author Sverre Rabbelier <>
Sat, 29 Nov 2008 00:12:47 +0000
changeset 606 65d35584ee31
parent 594 06c2228e39cb
permissions -rw-r--r--
Make forms generic Currently only Sponsor uses the new generic forms, as such this makes the form code more complex. The other forms, however, can be converted in a similar way, which will result in a lot of code reduction. Patch by: Sverre Rabbelier

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<!-- ==================== MODULE DESCRIPTION ==================== -->
<h1 class="epydoc">Module generators</h1><p class="nomargin-top"></p>
<p>Random graph generators for python-graph.</p>

<!-- ==================== FUNCTIONS ==================== -->
<a name="section-Functions"></a>
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<tr bgcolor="#70b0f0" class="table-header">
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    <span class="table-header">Functions</span></td>
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      <span class="summary-type">&nbsp;</span>
    </td><td class="summary">
      <table width="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
          <td><span class="summary-sig"><a href="graph.generators-module.html#generate" class="summary-sig-name">generate</a>(<span class="summary-sig-arg">graph</span>,
        <span class="summary-sig-arg">num_nodes</span>,
        <span class="summary-sig-arg">num_edges</span>,
        <span class="summary-sig-arg">weight_range</span>=<span class="summary-sig-default"><code class="variable-group">(</code>1<code class="variable-op">, </code>1<code class="variable-group">)</code></span>)</span><br />
      Add nodes and random edges to the graph.</td>
          <td align="right" valign="top">
<!-- ==================== FUNCTION DETAILS ==================== -->
<a name="section-FunctionDetails"></a>
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    <span class="table-header">Function Details</span></td>
<a name="generate"></a>
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  <h3 class="epydoc"><span class="sig"><span class="sig-name">generate</span>(<span class="sig-arg">graph</span>,
        <span class="sig-arg">num_nodes</span>,
        <span class="sig-arg">num_edges</span>,
        <span class="sig-arg">weight_range</span>=<span class="sig-default"><code class="variable-group">(</code>1<code class="variable-op">, </code>1<code class="variable-group">)</code></span>)</span>
  </td><td align="right" valign="top"
  <p>Add nodes and random edges to the graph.</p>
  <dl class="fields">
    <dd><ul class="nomargin-top">
        <li><strong class="pname"><code>graph</code></strong> (graph) - Graph.</li>
        <li><strong class="pname"><code>num_nodes</code></strong> (number) - Number of nodes.</li>
        <li><strong class="pname"><code>num_edges</code></strong> (number) - Number of edges.</li>
        <li><strong class="pname"><code>weight_range</code></strong> (tuple) - tuple of two integers as lower and upper limits on randomly 
          generated weights (uniform distribution).</li>
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