A site layout ("site map") of the web application, including URL regular
expression patterns, Django views, and metadata for constructing sidebar menus
and (eventually) breadcrumbs.
One function, soc.logic.site.map.getDjangoUrlPatterns(), converts these details
into urlpatterns for use by Django.
Patch by: Todd Larsen
Review by: to-be-reviewed
gather_profile_stats.py /path/to/dir/of/profiles
Note that the aggregated profiles must be read with pstats.Stats, not
hotshot.stats (the formats are incompatible)
from hotshot import stats
import pstats
import sys, os
def gather_stats(p):
profiles = {}
for f in os.listdir(p):
if f.endswith('.agg.prof'):
path = f[:-9]
prof = pstats.Stats(os.path.join(p, f))
elif f.endswith('.prof'):
bits = f.split('.')
path = ".".join(bits[:-3])
prof = stats.load(os.path.join(p, f))
print "Processing %s" % f
if path in profiles:
profiles[path] = prof
os.unlink(os.path.join(p, f))
for (path, prof) in profiles.items():
prof.dump_stats(os.path.join(p, "%s.agg.prof" % path))
if __name__ == '__main__':