Add an e-mail dispatcher that can be used to send messages via the website. Add base and invitation templates that can be used with email dispatcher to send invitation emails. Please read the module doc string for more information how to use it.
Patch by: Lennard de Rijk, Pawel Solyga
#!/usr/bin/env python## Copyright 2007 Google Inc.## Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.# You may obtain a copy of the License at## Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and# limitations under the License.#"""Imports CSV data over HTTP.Usage: %s [flags] --debug Show debugging information. (Optional) --cookie=<string> Whole Cookie header to supply to the server, including the parameter name (e.g., "ACSID=..."). (Optional) --url=<string> URL endpoint to post to for importing data. (Required) --batch_size=<int> Number of Entity objects to include in each post to the URL endpoint. The more data per row/Entity, the smaller the batch size should be. (Default 10) --filename=<path> Path to the CSV file to import. (Required) --kind=<string> Name of the Entity object kind to put in the datastore. (Required)The exit status will be 0 on success, non-zero on import failure.Works with the bulkload mix-in library for google.appengine.ext.bulkload.Please look there for documentation about how to setup the server side."""import StringIOimport httplibimport loggingimport csvimport getoptimport socketimport sysimport urllibimport urlparsefrom google.appengine.ext.bulkload import constantsclass Error(Exception): """Base-class for exceptions in this module."""class PostError(Error): """An error has occured while trying to post data to the server."""class BadServerStatusError(PostError): """The server has returned an error while importing data."""def ContentGenerator(csv_file, batch_size, create_csv_reader=csv.reader, create_csv_writer=csv.writer): """Retrieves CSV data up to a batch size at a time. Args: csv_file: A file-like object for reading CSV data. batch_size: Maximum number of CSV rows to yield on each iteration. create_csv_reader, create_csv_writer: Used for dependency injection. Yields: Tuple (entity_count, csv_content) where: entity_count: Number of entities contained in the csv_content. Will be less than or equal to the batch_size and greater than 0. csv_content: String containing the CSV content containing the next entity_count entities. """ try: csv.field_size_limit(800000) except AttributeError: pass reader = create_csv_reader(csv_file, skipinitialspace=True) exhausted = False while not exhausted: rows_written = 0 content = StringIO.StringIO() writer = create_csv_writer(content) try: for i in xrange(batch_size): row = writer.writerow(row) rows_written += 1 except StopIteration: exhausted = True if rows_written > 0: yield rows_written, content.getvalue()def PostEntities(host_port, uri, cookie, kind, content): """Posts Entity records to a remote endpoint over HTTP. Args: host_port: String containing the "host:port" pair; the port is optional. uri: Relative URI to access on the remote host (e.g., '/bulkload'). cookie: String containing the Cookie header to use, if any. kind: Kind of the Entity records being posted. content: String containing the CSV data for the entities. Raises: BadServerStatusError if the server was contactable but returns an error. PostError If an error occurred while connecting to the server or reading or writing data. """ logging.debug('Connecting to %s', host_port) try: body = urllib.urlencode({ constants.KIND_PARAM: kind, constants.CSV_PARAM: content, }) headers = { 'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', 'Content-Length': len(body), 'Cookie': cookie, } logging.debug('Posting %d bytes to http://%s%s', len(body), host_port, uri) connection = httplib.HTTPConnection(host_port) try: connection.request('POST', uri, body, headers) response = connection.getresponse() status = response.status reason = response.reason content = logging.debug('Received response code %d: %s', status, reason) if status != httplib.OK: raise BadServerStatusError('Received code %d: %s\n%s' % ( status, reason, content)) finally: connection.close() except (IOError, httplib.HTTPException, socket.error), e: logging.debug('Encountered exception accessing HTTP server: %s', e) raise PostError(e)def SplitURL(url): """Splits an HTTP URL into pieces. Args: url: String containing a full URL string (e.g., '') Returns: Tuple (netloc, uri) where: netloc: String containing the host/port combination from the URL. The port is optional. (e.g., ''). uri: String containing the relative URI of the URL. (e.g., '/stuff'). """ scheme, netloc, path, query, fragment = urlparse.urlsplit(url) return netloc, pathdef ImportCSV(filename, post_url, cookie, batch_size, kind, split_url=SplitURL, openfile=file, create_content_generator=ContentGenerator, post_entities=PostEntities): """Imports CSV data using a series of HTTP posts. Args: filename: File on disk containing CSV data. post_url: URL to post the Entity data to. cookie: Full cookie header to use while connecting. batch_size: Maximum number of Entity objects to post with each request. kind: Entity kind of the objects being posted. split_url, openfile, create_content_generator, post_entities: Used for dependency injection. Returns: True if all entities were imported successfully; False otherwise. """ host_port, uri = split_url(post_url) csv_file = openfile(filename, 'r') try: content_gen = create_content_generator(csv_file, batch_size)'Starting import; maximum %d entities per post', batch_size) for num_entities, content in content_gen:'Importing %d entities in %d bytes', num_entities, len(content)) try: content = post_entities(host_port, uri, cookie, kind, content) except PostError, e: logging.error('An error occurred while importing: %s', e) return False finally: csv_file.close() return Truedef PrintUsageExit(code): """Prints usage information and exits with a status code. Args: code: Status code to pass to sys.exit() after displaying usage information. """ print sys.modules['__main__'].__doc__ % sys.argv[0] sys.stdout.flush() sys.stderr.flush() sys.exit(code)def ParseArguments(argv): """Parses command-line arguments. Prints out a help message if -h or --help is supplied. Args: argv: List of command-line arguments. Returns: Tuple (url, filename, cookie, batch_size, kind) containing the values from each corresponding command-line flag. """ opts, args = getopt.getopt( argv[1:], 'h', ['debug', 'help', 'url=', 'filename=', 'cookie=', 'batch_size=', 'kind=']) url = None filename = None cookie = '' batch_size = 10 kind = None encoding = None for option, value in opts: if option == '--debug': logging.getLogger().setLevel(logging.DEBUG) if option in ('-h', '--help'): PrintUsageExit(0) if option == '--url': url = value if option == '--filename': filename = value if option == '--cookie': cookie = value if option == '--batch_size': batch_size = int(value) if batch_size <= 0: print >>sys.stderr, 'batch_size must be 1 or larger' PrintUsageExit(1) if option == '--kind': kind = value return (url, filename, cookie, batch_size, kind)def main(argv): """Runs the importer.""" logging.basicConfig( level=logging.INFO, format='%(levelname)-8s %(asctime)s %(filename)s] %(message)s') args = ParseArguments(argv) if [arg for arg in args if arg is None]: print >>sys.stderr, 'Invalid arguments' PrintUsageExit(1) url, filename, cookie, batch_size, kind = args if ImportCSV(filename, url, cookie, batch_size, kind):'Import succcessful') return 0 logging.error('Import failed') return 1if __name__ == '__main__': sys.exit(main(sys.argv))