Moved getSidebarLinks to sitemap.sidebar
This is the fourth, and final patch, that attempts to
improve the cohesion in the base.View class.
Patch by: Sverre Rabbelier
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from distutils.core import setup
import os
# Startup
appname = "python-graph"
appversion = "1.3.1"
docfolder = 'share/doc/' + appname + '-' + appversion + '/'
docfolder = os.path.normcase(docfolder)
docfiles = os.listdir('docs')
docs = os.path.normcase('docs/')
for i in xrange(len(docfiles)):
docfiles[i] = docs + docfiles[i]
name = appname,
version = appversion,
packages = ['graph'],
data_files = [(docfolder, ['README','Changelog','COPYING']),
(docfolder + docs, docfiles),
# metadata
author = "Pedro Matiello",
author_email = "",
description = "A library for working with graphs in Python",
license = "MIT",
keywords = "python graph algorithms library",
url = "",
classifiers = ["License :: OSI Approved :: MIT License","Topic :: Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules"],
long_description = "python-graph is a library for working with graphs in Python. This software provides a suitable data structure for representing graphs and a whole set of important algorithms."