Added Menu items for all three kinds of Surveys to the program menu.
The menu items turn red when the user has not taken the Survey yet.
Patch by: James Levy, Lennard de Rijk
Reviewed by: to-be-reviewed
= WHAT BELONGS IN trunk/app =trunk/app should contain only the files needed for the actual Google AppEngine application "image". Support code that is not part of the applicationimage belongs elsewhere, such as in trunk/scripts, for example.= THIRD PARTY CODE =Third-party code that is *not* part of the application image (the Google AppEngine SDK in trunk/thirdparty/google_appengine, for example) belongs intrunk/thirdparty (see also trunk/thirdparty/README).Third-party code that is part of the application image is placed in a packagesubdirectory in trunk/app, such as trunk/app/django, for example.If the third-party package is a single Python source file, place the code intrunk/app/<package>/, so that it can simply be imported using,for example:import feedparser(The trunk/app/feedparser package is a good example of this approach.)== THIRD PARTY LICENSES ==Third-party code must also include a license text file, named LICENSE orCOPYING, in the package subdirectory. If the third-party package subdirectoryis maintained automatically with a tool such as (whichremoves files, such as license text files, that were added later to the"target" directory), place the license text file in the trunk/app directoryand add the package name as a suffix (LICENSE.django is an example of thiscase).= CREATING AN OFFICIAL RELEASE === CREATING THE RELEASE CANDIDATE BRANCH AND TAGGING A RELEASE ==Steps (currently done by hand, but too be scripted in the future) to makea release:1) Set the "version:" field in the app.yaml.template file to a "release candidate" release string. Version strings cannot contain dots (periods) and have some other restrictions. As a result, the format of the release-candidate "version:" field needs to be: A-B-YYYYMMDD where: * A is a major number (currently '0' until at least GSoC functionality is completely implemented) * B is a (possibly multi-digit) minor number that is increased whenever there is a major increase in functionality (some major GSoC or GHOP feature, e.g. student sign-ups and proposals, is implemented) * YYYY is the four digit year of the release date * MM is the (always) two digit month of the release date (zero-padded) * DD is the (always) two digit day of the release date (zero-padded)2) Commit this file *by itself* in its own commit.3) Use 'svn cp' to create a release branch of /trunk/ in /branches/ with exactly the same name as the contents of the "version:" field in the app.yaml.template file. Branch on the specific revision of the commit4) Finalize the release candidate branch for a push to the live web site. Use 'svn cp' to create a tag in /tags/ with exactly the same name as the contents of the "version:" field in the app.yaml.template file. Specify the *specific revision* of the commit in step #2 above.Step #4 might actually be delayed for one or more patch releases, once thereis some sort of User Acceptance Testing (UAT) checklist for a releasecandidate, because defects would be patched in the release candidate branchone or more times before an actual release is tagged. See the next sectionfor details.== PATCHING AND RE-RELEASING AN EXISTING RELEASE CANDIDATE BRANCH ==To re-release a previously-tagged release branch after a patch for a push tothe live web site:1) Increment the "patch suffix" of the "version:" field value to the next integer (for example, "p1" becomes "p2"), or append "p1" to the end of the existing string if this is the first patch release (so the first tagged patch release will always be "p1"). For example: A-B-YYYYMMDD becomes A-B-YYYYMMDDp1 and: A-B-YYYYMMDDp1 becomes A-B-YYYYMMDDp2 etc.2) Commit this file *by itself* in its own commit (after the last batch of patches being made to the existing /branches/ release branch).3) Use 'svn cp' to create a tag in /tags/ with exactly the same name as the contents of the new, patched "version:" field in the app.yaml.template file. Specify the *specific revision* of the commit in step #2 above.