Improve the error message for getIfFields
Patch by: Sverre Rabbelier
Reviewed by: to-be-reviewed
=================================How to use Django with mod_python=================================Apache_ with `mod_python`_ currently is the preferred setup for using Djangoon a production server.mod_python is similar to `mod_perl`_ : It embeds Python within Apache and loadsPython code into memory when the server starts. Code stays in memory throughoutthe life of an Apache process, which leads to significant performance gains overother server arrangements.Django requires Apache 2.x and mod_python 3.x, and you should use Apache's`prefork MPM`_, as opposed to the `worker MPM`_.You may also be interested in `How to use Django with FastCGI`_... _Apache: _mod_python: _mod_perl: _prefork MPM: _worker MPM: _How to use Django with FastCGI: ../fastcgi/Basic configuration===================To configure Django with mod_python, first make sure you have Apache installed,with the mod_python module activated.Then edit your ``httpd.conf`` file and add the following:: <Location "/mysite/"> SetHandler python-program PythonHandler django.core.handlers.modpython SetEnv DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE mysite.settings PythonDebug On </Location>...and replace ``mysite.settings`` with the Python path to your settings file.This tells Apache: "Use mod_python for any URL at or under '/mysite/', using theDjango mod_python handler." It passes the value of ``DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE``so mod_python knows which settings to use.Note that we're using the ``<Location>`` directive, not the ``<Directory>``directive. The latter is used for pointing at places on your filesystem,whereas ``<Location>`` points at places in the URL structure of a Web site.``<Directory>`` would be meaningless here.Also, if you've manually altered your ``PYTHONPATH`` to put your Django projecton it, you'll need to tell mod_python:: PythonPath "['/path/to/project'] + sys.path"You can also add directives such as ``PythonAutoReload Off`` for performance.See the `mod_python documentation`_ for a full list of options.Note that you should set ``PythonDebug Off`` on a production server. If youleave ``PythonDebug On``, your users would see ugly (and revealing) Pythontracebacks if something goes wrong within mod_python.Restart Apache, and any request to /mysite/ or below will be served by Django.Note that Django's URLconfs won't trim the "/mysite/" -- they get passed thefull URL.When deploying Django sites on mod_python, you'll need to restart Apache eachtime you make changes to your Python code.Multiple Django installations on the same Apache================================================It's entirely possible to run multiple Django installations on the same Apacheinstance. Just use ``VirtualHost`` for that, like so:: NameVirtualHost * <VirtualHost *> ServerName # ... SetEnv DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE mysite.settings </VirtualHost> <VirtualHost *> ServerName # ... SetEnv DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE mysite.other_settings </VirtualHost>If you need to put two Django installations within the same ``VirtualHost``,you'll need to take a special precaution to ensure mod_python's cache doesn'tmess things up. Use the ``PythonInterpreter`` directive to give different``<Location>`` directives separate interpreters:: <VirtualHost *> ServerName # ... <Location "/something"> SetEnv DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE mysite.settings PythonInterpreter mysite </Location> <Location "/otherthing"> SetEnv DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE mysite.other_settings PythonInterpreter mysite_other </Location> </VirtualHost>The values of ``PythonInterpreter`` don't really matter, as long as they'redifferent between the two ``Location`` blocks.Running a development server with mod_python============================================If you use mod_python for your development server, you can avoid the hassle ofhaving to restart the server each time you make code changes. Just set``MaxRequestsPerChild 1`` in your ``httpd.conf`` file to force Apache to reloadeverything for each request. But don't do that on a production server, or we'llrevoke your Django privileges.If you're the type of programmer who debugs using scattered ``print``statements, note that ``print`` statements have no effect in mod_python; theydon't appear in the Apache log, as one might expect. If you have the need toprint debugging information in a mod_python setup, either do this:: assert False, the_value_i_want_to_seeOr add the debugging information to the template of your page... _mod_python documentation: media files===================Django doesn't serve media files itself; it leaves that job to whichever Webserver you choose.We recommend using a separate Web server -- i.e., one that's not also runningDjango -- for serving media. Here are some good choices:* lighttpd_* TUX_* A stripped-down version of Apache_If, however, you have no option but to serve media files on the same Apache``VirtualHost`` as Django, here's how you can turn off mod_python for aparticular part of the site:: <Location "/media/"> SetHandler None </Location>Just change ``Location`` to the root URL of your media files. You can also use``<LocationMatch>`` to match a regular expression.This example sets up Django at the site root but explicitly disables Django forthe ``media`` subdirectory and any URL that ends with ``.jpg``, ``.gif`` or``.png``:: <Location "/"> SetHandler python-program PythonHandler django.core.handlers.modpython SetEnv DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE mysite.settings </Location> <Location "media"> SetHandler None </Location> <LocationMatch "\.(jpg|gif|png)$"> SetHandler None </LocationMatch>.. _lighttpd: _TUX: _Apache: the admin files=======================Note that the Django development server automagically serves admin media files,but this is not the case when you use any other server arrangement. You'reresponsible for setting up Apache, or whichever media server you're using, toserve the admin files.The admin files live in (``django/contrib/admin/media``) of the Djangodistribution.Here are two recommended approaches: 1. Create a symbolic link to the admin media files from within your document root. This way, all of your Django-related files -- code **and** templates -- stay in one place, and you'll still be able to ``svn update`` your code to get the latest admin templates, if they change. 2. Or, copy the admin media files so that they live within your Apache document root.Error handling==============When you use Apache/mod_python, errors will be caught by Django -- in otherwords, they won't propagate to the Apache level and won't appear in the Apache``error_log``.The exception for this is if something is really wonky in your Django setup. Inthat case, you'll see an "Internal Server Error" page in your browser and thefull Python traceback in your Apache ``error_log`` file. The ``error_log``traceback is spread over multiple lines. (Yes, this is ugly and rather hard toread, but it's how mod_python does things.)If you get a segmentation fault===============================If Apache causes a segmentation fault, there are two probable causes, neitherof which has to do with Django itself. 1. It may be because your Python code is importing the "pyexpat" module, which may conflict with the version embedded in Apache. For full information, see `Expat Causing Apache Crash`_. 2. It may be because you're running mod_python and mod_php in the same Apache instance, with MySQL as your database backend. In some cases, this causes a known mod_python issue due to version conflicts in PHP and the Python MySQL backend. There's full information in the `mod_python FAQ entry`_.If you continue to have problems setting up mod_python, a good thing to do isget a barebones mod_python site working, without the Django framework. This isan easy way to isolate mod_python-specific problems. `Getting mod_python Working`_details this procedure.The next step should be to edit your test code and add an import of anyDjango-specific code you're using -- your views, your models, your URLconf,your RSS configuration, etc. Put these imports in your test handler functionand access your test URL in a browser. If this causes a crash, you've confirmedit's the importing of Django code that causes the problem. Gradually reduce theset of imports until it stops crashing, so as to find the specific module thatcauses the problem. Drop down further into modules and look into their imports,as necessary... _Expat Causing Apache Crash: _mod_python FAQ entry: _Getting mod_python Working: