Removed formatting from TinyMCE that use the style tag
The style tag is removed by feedparser as it can be used to insert
malicious content.
Patch by: Sverre Rabbelier
#!/usr/bin/python2.5## Copyright 2008 the Melange authors.## Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.# You may obtain a copy of the License at# # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and# limitations under the License."""This module contains the Linkable base class Model."""__authors__ = [ '"Todd Larsen" <>',]import refrom google.appengine.ext import dbfrom django.utils.translation import ugettextfrom soc.models import base# start with ASCII lowercase# (additional ASCII digit or lowercase# -OR-# underscore and ASCII digit or lowercase)# zero or more of OR group## * starting or ending underscores are *not* permitted# * double internal underscores are *not* permitted#LINK_ID_PATTERN_CORE = r'[a-z](?:[0-9a-z]|_[0-9a-z])*'LINK_ID_ARG_PATTERN = r'(?P<link_id>%s)' % LINK_ID_PATTERN_CORELINK_ID_PATTERN = r'^%s$' % LINK_ID_PATTERN_CORELINK_ID_REGEX = re.compile(LINK_ID_PATTERN)# scope path is multiple link_id chunks,# each separated by a trailing /# (at least 1)SCOPE_PATH_ARG_PATTERN = (r'(?P<scope_path>%(link_id)s' '(?:/%(link_id)s)*)' % { 'link_id': LINK_ID_PATTERN_CORE})SCOPE_PATH_PATTERN = r'^%s$' % SCOPE_PATH_ARG_PATTERNSCOPE_PATH_REGEX = re.compile(SCOPE_PATH_PATTERN)# path is multiple link_id chunks,# each separated by a trailing /# (at least 1)# followed by a single link_id with no trailing /PATH_LINK_ID_ARGS_PATTERN = ( r'%(scope_path)s/' '(?P<link_id>%(link_id)s)' % { 'scope_path' : SCOPE_PATH_ARG_PATTERN, 'link_id': LINK_ID_PATTERN_CORE})PATH_LINK_ID_PATTERN = r'^%s$' % PATH_LINK_ID_ARGS_PATTERNPATH_LINK_ID_REGEX = re.compile(PATH_LINK_ID_PATTERN)class Linkable(base.ModelWithFieldAttributes): """A base class for Model classes that are "linkable". Many entities in Melange are identified by a "link path" that is formed by two components: a "link scope" and a "link ID". The link scope is a reference to another Linkable entity, but its exact usage varies depending on: * the Model type of the entity * the "ownership" of the entity This scope represents the "context" of the entity and is *not* user- editable (site Developers will be able to *carefully* edit the scope of a Linkable entity, but implementing this will be tricky). Appended to this "link path prefix" generated from the transitive closure of the link scopes is a link ID. Unlike the rest of the link path, this ID, which must be unique within the scope defined by the link path, is *not* determined by context and *is* supplied by the user. For example, a Document containing the FAQs for the Apache Software Foundation participation in GSoC 2009 program sponsored by Google could be given a link ID by the Apache organization administrator of "faqs", but the rest of the link path would be determined by the transitive closure of the scopes of the Document: google/gsoc2009/asf/faqs ^ ^ ^ ^ | | | +--------- link ID assigned by Apache admin | | | | | +------------- Apache org link ID (immutable) | | | +-------------------- GSoC 2009 program link ID (immutable) | +---------------------------- Google sponsor link ID (immutable) For many entities, link IDs, once specified, are immutable, since changing them can break bookmarked URLs. Changing the link IDs of "leaf" entities (such as the Document in the example above) could be allowed. """ #: Required field storing "ID" used in URL links. Lower ASCII characters, #: digits and underscores only. Valid link IDs successfully match #: the LINK_ID_REGEX. link_id = db.StringProperty(required=True, verbose_name=ugettext('Link ID')) link_id.help_text = ugettext( 'Link ID is used as part of various URL links throughout the site.' ' Lower ASCII characters, digits, and underscores only.') #: Optional Self Reference property to another Linkable entity which defines #: the "scope" of this Linkable entity. The back-reference in the Linkable #: model is a Query named 'links'. scope = db.SelfReferenceProperty(required=False, collection_name='links', verbose_name=ugettext('Link Scope')) scope.help_text = ugettext( 'Reference to another Linkable entity that defines the "scope" of' ' this Linkable entity.') #: Hidden (not displayed to users or editable in forms) cache of the string #: representation of the transitive closure of scopes, for use in URLs. #: The multiple queries required to produce this string for entities in #: deeply-nested scopes can be prohibitively expensive. The scope of an #: entity is not expected to change frequently (only for move, copy, and #: maybe re-parenting operations), so this property is not likely to need #: updating. scope_path = db.StringProperty(required=False, verbose_name=ugettext('Scope path')) scope_path.help_text = ugettext( 'Cache of the string form of the entity scope.')