Dotted path to the views in URL patterns is changed to a params parameter.
This change makes the URL mapping from URL to View method in patterns generic
where the base package path is taken from the params['module_package'] value
to support module system of Melange where inherited View classes override the
params['module_package'] value to specify their own View methods.
#!/usr/bin/python2.5## Copyright 2008 the Melange authors.## Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.# You may obtain a copy of the License at## Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and# limitations under the License."""Views decorators."""__authors__ = [ '"Pawel Solyga" <>', '"Sverre Rabbelier" <>', ]import loggingfrom functools import wrapsfrom google.appengine.runtime import DeadlineExceededErrorfrom google.appengine.runtime.apiproxy_errors import CapabilityDisabledErrorfrom django import httpfrom django.utils.translation import ugettextfrom soc.logic import dictsfrom soc.views.helper import responsesDEF_DOWN_FOR_MAINTENANCE_MSG = ugettext("Down for maintenance")DEF_IN_UNEXPECTED_MAINTENANCE_MSG = ugettext( "Down for unexpected maintenance.")class Error(Exception): """Base class for all exceptions raised by this module. """ passdef maintenance(request): """Returns a 'down for maintenance' view. """ context = responses.getUniversalContext(request) context['page_name'] = ugettext('Maintenance') notice = context.pop('site_notice') if not notice: context['body_content'] = DEF_IN_UNEXPECTED_MAINTENANCE_MSG else: context['body_content'] = notice context['header_title'] = DEF_DOWN_FOR_MAINTENANCE_MSG context['sidebar_menu_items'] = [ {'heading': DEF_DOWN_FOR_MAINTENANCE_MSG, 'group': ''}, ] template = 'soc/base.html' return responses.respond(request, template, context=context)def view(func): """Decorator that insists that exceptions are handled by view. """ from soc.views import out_of_band @wraps(func) def view_wrapper(request, *args, **kwds): """View decorator wrapper method. """ context = responses.getUniversalContext(request) try: if not context['is_admin'] and context['in_maintenance']: return maintenance(request) return func(request, *args, **kwds) except CapabilityDisabledError, exception: logging.exception(exception) # assume the site is in maintenance if we get CDE return maintenance(request) except DeadlineExceededError, exception: template = 'soc/deadline_exceeded.html' except MemoryError, exception: template = 'soc/memory_error.html' except AssertionError, exception: template = 'soc/assertion_error.html' except out_of_band.Error, error: return responses.errorResponse(error, request) logging.exception(exception) return responses.respond(request, template, context=context) return view_wrapperdef merge_params(func): """Decorator that merges 'params' with self._params. """ @wraps(func) def wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs): """Decorator wrapper method. """ params = kwargs.get('params', {}) kwargs['params'] = dicts.merge(params, self._params) return func(self, *args, **kwargs) return wrapperdef check_access(func): """This decorator does access checks for the specified view method. The rights dictionary is extracted from 'params', or, if either 'params' or 'rights' do not exist, from self._params['rights']. """ # Do not pollute helper.decorators with access specific imports from soc.views import out_of_band from soc.views import helper from soc.views.helper import responses @wraps(func) def wrapper(self, request, access_type, *args, **kwargs): """Decorator wrapper method. """ params = kwargs.get('params', {}) # Try to extract rights if 'rights' in params: rights = params['rights'] else: rights = self._params['rights'] check_kwargs = kwargs.copy() context = responses.getUniversalContext(request) responses.useJavaScript(context, self._params['js_uses_all']) id = context['account'] user = context['user'] check_kwargs['GET'] = request.GET check_kwargs['POST'] = request.POST check_kwargs['context'] = context # reset and pre-fill the Checker's cache rights.setCurrentUser(id, user) # Do the access check dance try: rights.checkAccess(access_type, check_kwargs) except out_of_band.Error, error: return helper.responses.errorResponse(error, request) return func(self, request, access_type, *args, **kwargs) return wrapper