Reworked the redirects to work with the new Request model.
Also made use of the collection of Role Views in the Role View in combination with the role property in the Request model, to facilitate the redirects.
/** Called automatically by JsDoc Toolkit. */
function publish(symbolSet) {
publish.conf = { // trailing slash expected for dirs
ext: ".html",
outDir: JSDOC.opt.d || SYS.pwd+"../out/jsdoc/",
templatesDir: JSDOC.opt.t || SYS.pwd+"../templates/jsdoc/",
symbolsDir: "symbols/",
srcDir: "symbols/src/"
// is source output is suppressed, just display the links to the source file
if (JSDOC.opt.s && defined(Link) && Link.prototype._makeSrcLink) {
Link.prototype._makeSrcLink = function(srcFilePath) {
return "<"+srcFilePath+">";
// create the folders and subfolders to hold the output
// used to allow Link to check the details of things being linked to
Link.symbolSet = symbolSet;
// create the required templates
try {
var classTemplate = new JSDOC.JsPlate(publish.conf.templatesDir+"class.tmpl");
var classesTemplate = new JSDOC.JsPlate(publish.conf.templatesDir+"allclasses.tmpl");
catch(e) {
print("Couldn't create the required templates: "+e);
// some ustility filters
function hasNoParent($) {return ($.memberOf == "")}
function isaFile($) {return ($.is("FILE"))}
function isaClass($) {return ($.is("CONSTRUCTOR") || $.isNamespace)}
// get an array version of the symbolset, useful for filtering
var symbols = symbolSet.toArray();
// create the hilited source code files
var files = JSDOC.opt.srcFiles;
for (var i = 0, l = files.length; i < l; i++) {
var file = files[i];
var srcDir = publish.conf.outDir + "symbols/src/";
makeSrcFile(file, srcDir);
// get a list of all the classes in the symbolset
var classes = symbols.filter(isaClass).sort(makeSortby("alias"));
// create a filemap in which outfiles must be to be named uniquely, ignoring case
if (JSDOC.opt.u) {
var filemapCounts = {};
Link.filemap = {};
for (var i = 0, l = classes.length; i < l; i++) {
var lcAlias = classes[i].alias.toLowerCase();
if (!filemapCounts[lcAlias]) filemapCounts[lcAlias] = 1;
else filemapCounts[lcAlias]++;
Link.filemap[classes[i].alias] =
(filemapCounts[lcAlias] > 1)?
lcAlias+"_"+filemapCounts[lcAlias] : lcAlias;
// create a class index, displayed in the left-hand column of every class page
Link.base = "../";
publish.classesIndex = classesTemplate.process(classes); // kept in memory
// create each of the class pages
for (var i = 0, l = classes.length; i < l; i++) {
var symbol = classes[i]; = symbol.getEvents(); // 1 order matters
symbol.methods = symbol.getMethods(); // 2
var output = "";
output = classTemplate.process(symbol);
IO.saveFile(publish.conf.outDir+"symbols/", ((JSDOC.opt.u)? Link.filemap[symbol.alias] : symbol.alias) + publish.conf.ext, output);
// regenerate the index with different relative links, used in the index pages
Link.base = "";
publish.classesIndex = classesTemplate.process(classes);
// create the class index page
try {
var classesindexTemplate = new JSDOC.JsPlate(publish.conf.templatesDir+"index.tmpl");
catch(e) { print(e.message); quit(); }
var classesIndex = classesindexTemplate.process(classes);
IO.saveFile(publish.conf.outDir, "index"+publish.conf.ext, classesIndex);
classesindexTemplate = classesIndex = classes = null;
// create the file index page
try {
var fileindexTemplate = new JSDOC.JsPlate(publish.conf.templatesDir+"allfiles.tmpl");
catch(e) { print(e.message); quit(); }
var documentedFiles = symbols.filter(isaFile); // files that have file-level docs
var allFiles = []; // not all files have file-level docs, but we need to list every one
for (var i = 0; i < files.length; i++) {
allFiles.push(new JSDOC.Symbol(files[i], [], "FILE", new JSDOC.DocComment("/** */")));
for (var i = 0; i < documentedFiles.length; i++) {
var offset = files.indexOf(documentedFiles[i].alias);
allFiles[offset] = documentedFiles[i];
allFiles = allFiles.sort(makeSortby("name"));
// output the file index page
var filesIndex = fileindexTemplate.process(allFiles);
IO.saveFile(publish.conf.outDir, "files"+publish.conf.ext, filesIndex);
fileindexTemplate = filesIndex = files = null;
/** Just the first sentence (up to a full stop). Should not break on dotted variable names. */
function summarize(desc) {
if (typeof desc != "undefined")
return desc.match(/([\w\W]+?\.)[^a-z0-9_$]/i)? RegExp.$1 : desc;
/** Make a symbol sorter by some attribute. */
function makeSortby(attribute) {
return function(a, b) {
if (a[attribute] != undefined && b[attribute] != undefined) {
a = a[attribute].toLowerCase();
b = b[attribute].toLowerCase();
if (a < b) return -1;
if (a > b) return 1;
return 0;
/** Pull in the contents of an external file at the given path. */
function include(path) {
var path = publish.conf.templatesDir+path;
return IO.readFile(path);
/** Turn a raw source file into a code-hilited page in the docs. */
function makeSrcFile(path, srcDir, name) {
if (JSDOC.opt.s) return;
if (!name) {
name = path.replace(/\.\.?[\\\/]/g, "").replace(/[\\\/]/g, "_");
name = name.replace(/\:/g, "_");
var src = {path: path, name:name, charset: IO.encoding, hilited: ""};
if (defined(JSDOC.PluginManager)) {"onPublishSrc", src);
if (src.hilited) {
IO.saveFile(srcDir, name+publish.conf.ext, src.hilited);
/** Build output for displaying function parameters. */
function makeSignature(params) {
if (!params) return "()";
var signature = "("
function($) {
return $.name.indexOf(".") == -1; // don't show config params in signature
function($) {
return $.name;
).join(", ")
return signature;
/** Find symbol {@link ...} strings in text and turn into html links */
function resolveLinks(str, from) {
str = str.replace(/\{@link ([^} ]+) ?\}/gi,
function(match, symbolName) {
return new Link().toSymbol(symbolName);
return str;