Add a script to (re)seed the datastore
For obvious reasons enabled only when running in debug mode.
Patch by: Sverre Rabbelier
#!/usr/bin/python2.5## Copyright 2008 the Melange authors.## Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.# You may obtain a copy of the License at## Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and# limitations under the License."""Helpers used to render lists."""__authors__ = [ '"Chen Lunpeng" <>', '"Pawel Solyga" <>', ]import itertoolsfrom soc.logic import dictsimport soc.views.helper.formsDEF_PAGINATION = 10MAX_PAGINATION = 100DEF_PAGINATION_CHOICES = ( ('10', '10 items per page'), ('25', '25 items per page'), ('50', '50 items per page'), ('100', '100 items per page'),)def getPreferredListPagination(user=None): """Returns User's preferred list pagination limit. Args: user: User entity containing the list pagination preference; default is None, to use the current logged-in User """ # TODO: eventually this limit should be a User profile preference # (stored in the site-wide User Model) preference return DEF_PAGINATIONdef getLimitAndOffset(request, offset_key, limit_key): """Retrieves, converts and validates offset and limit values Args: offset: offset in list which defines first item to return limit: max amount of items per page Returns: updated offset and limit values """ offset = request.GET.get(offset_key) limit = request.GET.get(limit_key) if offset is None: offset = '' if limit is None: limit = '' try: offset = int(offset) except ValueError: offset = 0 try: limit = int(limit) except ValueError: limit = getPreferredListPagination() offset = max(0, offset) limit = max(1, limit) limit = min(MAX_PAGINATION, limit) return limit, offsetdef generateLinkFromGetArgs(request, offset_and_limits): """Constructs the get args for the url. """ args = ["%s=%s" % (k, v) for k, v in offset_and_limits.iteritems()] link_suffix = '?' + '&'.join(args) return request.path + link_suffixdef getListContent(request, params, filter=None, idx=0): """Returns a dict with fields used for rendering lists. Args: request: the Django HTTP request object params: a dict with params for the View this list belongs to filter: a filter for this list idx: the index of this list Returns: A a dictionary with the following values set: { 'data': list data to be displayed 'main': url to list main template 'pagination': url to list pagination template 'row': url to list row template 'heading': url to list heading template 'limit': max amount of items per page, 'newest': url to first page of the list 'prev': url to previous page 'next': url to next page 'first': offset of the first item in the list 'last': offest of the lst item in the list } """ logic = params['logic'] offset_key = 'offset_%d' % idx limit_key = 'limit_%d' % idx limit, offset = getLimitAndOffset(request, offset_key, limit_key) pagination_form = makePaginationForm(request, limit, limit_key) # Fetch one more to see if there should be a 'next' link data = logic.getForFields(filter=filter, limit=limit+1, offset=offset) more = len(data) > limit if more: del data[limit:] newest = next = prev = '' get_args = request.GET offset_and_limits = {} for key, value in get_args.iteritems(): if key.startswith('offset_') or key.startswith('limit_'): offset_and_limits[key] = value if more: offset_and_limits[offset_key] = offset+limit offset_and_limits[limit_key] = limit next = generateLinkFromGetArgs(request, offset_and_limits) if offset > 0: offset_and_limits[offset_key] = max(0, offset-limit) offset_and_limits[limit_key] = limit prev = generateLinkFromGetArgs(request, offset_and_limits) if offset > limit: del offset_and_limits[offset_key] offset_and_limits[limit_key] = limit newest = generateLinkFromGetArgs(request, offset_and_limits) content = { 'data': data, 'first': offset+1, 'last': len(data) > 1 and offset+len(data) or None, 'logic': logic, 'limit': limit, 'newest': newest, 'next': next, 'pagination_form': pagination_form, 'prev': prev, } updates = dicts.rename(params, params['list_params']) content.update(updates) return contentdef makePaginationForm( request, limit, arg_name, choices=DEF_PAGINATION_CHOICES, field_name_fmt=soc.views.helper.forms.DEF_SELECT_QUERY_ARG_FIELD_NAME_FMT): """Returns a customized pagination limit selection form. Args: request: the standard Django HTTP request object limit: the initial value of the selection control arg_name: see soc.views.helper.forms.makeSelectQueryArgForm(); default is 'limit' choices: see soc.views.helper.forms.makeSelectQueryArgForm(); default is DEF_PAGINATION_CHOICES field_name_fmt: see soc.views.helper.forms.makeSelectQueryArgForm() """ choices = makeNewPaginationChoices(limit=limit, choices=choices) return soc.views.helper.forms.makeSelectQueryArgForm( request, arg_name, limit, choices)def makeNewPaginationChoices(limit=DEF_PAGINATION, choices=DEF_PAGINATION_CHOICES): """Updates the pagination limit selection form. Args: limit: the initial value of the selection control; default is DEF_PAGINATION choices: see soc.views.helper.forms.makeSelectQueryArgForm(); default is DEF_PAGINATION_CHOICES Returns: a new pagination choices list if limit is not in DEF_PAGINATION_CHOICES, or DEF_PAGINATION_CHOICES otherwise """ # determine where to insert the new limit into choices new_choices = [] for index, (pagination, label) in enumerate(choices): items = int(pagination) if limit == items: # limit is already present, so just return existing choices return choices if limit < items: # limit needs to be inserted before the current pagination, # so assemble a new choice tuple and append it choice = (str(limit), '%s items per page' % limit) new_choices.append(choice) # append the remainder of the original list and exit early # (avoiding unnecessary remaining type conversions, etc.) new_choices.extend(choices[index:]) return new_choices # append the existing choice new_choices.append((pagination, label)) # new choice must go last, past all other existing choices choice = (str(limit), '%s items per page' % limit) new_choices.append(choice) return new_choices