Added tag 0-5-20090711p1 for changeset 03aa33e8600b
"Global Django exceptions"class ObjectDoesNotExist(Exception): "The requested object does not exist" silent_variable_failure = Trueclass MultipleObjectsReturned(Exception): "The query returned multiple objects when only one was expected." passclass SuspiciousOperation(Exception): "The user did something suspicious" passclass PermissionDenied(Exception): "The user did not have permission to do that" passclass ViewDoesNotExist(Exception): "The requested view does not exist" passclass MiddlewareNotUsed(Exception): "This middleware is not used in this server configuration" passclass ImproperlyConfigured(Exception): "Django is somehow improperly configured" passclass FieldError(Exception): """Some kind of problem with a model field.""" passclass ValidationError(Exception): """An error while validating data.""" pass