Add soc.views.simple containing (initially) two simple template views.
templateWithLinkName() is a view that can replace most public() read-only
views. errorResponse() is a view that renders an error page for
out_of_band.ErrorResponse exceptions. Also, change response_helpers.respond()
to accept keyword arguments to pass to http.HttpResponse(). (errorResponse()
makes use of this new respond() feature.)
Patch by: Todd Larsen
Review by: to-be-reviewed
Authenticating against Django's user database from Apache
Since keeping multiple authentication databases in sync is a common problem when
dealing with Apache, you can configuring Apache to authenticate against Django's
`authentication system`_ directly. For example, you could:
* Serve static/media files directly from Apache only to authenticated users.
* Authenticate access to a Subversion_ repository against Django users with
a certain permission.
* Allow certain users to connect to a WebDAV share created with mod_dav_.
Configuring Apache
To check against Django's authorization database from a Apache configuration
file, you'll need to use mod_python's ``PythonAuthenHandler`` directive along
with the standard ``Auth*`` and ``Require`` directives::
<Location /example/>
AuthType basic
AuthName ""
Require valid-user
SetEnv DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE mysite.settings
PythonAuthenHandler django.contrib.auth.handlers.modpython
By default, the authentication handler will limit access to the ``/example/``
location to users marked as staff members. You can use a set of
``PythonOption`` directives to modify this behavior:
================================ =========================================
``PythonOption`` Explanation
================================ =========================================
``DjangoRequireStaffStatus`` If set to ``on`` only "staff" users (i.e.
those with the ``is_staff`` flag set)
will be allowed.
Defaults to ``on``.
``DjangoRequireSuperuserStatus`` If set to ``on`` only superusers (i.e.
those with the ``is_superuser`` flag set)
will be allowed.
Defaults to ``off``.
``DjangoPermissionName`` The name of a permission to require for
access. See `custom permissions`_ for
more information.
By default no specific permission will be
================================ =========================================
Note that sometimes ``SetEnv`` doesn't play well in this mod_python
configuration, for reasons unknown. If you're having problems getting
mod_python to recognize your ``DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE``, you can set it using
``PythonOption`` instead of ``SetEnv``. Therefore, these two Apache directives
are equivalent::
SetEnv DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE mysite.settings
PythonOption DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE mysite.settings
.. _authentication system: ../authentication/
.. _Subversion:
.. _mod_dav:
.. _custom permissions: ../authentication/#custom-permissions