Add a ReferenceProperty pointing to a Terms of Service Document.
Patch by: Todd Larsen
Review by: to-be-reviewed
#!/usr/bin/env python## Copyright 2007 Google Inc.## Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.# You may obtain a copy of the License at## Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and# limitations under the License.#"""Classes for common kinds, including Contact, Message, and Event.Most of these kinds are based on the gd namespace "kinds" from GData:"""import typesimport urlparsefrom xml.sax import saxutilsfrom google.appengine.datastore import datastore_pbfrom google.appengine.api import datastorefrom google.appengine.api import datastore_errorsfrom google.appengine.api import datastore_typesclass GdKind(datastore.Entity): """ A base class for gd namespace kinds. This class contains common logic for all gd namespace kinds. For example, this class translates datastore (app id, kind, key) tuples to tag: URIs appropriate for use in <key> tags. """ HEADER = u"""<entry xmlns:gd=''> <category scheme='' term='' />""" FOOTER = u"""</entry>""" _kind_properties = set() _contact_properties = set() def __init__(self, kind, title, kind_properties, contact_properties=[]): """ Ctor. title is the name of this particular entity, e.g. Bob Jones or Mom's Birthday Party. kind_properties is a list of property names that should be included in this entity's XML encoding as first-class XML elements, instead of <property> elements. 'title' and 'content' are added to kind_properties automatically, and may not appear in contact_properties. contact_properties is a list of property names that are Keys that point to Contact entities, and should be included in this entity's XML encoding as <gd:who> elements. If a property name is included in both kind_properties and contact_properties, it is treated as a Contact property. Args: kind: string title: string kind_properties: list of strings contact_properties: list of string """ datastore.Entity.__init__(self, kind) if not isinstance(title, types.StringTypes): raise datastore_errors.BadValueError( 'Expected a string for title; received %s (a %s).' % (title, datastore_types.typename(title))) self['title'] = title self['content'] = '' self._contact_properties = set(contact_properties) assert not self._contact_properties.intersection(self.keys()) self._kind_properties = set(kind_properties) - self._contact_properties self._kind_properties.add('title') self._kind_properties.add('content') def _KindPropertiesToXml(self): """ Convert the properties that are part of this gd kind to XML. For testability, the XML elements in the output are sorted alphabetically by property name. Returns: string # the XML representation of the gd kind properties """ properties = self._kind_properties.intersection(set(self.keys())) xml = u'' for prop in sorted(properties): prop_xml = saxutils.quoteattr(prop)[1:-1] value = self[prop] has_toxml = (hasattr(value, 'ToXml') or isinstance(value, list) and hasattr(value[0], 'ToXml')) for val in self._XmlEscapeValues(prop): if has_toxml: xml += '\n %s' % val else: xml += '\n <%s>%s</%s>' % (prop_xml, val, prop_xml) return xml def _ContactPropertiesToXml(self): """ Convert this kind's Contact properties kind to XML. For testability, the XML elements in the output are sorted alphabetically by property name. Returns: string # the XML representation of the Contact properties """ properties = self._contact_properties.intersection(set(self.keys())) xml = u'' for prop in sorted(properties): values = self[prop] if not isinstance(values, list): values = [values] for value in values: assert isinstance(value, datastore_types.Key) xml += """ <gd:who rel="> <gd:entryLink href="%s" /> </gd:who>""" % (self.kind().lower(), prop, value.ToTagUri()) return xml def _LeftoverPropertiesToXml(self): """ Convert all of this entity's properties that *aren't* part of this gd kind to XML. Returns: string # the XML representation of the leftover properties """ leftovers = set(self.keys()) leftovers -= self._kind_properties leftovers -= self._contact_properties if leftovers: return u'\n ' + '\n '.join(self._PropertiesToXml(leftovers)) else: return u'' def ToXml(self): """ Returns an XML representation of this entity, as a string. """ xml = GdKind.HEADER % self.kind().lower() xml += self._KindPropertiesToXml() xml += self._ContactPropertiesToXml() xml += self._LeftoverPropertiesToXml() xml += GdKind.FOOTER return xmlclass Message(GdKind): """A message, such as an email, a discussion group posting, or a comment. Includes the message title, contents, participants, and other properties. This is the gd Message kind. See: These properties are meaningful. They are all optional. property name property type meaning ------------------------------------- title string message subject content string message body from Contact* sender to Contact* primary recipient cc Contact* CC recipient bcc Contact* BCC recipient reply-to Contact* intended recipient of replies link Link* attachment category Category* tag or label associated with this message geoPt GeoPt* geographic location the message was posted from rating Rating* message rating, as defined by the application * means this property may be repeated. The Contact properties should be Keys of Contact entities. They are represented in the XML encoding as linked <gd:who> elements. """ KIND_PROPERTIES = ['title', 'content', 'link', 'category', 'geoPt', 'rating'] CONTACT_PROPERTIES = ['from', 'to', 'cc', 'bcc', 'reply-to'] def __init__(self, title, kind='Message'): GdKind.__init__(self, kind, title, Message.KIND_PROPERTIES, Message.CONTACT_PROPERTIES)class Event(GdKind): """A calendar event. Includes the event title, description, location, organizer, start and end time, and other details. This is the gd Event kind. See: These properties are meaningful. They are all optional. property name property type meaning ------------------------------------- title string event name content string event description author string the organizer's name where string* human-readable location (not a GeoPt) startTime timestamp start time endTime timestamp end time eventStatus string one of the Event.Status values link Link* page with more information category Category* tag or label associated with this event attendee Contact* attendees and other related people * means this property may be repeated. The Contact properties should be Keys of Contact entities. They are represented in the XML encoding as linked <gd:who> elements. """ KIND_PROPERTIES = ['title', 'content', 'author', 'where', 'startTime', 'endTime', 'eventStatus', 'link', 'category'] CONTACT_PROPERTIES = ['attendee'] class Status: CONFIRMED = 'confirmed' TENTATIVE = 'tentative' CANCELED = 'canceled' def __init__(self, title, kind='Event'): GdKind.__init__(self, kind, title, Event.KIND_PROPERTIES, Event.CONTACT_PROPERTIES) def ToXml(self): """ Override GdKind.ToXml() to special-case author, gd:where, gd:when, and gd:eventStatus. """ xml = GdKind.HEADER % self.kind().lower() self._kind_properties = set(Contact.KIND_PROPERTIES) xml += self._KindPropertiesToXml() if 'author' in self: xml += """ <author><name>%s</name></author>""" % self['author'] if 'eventStatus' in self: xml += """ <gd:eventStatus value="" />""" % ( self['eventStatus']) if 'where' in self: lines = ['<gd:where valueString="%s" />' % val for val in self._XmlEscapeValues('where')] xml += '\n ' + '\n '.join(lines) iso_format = '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S' xml += '\n <gd:when' for key in ['startTime', 'endTime']: if key in self: xml += ' %s="%s"' % (key, self[key].isoformat()) xml += ' />' self._kind_properties.update(['author', 'where', 'startTime', 'endTime', 'eventStatus']) xml += self._ContactPropertiesToXml() xml += self._LeftoverPropertiesToXml() xml += GdKind.FOOTER return xmlclass Contact(GdKind): """A contact: a person, a venue such as a club or a restaurant, or an organization. This is the gd Contact kind. See: Most of the information about the contact is in the <gd:contactSection> element; see the reference section for that element for details. These properties are meaningful. They are all optional. property name property type meaning ------------------------------------- title string contact's name content string notes email Email* email address geoPt GeoPt* geographic location im IM* IM address phoneNumber Phonenumber* phone number postalAddress PostalAddress* mailing address link Link* link to more information category Category* tag or label associated with this contact * means this property may be repeated. """ CONTACT_SECTION_HEADER = """ <gd:contactSection>""" CONTACT_SECTION_FOOTER = """ </gd:contactSection>""" KIND_PROPERTIES = ['title', 'content', 'link', 'category'] CONTACT_SECTION_PROPERTIES = ['email', 'geoPt', 'im', 'phoneNumber', 'postalAddress'] def __init__(self, title, kind='Contact'): GdKind.__init__(self, kind, title, Contact.KIND_PROPERTIES) def ToXml(self): """ Override GdKind.ToXml() to put some properties inside a gd:contactSection. """ xml = GdKind.HEADER % self.kind().lower() self._kind_properties = set(Contact.KIND_PROPERTIES) xml += self._KindPropertiesToXml() xml += Contact.CONTACT_SECTION_HEADER self._kind_properties = set(Contact.CONTACT_SECTION_PROPERTIES) xml += self._KindPropertiesToXml() xml += Contact.CONTACT_SECTION_FOOTER self._kind_properties.update(Contact.KIND_PROPERTIES) xml += self._LeftoverPropertiesToXml() xml += GdKind.FOOTER return xml