author Lennard de Rijk <>
Tue, 30 Jun 2009 14:56:48 +0200
changeset 2464 64b241a237b2
parent 2463 05af53239799
child 2465 037a7e79a635
permissions -rw-r--r--
Merge params from inheriting Survey views so functionality can be reused.

# Copyright 2009 the Melange authors.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

"""Custom widgets used for Survey form fields, plus the SurveyContent form.

__authors__ = [
  '"Daniel Diniz" <>',
  '"James Levy" <>',
  '"Lennard de Rijk" <>',

from itertools import chain
import datetime
import logging

from google.appengine.ext.db import djangoforms

from django import forms
from django.forms import widgets
from django.forms.fields import CharField
from django.template import loader
from django.utils.encoding import force_unicode
from django.utils.html import escape
from django.utils.safestring import mark_safe

from soc.logic import dicts
from soc.logic.lists import Lists
from soc.models.survey import SurveyContent

class SurveyForm(djangoforms.ModelForm):
  """Main SurveyContent form.

  This class is used to produce survey forms for several circumstances:
    - Admin creating survey from scratch
    - Admin updating existing survey
    - User taking survey
    - User updating already taken survey

  Using dynamic properties of the survey model (if passed as an arg) the
  survey form is dynamically formed.

  def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
    """Store special kwargs as attributes.

      read_only: controls whether the survey taking UI allows data entry.
      editing: controls whether to show the edit or show form.

    self.kwargs = kwargs
    self.survey_content = self.kwargs.pop('survey_content', None)
    self.this_user = self.kwargs.pop('this_user', None)
    self.project = self.kwargs.pop('project', None)
    self.survey_logic = self.kwargs.pop('survey_logic', None)
    self.survey_record = self.kwargs.pop('survey_record', None)

    self.read_only = self.kwargs.pop('read_only', None)
    self.editing = self.kwargs.pop('editing', None)

    self.fields_map = dict(

    super(SurveyForm, self).__init__(*args, **self.kwargs)

  def getFields(self):
    """Build the SurveyContent (questions) form fields.

    Populates self.survey_fields, which will be ordered in self.insert_fields.

    if not self.survey_content:

    self.survey_fields = {}
    schema = SurveyContentSchema(self.survey_content.schema)
    has_record = (not self.editing) and self.survey_record
    extra_attrs = {}

    # figure out whether we want a read-only view
    if not self.editing:
      # only survey taking can be read-only
      read_only = self.read_only

      if not read_only:
        survey_content = self.survey_content
        survey_entity = self.survey_logic.getSurveyForContent(survey_content)
        deadline = survey_entity.survey_end
        read_only =  deadline and ( > deadline)
        extra_attrs['disabled'] = 'disabled'

    # add unordered fields to self.survey_fields
    for field in self.survey_content.dynamic_properties():

      # a comment made by the user
      comment = ''
      if has_record and hasattr(self.survey_record, field):
        # previously entered value
        value = getattr(self.survey_record, field)
        if hasattr(self.survey_record, 'comment_for_' + field):
          comment = getattr(self.survey_record, 'comment_for_' + field)
        # use prompts set by survey creator
        value = getattr(self.survey_content, field)

      label = schema.getLabel(field)
      if label is None:

      # dispatch to field-specific methods
      addField = self.fields_map[schema.getType(field)]
      addField(field, value, extra_attrs, schema, label=label, comment=comment)

    return self.insertFields()

  def insertFields(self):
    """Add ordered fields to self.fields.

    survey_order = self.survey_content.getSurveyOrder()

    # first, insert dynamic survey fields
    for position, property in survey_order.items():
      position = position * 2
      self.fields.insert(position, property, self.survey_fields[property])
      if not self.editing:
        property = 'comment_for_' + property
        self.fields.insert(position - 1, property,
    return self.fields

  def addLongField(self, field, value, attrs, schema, req=False, label='', tip='',
    """Add a long answer fields to this form.

      field: the current field
      value: the initial value for this field
      attrs: additional attributes for field
      schema: schema for survey
      req: required bool
      label: label for field
      tip: tooltip text for field
      comment: initial comment value for field

    widget = widgets.Textarea(attrs=attrs)

    if not tip:
      tip = 'Please provide a long answer to this question.'

    question = CharField(help_text=tip, required=req, label=label,
                         widget=widget, initial=value)

    self.survey_fields[field] = question
    self.addCommentField(field, comment, attrs, tip)

  def addShortField(self, field, value, attrs, schema, req=False, label='', tip='',
    """Add a short answer fields to this form.

      field: the current field
      value: the initial value for this field
      attrs: additional attributes for field
      schema: schema for survey
      req: required bool
      label: label for field
      tip: tooltip text for field
      comment: initial comment value for field

    attrs['class'] = "text_question"
    widget = widgets.TextInput(attrs=attrs)

    if not tip:
      tip = 'Please provide a short answer to this question.'

    question = CharField(help_text=tip, required=req, label=label,
                         widget=widget, max_length=140, initial=value)

    self.survey_fields[field] = question
    self.addCommentField(field, comment, attrs, tip)

  def addSingleField(self, field, value, attrs, schema, req=False, label='',
                     tip='', comment=''):
    """Add a selection field to this form.

      field: the current field
      value: the initial value for this field
      attrs: additional attributes for field
      schema: schema for survey
      req: required bool
      label: label for field
      tip: tooltip text for field
      comment: initial comment value for field

    widget = schema.getWidget(field, self.editing, attrs)

    these_choices = []
    # add all properties, but select chosen one
    options = getattr(self.survey_content, field)
    has_record = not self.editing and self.survey_record
    if has_record and hasattr(self.survey_record, field):
      these_choices.append((value, value))
      if value in options:

    for option in options:
      these_choices.append((option, option))
    if not tip:
      tip = 'Please select an answer this question.'

    question = PickOneField(help_text=tip, required=req, label=label,
                            choices=tuple(these_choices), widget=widget)

    self.survey_fields[field] = question
    self.addCommentField(field, comment, attrs, tip)

  def addMultiField(self, field, value, attrs, schema, req=False, label='',
                    tip='', comment=''):
    """Add a pick_multi field to this form.

      field: the current field
      value: the initial value for this field
      attrs: additional attributes for field
      schema: schema for survey
      req: required bool
      label: label for field
      tip: tooltip text for field
      comment: initial comment value for field


    widget = schema.getWidget(field, self.editing, attrs)

    # TODO(ajaksu) need to allow checking checkboxes by default
    if self.survey_record and isinstance(value, basestring):
      # pass value as 'initial' so MultipleChoiceField renders checked boxes
      value = value.split(',')
      value = None

    these_choices = [(v,v) for v in getattr(self.survey_content, field)]
    if not tip:
      tip = 'Please select one or more of these choices.'

    question = PickManyField(help_text=tip, required=req, label=label,
                             choices=tuple(these_choices), widget=widget,

    self.survey_fields[field] = question
    self.addCommentField(field, comment, attrs, tip)

  def addQuantField(self, field, value, attrs, schema, req=False, label='',
                    tip='', comment=''):
    """Add a pick_quant field to this form.

      field: the current field
      value: the initial value for this field
      attrs: additional attributes for field
      schema: schema for survey
      req: required bool
      label: label for field
      tip: tooltip text for field
      comment: initial comment value for field


    widget = schema.getWidget(field, self.editing, attrs)

    if self.survey_record:
      value = value
      value = None

    these_choices = [(v,v) for v in getattr(self.survey_content, field)]
    if not tip:
      tip = 'Please select one of these choices.'

    question = PickQuantField(help_text=tip, required=req, label=label,
                             choices=tuple(these_choices), widget=widget,
    self.survey_fields[field] = question
    self.addCommentField(field, comment, attrs, tip)

  def addCommentField(self, field, comment, attrs, tip):
    if not self.editing:
      widget = widgets.Textarea(attrs=attrs)
      comment = CharField(help_text=tip, required=False, label='Comments',
                          widget=widget, initial=comment)
      self.survey_fields['comment_for_' + field] = comment

  class Meta(object):
    model = SurveyContent
    exclude = ['schema']

class SurveyContentSchema(object):
  """Abstract question metadata handling.

  def __init__(self, schema):
    self.schema = eval(schema)

  def getType(self, field):
    return self.schema[field]["type"]

  def getRender(self, field):
    return self.schema[field]["render"]

  def getWidget(self, field, editing, attrs):
    """Get survey editing or taking widget for choice questions.

    if editing:
      kind = self.getType(field)
      render = self.getRender(field)
      widget = UniversalChoiceEditor(kind, render)
      widget = WIDGETS[self.schema[field]['render']](attrs=attrs)
    return widget

  def getLabel(self, field):
    """Fetch the free text 'question' or use field name as label.

    if field not in self.schema:
      logging.error('field %s not found in schema %s' %
                    (field, str(self.schema)))
    elif 'question' in self.schema[field]:
      label = self.schema[field].get('question') or field
      label = field
    return label

class UniversalChoiceEditor(widgets.Widget):
  """Edit interface for choice questions.

  Allows adding and removing options, re-ordering and editing option text.

  def __init__(self, kind, render, attrs=None, choices=()):

    self.attrs = attrs or {}

    # Choices can be any iterable, but we may need to render this widget
    # multiple times. Thus, collapse it into a list so it can be consumed
    # more than once.
    self.choices = list(choices)
    self.kind = kind
    self.render_as = render

  def render(self, name, value, attrs=None, choices=()):
    """ renders UCE widget

    if value is None:
      value = ''

    final_attrs = self.build_attrs(attrs, name=name)

    # find out which options should be selected in type and render drop-downs.
    selected = 'selected="selected"'
    context =  dict(
        is_selection=selected * (self.kind == 'selection'),
        is_pick_multi=selected * (self.kind == 'pick_multi'),
        is_pick_quant=selected * (self.kind == 'pick_quant'),
        is_select=selected * (self.render_as == 'single_select'),
        is_checkboxes=selected * (self.render_as == 'multi_checkbox'),
        is_radio_buttons=selected * (self.render_as == 'quant_radio'),

    str_value = forms.util.smart_unicode(value) # normalize to string.
    chained_choices = enumerate(chain(self.choices, choices))
    choices = {}

    for i, (option_value, option_label) in chained_choices:
      option_value = escape(forms.util.smart_unicode(option_value))
      choices[i] = option_value
    context['choices'] = choices

    template = 'soc/survey/universal_choice_editor.html'
    return loader.render_to_string(template, context)

class PickOneField(forms.ChoiceField):
  """Stub for customizing the single choice field.
  #TODO(james): Ensure that more than one option cannot be selected

  def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
    super(PickOneField, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)

class PickManyField(forms.MultipleChoiceField):
  """Stub for customizing the multiple choice field.

  def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
    super(PickManyField, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)

class PickQuantField(forms.MultipleChoiceField):
  """Stub for customizing the multiple choice field.
  #TODO(james): Ensure that more than one quant cannot be selected

  def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
    super(PickQuantField, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)

class PickOneSelect(forms.Select):
  """Stub for customizing the single choice select widget.

  def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
    super(PickOneSelect, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)

class PickManyCheckbox(forms.CheckboxSelectMultiple):
  """Customized multiple choice checkbox widget.

  def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
    super(PickManyCheckbox, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)

  def render(self, name, value, attrs=None, choices=()):
    """Render checkboxes as list items grouped in a fieldset.

    This is the pick_multi widget for survey taking

    if value is None:
      value = []
    has_id = attrs and attrs.has_key('id')
    final_attrs = self.build_attrs(attrs, name=name)

    # normalize to strings.
    str_values = set([forms.util.smart_unicode(v) for v in value])
    is_checked = lambda value: value in str_values
    smart_unicode = forms.util.smart_unicode

    # set container fieldset and list
    output = [u'<fieldset id="id_%s">\n  <ul class="pick_multi">' % name]

    # add numbered checkboxes wrapped in list items
    chained_choices = enumerate(chain(self.choices, choices))
    for i, (option_value, option_label) in chained_choices:
      option_label = escape(smart_unicode(option_label))

      # If an ID attribute was given, add a numeric index as a suffix,
      # so that the checkboxes don't all have the same ID attribute.
      if has_id:
        final_attrs = dict(final_attrs, id='%s_%s' % (attrs['id'], i))

      cb = widgets.CheckboxInput(final_attrs, check_test=is_checked)
      rendered_cb = cb.render(name, option_value)
      cb_label = (rendered_cb, option_label)

      output.append(u'    <li><label>%s %s</label></li>' % cb_label)

    output.append(u'  </ul>\n</fieldset>')
    return u'\n'.join(output)

  def id_for_label(self, id_):
    # see the comment for RadioSelect.id_for_label()
    if id_:
      id_ += '_fieldset'
    return id_
  id_for_label = classmethod(id_for_label)

class PickQuantRadioRenderer(widgets.RadioFieldRenderer):
  """Used by PickQuantRadio to enable customization of radio widgets.

  def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
    super(PickQuantRadioRenderer, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)

  def render(self):
    """Outputs set of radio fields in a div.

    return mark_safe(u'<div class="quant_radio">\n%s\n</div>'
                     % u'\n'.join([u'%s' % force_unicode(w) for w in self]))

class PickQuantRadio(forms.RadioSelect):
  """TODO(James,Ajaksu) Fix Docstring

  renderer = PickQuantRadioRenderer

  def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
    super(PickQuantRadio, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)

# in the future, we'll have more widget types here
WIDGETS = {'multi_checkbox': PickManyCheckbox,
           'single_select': PickOneSelect,
           'quant_radio': PickQuantRadio}

class SurveyResults(widgets.Widget):
  """Render List of Survey Results For Given Survey.

  def render(self, survey, params, filter=filter, limit=1000, offset=0,
             order=[], idx=0, context={}):
    """ renders list of survey results

      survey: current survey
      params: dict of params for rendering list
      filter: filter for list results
      limit: limit for list results
      offset: offset for list results
      order: order for list results
      idx: index for list results
      context: context dict for template

    survey_logic = params['logic']
    record_logic = survey_logic.getRecordLogic()
    filter = {'survey': survey}
    data = record_logic.getForFields(filter=filter, limit=limit, offset=offset,

    params['name'] = "Survey Results"
    content = {
      'idx': idx,
      'data': data,
      'logic': logic,
      'limit': limit,
    updates = dicts.rename(params, params['list_params'])
    contents = [content]

    if len(content) == 1:
      content = content[0]
      key_order = content.get('key_order')

    context['list'] = Lists(contents)

    # TODO(ajaksu) is this the best way to build the results list?
    for list_ in context['list']._contents:
      if len(list_['data']) < 1:
        return "<p>No Survey Results Have Been Submitted</p>"

      list_['row'] = 'soc/survey/list/results_row.html'
      list_['heading'] = 'soc/survey/list/results_heading.html'
      list_['description'] = 'Survey Results:'

    context['properties'] = survey.survey_content.orderedProperties()
    context['entity_type'] = "Survey Results"
    context['entity_type_plural'] = "Results"
    context['no_lists_msg'] = "No Survey Results"

    path = (survey.entity_type().lower(), survey.prefix,
            survey.scope_path, survey.link_id)
    context['grade_action'] = "/%s/grade/%s/%s/%s" % path

    markup = loader.render_to_string('soc/survey/results.html',
    return markup

def getRoleSpecificFields(survey, user, this_project, survey_form,
  """For evaluations, mentors get required Project and Grade fields, and
  students get a required Project field.

  Because we need to get a list of the user's projects, we call the
  logic getProjects method, which doubles as an access check.
  (No projects means that the survey cannot be taken.)

    survey: the survey being taken
    user: the survey-taking user
    this_project: either an already-selected project, or None
    survey_form: the surveyForm widget for this survey
    survey_record: an existing survey record for a user-project-survey combo,
      or None

  field_count = len(eval(survey.survey_content.schema).items())
  these_projects = survey_logic.getProjects(survey, user)
  if not these_projects:
    return False # no projects found

  project_pairs = []
  #insert a select field with options for each project
  for project in these_projects:
    project_pairs.append((project.key(), project.title))
  if project_pairs:
    project_tuples = tuple(project_pairs)
    # add select field containing list of projects
    projectField =  forms.fields.ChoiceField(
    projectField.choices.insert(0, (None, "Choose a Project")  )
    # if editing an existing survey
    if not this_project and survey_record:
      this_project = survey_record.project
    if this_project:
      for tup in project_tuples:
        if tup[1] == this_project.title:
          if survey_record: project_name = tup[1] + " (Saved)"
          else: project_name = tup[1]
          projectField.choices.insert(0, (tup[0], project_name)  )
    survey_form.fields.insert(0, 'project', projectField )

  if survey.taking_access == "mentor evaluation":
    # If this is a mentor, add a field
    # determining if student passes or fails.
    # Activate grades handler should determine whether new status
    # is midterm_passed, final_passed, etc.
    grade_choices = (('pass', 'Pass'), ('fail', 'Fail'))
    grade_vals = { 'pass': True, 'fail': False }
    gradeField = forms.fields.ChoiceField(choices=grade_choices,

    gradeField.choices.insert(0, (None, "Choose a Grade")  )
    if survey_record:
      for g in grade_choices:
        if grade_vals[g[0]] == survey_record.grade:
          gradeField.choices.insert(0, (g[0],g[1] + " (Saved)")   )
      gradeField.show_hidden_initial = True

    survey_form.fields.insert(field_count + 1, 'grade', gradeField)

  return survey_form