode, textarea grows as you type ctrl + up|down else { o.bind('keydown.growfield', this, manualKeyUp); o.css('overflow-y', 'auto'); executeWhenReady(this,function(e){; }); } o.bind('focus.growfield', this, focus); o.bind('blur.growfield', this, blur); o.bind('blur.growfield', this, removeDummy); // Custom events provided in options if (opt.onHeightChange) { o.bind('onHeightChange.growfield', opt.onHeightChange); } if (opt.onRestore) { o.bind('onRestore.growfield', opt.onRestore); } if (opt.onGrowBack) { o.bind('onGrowBack.growfield', opt.onGrowBack); } this.enabled = true; return this; }, // Unbind all growfield events from the object (including custom events) unbind: function() { removeDummy({data:this}); this.o.unbind('.growfield'); this.o.css('overflow', this.initial.overflow); if ($.browser.safari) { this.o.css('resize', this.initial.cssResize); } this.enabled = false; return this; }, // Trigger custom events according to updateMode triggerEvents: function(updateMode) { var o = this.o; o.trigger('onHeightChange.growfield'); if (updateMode == 'restore') { o.trigger('onRestore.growfield'); } if (updateMode == 'growback') { o.trigger('onGrowBack.growfield'); } }, update: function(h, animate, updateMode) { var sr = this.sizeRelated; var val = this.o.val(); var opt = this.opt; var dom = this.dom; var o = this.o; var th = this; var prev = this.prevH; var noHidden = !; var noFocus =; h = this.convertHeight(Math.round(h), 'inner'); // get the right height according to min and max value h = opt.min > h ? opt.min : opt.max && h > opt.max ? opt.max : && !val ? opt.min : h; if (opt.max && { if (prev != opt.max && h == opt.max) { // now we reached maximum height o.css('overflow-y', 'scroll'); if (!opt.animate) { o.focus(); // browsers do loose cursor after changing overflow :( } noHidden = true; noFocus = false; } if (prev == opt.max && h < opt.max) { o.css('overflow-y', 'hidden'); if (!opt.animate) { o.focus(); } noFocus = false; } } if (h == prev) { return true; } // in case of restore in manual mode we have to store // previous height (we can't get it from dummy) if (! && updateMode == 'restore') { this.restoreH = this.convertHeight(this.prevH, 'outer'); } this.prevH = h; if (animate) { th.busy = true; o.animate({height: h}, { duration: opt.animate, easing: ($.easing ? opt.easing : null), overflow: null, inline: true, // this option isn't jquery's. I added it by myself, see above complete: function(){ // safari/chrome fix // somehow textarea turns to overflow:scroll after animation // i counldn't find it in jquery fx :(, so it looks like some bug if (!noHidden) { o.css('overflow', 'hidden'); } // but if we still need to change overflow (due to opt.max option) // we have to invoke focus() event, otherwise browser will loose cursor if (!noFocus && updateMode != 'restore') { o.focus(); } if (updateMode == 'growback') { dom.scrollTop = dom.scrollHeight; } th.busy = false; th.triggerEvents(updateMode); }, queue: false }); } else { = h+'px'; this.triggerEvents(updateMode); } }, getDummyHeight: function() { var val = this.o.val(); var h = 0; var sr = this.sizeRelated; var add = "\n111\n111"; // Safari has some defect with double new line symbol at the end // It inserts additional new line even if you have only one // But that't not the point :) // Another question is how much pixels to keep at the bottom of textarea. // We'll kill many rabbits at the same time by adding two new lines at the end // (but if we have font-size and line-height defined, we'll add two line-heights) if ($.browser.safari) { val = val.substring(0, val.length-1); // safari has an additional new line ;( } if (!sr.lh || !sr.fs) { val += add; } this.dummy.val(val); // IE requires to change height value in order to recalculate scrollHeight. // otherwise it stops recalculating scrollHeight after some magical number of pixels if ($.browser.msie) { this.dummy[0].style.height = this.dummy[0].scrollHeight+'px'; } h = this.dummy[0].scrollHeight; // if line-height is greater than font-size we'll add line-height + font-size // otherwise font-size * 2 // there is no special logic in this behavior, it's been developed from visual testing if (sr.lh && sr.fs) { h += sr.lh > sr.fs ? sr.lh+sr.fs : sr.fs * 2; } // now we have to minimize dummy back, or we'll get wrong scrollHeight next time //if ($.browser.msie) { // this.dummy[0].style.height = '20px'; // random number //} return h; }, convertHeight: function(h, to) { var sr = this.sizeRelated, mod = (to=='inner' ? -1 : 1), bm = $.support.boxModel; // what we get here in 'h' is scrollHeight value. // so we need to subtract paddings not because of boxModel, // but only if browser includes them to the scroll height (which is not defined by box model) return h + (bm ? : 0) * mod + (bm ? : 0) * mod + (bm ? : 0) * mod + (bm ? sr.pb : 0) * mod; } }; return that;})();/** * The growfield function. This will make a textarea a growing text area. * * @param {Object} options - See API for details on possible paramaters. */$.fn.growfield = function(options) { // enable/disable is same thing as true/false switch(options){ case 'enable': options = true; break; case 'disable': options = false; break; } // we need to know what was passed as the options var tp = typeof options; // These variables are used to reduce string comparisons // happening over and over. var conditions = { bool: tp == 'boolean', string: tp == 'string', object: tp == 'object', restart: options == 'restart', destroy: options == 'destroy' }; // If the type of the options is a string // and is not one of the pre-defined ones, then // options is a preset. if(conditions.string && !conditions.destroy && !conditions.restart){ options = $.fn.growfield.presets[options]; // change to new conditions conditions.string = false; conditions.object = true; } // completely remove growfield from the dom elements if (conditions.destroy) { this.each(function() { var self = $(this); var gf ='growfield'); if (gf !== undefined) { gf.unbind(); self.removeData('growfield'); } }); } // Apply growfield else { var textareaRegex = /textarea/i; this.each(function() { // only deal with textareas which are not dummy fields. if (textareaRegex.test(this.tagName) && !$(this).hasClass('growfieldDummy')) { var o = $(this); var gf ='growfield'); // Create the new options if (gf === undefined) { gf = $.growfield(this,options);'growfield', gf); // Bind only if the options is not a boolean // or is not "false". Because options = a false boolean // indicates intial bind should not happen. if(!conditions.bool || options){ gf.bind(); } } // Otherwise apply actions based on the options provided else { // If new options provided, set them if(conditions.object && options) { $.extend(gf.opt,options); } // If toggling enable/disable then do it else if (conditions.bool) { gf.toggle(options); } // If restarting, restart else if (conditions.restart) { gf.unbind(); gf.bind(); } } } }); } return this;};/** * These are the default options to use, unless specified when invoking growfield. */$.fn.growfield.defaults ={ // Should the growfield automatically expand? auto: true, // The animation speed for expanding (false = off) animate: 100, // The easiny function to use, if the jquery.easing plugin is not present during // execution, this will always be treated as null regardless of the set value easing: null, // The minimum height (defaults to CSS min-height, or the current height of the element) min: false, // The maximum height (defaults to CSS max-height, or unlimited) max: false, // Should the element restore to it's original size after focus is lost? restore: false, // How many pixels to expand when the user is about to have to scroll. Defaults to 1 line. step: false};/** * These are presets. The presets are indexed by name containing different preset * option objects. When growfield is invoked with the preset's name, that options object * is loaded without having to be specified each time. */$.fn.growfield.presets = {};})(jQuery);