Added Joel Sherrill to the AUTHORS file
Patch by: Sverre Rabbelier
#!/usr/bin/python2.5## Copyright 2008 the Melange authors.## Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.# You may obtain a copy of the License at## Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and# limitations under the License."""Access control helper.The functions in this module can be used to check access controlrelated requirements. When the specified required conditions are notmet, an exception is raised. This exception contains a views thateither prompts for authentication, or informs the user that theydo not meet the required criteria."""__authors__ = [ '"Todd Larsen" <>', '"Sverre Rabbelier" <>', '"Lennard de Rijk" <>', '"Pawel Solyga" <>', ]from google.appengine.api import memcachefrom django.utils.translation import ugettextfrom soc.logic import dictsfrom soc.logic import rights as rights_logicfrom soc.logic.helper import timeline as timeline_helperfrom soc.logic.models.club_admin import logic as club_admin_logicfrom soc.logic.models.club_member import logic as club_member_logicfrom soc.logic.models.document import logic as document_logicfrom import logic as host_logicfrom soc.logic.models.mentor import logic as mentor_logicfrom soc.logic.models.org_admin import logic as org_admin_logicfrom soc.logic.models.organization import logic as org_logicfrom soc.logic.models.program import logic as program_logicfrom soc.logic.models.request import logic as request_logicfrom soc.logic.models.role import logic as role_logicfrom import logic as site_logicfrom soc.logic.models.sponsor import logic as sponsor_logicfrom soc.logic.models.student import logic as student_logicfrom soc.logic.models.student_project import logic as student_project_logicfrom soc.logic.models.student_proposal import logic as student_proposal_logicfrom soc.logic.models.timeline import logic as timeline_logicfrom soc.logic.models.user import logic as user_logicfrom soc.views.helper import redirectsfrom soc.views import out_of_bandDEF_NO_USER_LOGIN_MSG = ugettext( 'Please create <a href="/user/create_profile">User Profile</a>' ' in order to view this page.')DEF_AGREE_TO_TOS_MSG_FMT = ugettext( 'You must agree to the <a href="%(tos_link)s">site-wide Terms of' ' Service</a> in your <a href="/user/edit_profile">User Profile</a>' ' in order to view this page.')DEF_DEV_LOGOUT_LOGIN_MSG_FMT = ugettext( 'Please <a href="%%(sign_out)s">sign out</a>' ' and <a href="%%(sign_in)s">sign in</a>' ' again as %(role)s to view this page.')DEF_NEED_MEMBERSHIP_MSG_FMT = ugettext( 'You need to be in the %(status)s group to %(action)s' ' documents in the %(prefix)s prefix.')DEF_NEED_ROLE_MSG = ugettext( 'You do not have the required role.')DEF_NOT_YOUR_ENTITY_MSG = ugettext( 'This entity does not belong to you.')DEF_NO_ACTIVE_ENTITY_MSG = ugettext( 'There is no such active entity.')DEF_NO_ACTIVE_GROUP_MSG = ugettext( 'There is no such active group.')DEF_NO_ACTIVE_ROLE_MSG = ugettext( 'There is no such active role.')DEF_ALREADY_PARTICIPATING_MSG = ugettext( 'You cannot become a Student because you are already participating ' 'in this program.')DEF_ALREADY_STUDENT_ROLE_MSG = ugettext( 'You cannot become a Mentor or Organization Admin because you already are ' 'a Student in this program.')DEF_NO_ACTIVE_PROGRAM_MSG = ugettext( 'There is no such active program.')DEF_NO_REQUEST_MSG = ugettext( 'There is no accepted request that would allow you to visit this page. ' 'Perhaps you already accepted this request?')DEF_NO_APPLICATION_MSG = ugettext( 'There is no application that would allow you to visit this page.')DEF_NEED_PICK_ARGS_MSG = ugettext( 'The "continue" and "field" args are not both present.')DEF_REVIEW_COMPLETED_MSG = ugettext('This Application can not be reviewed ' 'anymore (it has been completed or rejected).')DEF_REQUEST_COMPLETED_MSG = ugettext( 'This request cannot be accepted (it is either completed or denied).')DEF_SCOPE_INACTIVE_MSG = ugettext( 'The scope for this request is not active.')DEF_SIGN_UP_AS_STUDENT_MSG = ugettext( 'You need to sign up as a Student first.')DEF_MAX_PROPOSALS_REACHED = ugettext( 'You have reached the maximum number of Proposals allowed ' 'for this program.')DEF_NO_LIST_ACCESS_MSG = ugettext('You do not have the required rights to ' 'list documents for this scope and prefix.')DEF_PAGE_DENIED_MSG = ugettext( 'Access to this page has been restricted.')DEF_PREFIX_NOT_IN_ARGS_MSG = ugettext( 'A required GET url argument ("prefix") was not specified.')DEF_PAGE_INACTIVE_MSG = ugettext( 'This page is inactive at this time.')DEF_LOGOUT_MSG_FMT = ugettext( 'Please <a href="%(sign_out)s">sign out</a> in order to view this page.')DEF_GROUP_NOT_FOUND_MSG = ugettext( 'The requested Group can not be found.')DEF_USER_ACCOUNT_INVALID_MSG_FMT = ugettext( 'The <b><i>%(email)s</i></b> account cannot be used with this site, for' ' one or more of the following reasons:' '<ul>' ' <li>the account is invalid</li>' ' <li>the account is already attached to a User profile and cannot be' ' used to create another one</li>' ' <li>the account is a former account that cannot be used again</li>' '</ul>')def allowSidebar(fun): """Decorator that allows access if the sidebar is calling. """ from functools import wraps @wraps(fun) def wrapper(self, django_args, *args, **kwargs): """Decorator wrapper method. """ if django_args.get('SIDEBAR_CALLING'): return return fun(self, django_args, *args, **kwargs) return wrapperdef denySidebar(fun): """Decorator that denies access if the sidebar is calling. """ from functools import wraps @wraps(fun) def wrapper(self, django_args, *args, **kwargs): """Decorator wrapper method. """ if django_args.get('SIDEBAR_CALLING'): raise out_of_band.Error("Sidebar Calling") return fun(self, django_args, *args, **kwargs) return wrapperdef allowIfCheckPasses(checker_name): """Returns a decorator that allows access if the specified checker passes. """ from functools import wraps def decorator(fun): """Decorator that allows access if the current user is a Developer. """ @wraps(fun) def wrapper(self, django_args=None, *args, **kwargs): """Decorator wrapper method. """ try: # if the check passes we allow access regardless return self.doCheck(checker_name, django_args, []) except out_of_band.Error: # otherwise we run the original check return fun(self, django_args, *args, **kwargs) return wrapper return decorator# pylint: disable-msg=C0103allowDeveloper = allowIfCheckPasses('checkIsDeveloper') class Checker(object): """ The __setitem__() and __getitem__() methods are overloaded to DTRT when adding new access rights, and retrieving them, so use these rather then modifying rights directly if so desired. """ MEMBERSHIP = { 'anyone': 'allow', 'club_admin': ('checkHasActiveRoleForScope', club_admin_logic), 'club_member': ('checkHasActiveRoleForScope', club_member_logic), 'host': ('checkHasDocumentAccess', [host_logic, 'sponsor']), 'org_admin': ('checkHasDocumentAccess', [org_admin_logic, 'org']), 'org_mentor': ('checkHasDocumentAccess', [mentor_logic, 'org']), 'org_student': ('checkHasDocumentAccess', [student_logic, 'org']), 'user': 'checkIsUser', 'user_self': ('checkIsUserSelf', 'scope_path'), } #: the depths of various scopes to other scopes # the 0 entries are not used, and are for clarity purposes only SCOPE_DEPTH = { 'site': None, 'sponsor': (sponsor_logic, {'sponsor': 0}), 'program': (program_logic, {'sponsor': 1, 'program': 0}), 'org': (org_logic, {'sponsor': 2, 'program': 1, 'org': 0}), } def __init__(self, params): """Adopts base.rights as rights if base is set. """ base = params.get('rights') if params else None self.rights = base.rights if base else {} = None self.user = None def normalizeChecker(self, checker): """Normalizes the checker to a pre-defined format. The result is guaranteed to be a list of 2-tuples, the first element is a checker (iff there is an checker with the specified name), the second element is a list of arguments that should be passed to the checker when calling it in addition to the standard django_args. """ # Be nice an repack so that it is always a list with tuples if isinstance(checker, tuple): name, arg = checker return (name, (arg if isinstance(arg, list) else [arg])) else: return (checker, []) def __setitem__(self, key, value): """Sets a value only if no old value exists. """ oldvalue = self.rights.get(key) self.rights[key] = oldvalue if oldvalue else value def __getitem__(self, key): """Retrieves and normalizes the right checkers. """ return [self.normalizeChecker(i) for i in self.rights.get(key, [])] def key(self, checker_name): """Returns the key for the specified checker for the current user. """ return "%s.%s" % (, checker_name) def put(self, checker_name, value): """Puts the result for the specified checker in the cache. """ retention = 30 memcache_key = self.key(checker_name) memcache.add(memcache_key, value, retention) def get(self, checker_name): """Retrieves the result for the specified checker from cache. """ memcache_key = self.key(checker_name) return memcache.get(memcache_key) def doCheck(self, checker_name, django_args, args): """Runs the specified checker with the specified arguments. """ checker = getattr(self, checker_name) checker(django_args, *args) def doCachedCheck(self, checker_name, django_args, args): """Retrieves from cache or runs the specified checker. """ cached = self.get(checker_name) if cached is None: try: self.doCheck(checker_name, django_args, args) self.put(checker_name, True) return except out_of_band.Error, exception: self.put(checker_name, exception) raise if cached is True: return # re-raise the cached exception raise cached def check(self, use_cache, checker_name, django_args, args): """Runs the checker, optionally using the cache. """ if use_cache: self.doCachedCheck(checker_name, django_args, args) else: self.doCheck(checker_name, django_args, args) def setCurrentUser(self, id, user): """Sets up everything for the current user. """ = id self.user = user def checkAccess(self, access_type, django_args): """Runs all the defined checks for the specified type. Args: access_type: the type of request (such as 'list' or 'edit') rights: a dictionary containing access check functions django_args: a dictionary with django's arguments Rights usage: The rights dictionary is used to check if the current user is allowed to view the page specified. The functions defined in this dictionary are always called with the provided django_args dictionary as argument. On any request, regardless of what type, the functions in the 'any_access' value are called. If the specified type is not in the rights dictionary, all the functions in the 'unspecified' value are called. When the specified type _is_ in the rights dictionary, all the functions in that access_type's value are called. """ use_cache = django_args.get('SIDEBAR_CALLING') # Call each access checker for checker_name, args in self['any_access']: self.check(use_cache, checker_name, django_args, args) if access_type not in self.rights: # No checks defined, so do the 'generic' checks and bail out for checker_name, args in self['unspecified']: self.check(use_cache, checker_name, django_args, args) return for checker_name, args in self[access_type]: self.check(use_cache, checker_name, django_args, args) def hasMembership(self, roles, django_args): """Checks whether the user has access to any of the specified roles. Makes use of self.MEMBERSHIP, which defines checkers specific to document access, as such this method should only be used when checking document access. Args: roles: a list of roles to check django_args: the django args that should be passed to doCheck """ try: # we need to check manually, as we must return True! self.checkIsDeveloper(django_args) return True except out_of_band.Error: pass for role in roles: try: checker_name, args = self.normalizeChecker(self.MEMBERSHIP[role]) self.doCheck(checker_name, django_args, args) # the check passed, we can stop now return True except out_of_band.Error: continue return False @allowDeveloper def checkMembership(self, action, prefix, status, django_args): """Checks whether the user has access to the specified status. Args: action: the action that was performed (e.g., 'read') prefix: the prefix, determines what access set is used status: the access status (e.g., 'public') django_args: the django args to pass on to the checkers """ checker = rights_logic.Checker(prefix) roles = checker.getMembership(status) message_fmt = DEF_NEED_MEMBERSHIP_MSG_FMT % { 'action': action, 'prefix': prefix, 'status': status, } # try to see if they belong to any of the roles, if not, raise an # access violation for the specified action, prefix and status. if not self.hasMembership(roles, django_args): raise out_of_band.AccessViolation(message_fmt) def checkHasAny(self, django_args, checks): """Checks if any of the checks passes. If none of the specified checks passes, the exception that the first of the checks raised is reraised. """ first = None for checker_name, args in checks: try: self.doCheck(checker_name, django_args, args) # one check passed, all is well return except out_of_band.Error, exception: # store the first esception first = first if first else exception # none passed, re-raise the first exception # pylint: disable-msg=W0706 raise first def allow(self, django_args): """Never raises an alternate HTTP response. (an access no-op, basically). Args: django_args: a dictionary with django's arguments """ return def deny(self, django_args=None): """Always raises an alternate HTTP response. Args: django_args: a dictionary with django's arguments Raises: always raises AccessViolationResponse if called """ context = django_args.get('context', {}) context['title'] = 'Access denied' raise out_of_band.AccessViolation(DEF_PAGE_DENIED_MSG, context=context) def checkIsLoggedIn(self, django_args=None): """Raises an alternate HTTP response if Google Account is not logged in. Args: django_args: a dictionary with django's arguments, not used Raises: AccessViolationResponse: * if no Google Account is even logged in """ if return raise out_of_band.LoginRequest() def checkNotLoggedIn(self, django_args=None): """Raises an alternate HTTP response if Google Account is logged in. Args: django_args: a dictionary with django's arguments, not used Raises: AccessViolationResponse: * if a Google Account is currently logged in """ if not return raise out_of_band.LoginRequest(message_fmt=DEF_LOGOUT_MSG_FMT) def checkIsUser(self, django_args=None): """Raises an alternate HTTP response if Google Account has no User entity. Args: django_args: a dictionary with django's arguments, not used Raises: AccessViolationResponse: * if no User exists for the logged-in Google Account, or * if no Google Account is logged in at all * if User has not agreed to the site-wide ToS, if one exists """ self.checkIsLoggedIn() if not self.user: raise out_of_band.LoginRequest(message_fmt=DEF_NO_USER_LOGIN_MSG) if user_logic.agreesToSiteToS(self.user): return # Would not reach this point of site-wide ToS did not exist, since # agreesToSiteToS() call above always returns True if no ToS is in effect. login_msg_fmt = DEF_AGREE_TO_TOS_MSG_FMT % { 'tos_link': redirects.getToSRedirect(site_logic.getSingleton())} raise out_of_band.LoginRequest(message_fmt=login_msg_fmt) @allowDeveloper def checkIsHost(self, django_args=None): """Checks whether the current user has a role entity. Args: django_args: the keyword args from django, not used """ if not django_args: django_args = {} return self.checkHasActiveRole(django_args, host_logic) @allowDeveloper def checkIsUserSelf(self, django_args, field_name): """Checks whether the specified user is the logged in user. Args: django_args: the keyword args from django, only field_name is used """ self.checkIsUser() if not field_name in django_args: self.deny() if self.user.link_id == django_args[field_name]: return raise out_of_band.AccessViolation(DEF_NOT_YOUR_ENTITY_MSG) def checkIsUnusedAccount(self, django_args=None): """Raises an alternate HTTP response if Google Account has a User entity. Args: django_args: a dictionary with django's arguments, not used Raises: AccessViolationResponse: * if a User exists for the logged-in Google Account, or * if a User has this Gooogle Account in their formerAccounts list """ self.checkIsLoggedIn() fields = {'account':} user_entity = user_logic.getForFields(fields, unique=True) if not user_entity and not user_logic.isFormerAccount( # this account has not been used yet return message_fmt = DEF_USER_ACCOUNT_INVALID_MSG_FMT % { 'email' : } raise out_of_band.LoginRequest(message_fmt=message_fmt) def checkHasUserEntity(self, django_args=None): """Raises an alternate HTTP response if Google Account has no User entity. Args: django_args: a dictionary with django's arguments Raises: AccessViolationResponse: * if no User exists for the logged-in Google Account, or * if no Google Account is logged in at all """ self.checkIsLoggedIn() if self.user: return raise out_of_band.LoginRequest(message_fmt=DEF_NO_USER_LOGIN_MSG) def checkIsDeveloper(self, django_args=None): """Raises an alternate HTTP response if Google Account is not a Developer. Args: django_args: a dictionary with django's arguments, not used Raises: AccessViolationResponse: * if User is not a Developer, or * if no User exists for the logged-in Google Account, or * if no Google Account is logged in at all """ self.checkIsUser() if user_logic.isDeveloper(, user=self.user): return login_message_fmt = DEF_DEV_LOGOUT_LOGIN_MSG_FMT % { 'role': 'a Site Developer ', } raise out_of_band.LoginRequest(message_fmt=login_message_fmt) @allowDeveloper @denySidebar def _checkIsActive(self, django_args, logic, fields): """Raises an alternate HTTP response if the entity is not active. Args: django_args: a dictionary with django's arguments logic: the logic that should be used to look up the entity fields: the name of the fields that should be copied verbatim from the django_args as filter Raises: AccessViolationResponse: * if no entity is found * if the entity status is not active """ self.checkIsUser() fields = dicts.filter(django_args, fields) fields['status'] = 'active' entity = logic.getForFields(fields, unique=True) if entity: return raise out_of_band.AccessViolation(message_fmt=DEF_NO_ACTIVE_ENTITY_MSG) def checkGroupIsActiveForScopeAndLinkId(self, django_args, logic): """Checks that the specified group is active. Only group where both the link_id and the scope_path match the value of the link_id and the scope_path from the django_args are considered. Args: django_args: a dictionary with django's arguments logic: the logic that should be used to look up the entity """ fields = ['scope_path', 'link_id'] self._checkIsActive(django_args, logic, fields) def checkGroupIsActiveForLinkId(self, django_args, logic): """Checks that the specified group is active. Only group where the link_id matches the value of the link_id from the django_args are considered. Args: django_args: a dictionary with django's arguments logic: the logic that should be used to look up the entity """ self._checkIsActive(django_args, logic, ['link_id']) def checkHasActiveRole(self, django_args, logic): """Checks that the user has the specified active role. Args: django_args: a dictionary with django's arguments logic: the logic that should be used to look up the entity """ django_args = django_args.copy() django_args['user'] = self.user self._checkIsActive(django_args, logic, ['user']) def _checkHasActiveRoleFor(self, django_args, logic, field_name): """Checks that the user has the specified active role. Only roles where the field as specified by field_name matches the scope_path from the django_args are considered. Args: django_args: a dictionary with django's arguments logic: the logic that should be used to look up the entity """ fields = [field_name, 'user'] django_args = django_args.copy() django_args['user'] = self.user self._checkIsActive(django_args, logic, fields) def checkHasActiveRoleForKeyFieldsAsScope(self, django_args, logic): """Checks that the user has the specified active role. Args: django_args: a dictionary with django's arguments logic: the logic that should be used to look up the entity """ key_fields = "%(scope_path)s/%(link_id)s" % django_args new_args = {'scope_path': key_fields} self._checkHasActiveRoleFor(new_args, logic, 'scope_path') def checkHasActiveRoleForScope(self, django_args, logic): """Checks that the user has the specified active role. Only roles where the scope_path matches the scope_path from the django_args are considered. Args: django_args: a dictionary with django's arguments logic: the logic that should be used to look up the entity """ self._checkHasActiveRoleFor(django_args, logic, 'scope_path') def checkHasActiveRoleForLinkId(self, django_args, logic): """Checks that the user has the specified active role. Only roles where the link_id matches the link_id from the django_args are considered. Args: django_args: a dictionary with django's arguments logic: the logic that should be used to look up the entity """ self._checkHasActiveRoleFor(django_args, logic, 'link_id') def checkHasActiveRoleForLinkIdAsScope(self, django_args, logic): """Checks that the user has the specified active role. Only roles where the scope_path matches the link_id from the django_args are considered. Args: django_args: a dictionary with django's arguments logic: the logic that should be used to look up the entity """ django_args = django_args.copy() django_args['scope_path'] = django_args['link_id'] self._checkHasActiveRoleFor(django_args, logic, 'scope_path') def checkHasDocumentAccess(self, django_args, logic, target_scope): """Checks that the user has access to the specified document scope. Args: django_args: a dictionary with django's arguments logic: the logic that should be used to look up the entity """ prefix = django_args['prefix'] if self.SCOPE_DEPTH.get(prefix): scope_logic, depths = self.SCOPE_DEPTH[prefix] else: return self.checkHasActiveRole(django_args, logic) depth = depths.get(target_scope, 0) # nothing to do if not (scope_logic and depth): return self.checkHasActiveRoleForScope(django_args, logic) # we don't want to modify the original django args django_args = django_args.copy() entity = scope_logic.getFromKeyName(django_args['scope_path']) # cannot have access to the specified scope if it is invalid if not entity: raise out_of_band.AccessViolation(message_fmt=DEF_NO_ACTIVE_ENTITY_MSG) # walk up the scope to where we need to be for _ in range(depth): entity = entity.scope django_args['scope_path'] = entity.key().id_or_name() self.checkHasActiveRoleForScope(django_args, logic) def checkSeeded(self, django_args, checker_name, *args): """Wrapper to update the django_args with the contens of seed first. """ django_args.update(django_args.get('seed', {})) self.doCheck(checker_name, django_args, args) def checkCanMakeRequestToGroup(self, django_args, group_logic): """Raises an alternate HTTP response if the specified group is not in an active status. Args: django_args: a dictionary with django's arguments group_logic: Logic module for the type of group which the request is for """ self.checkIsUser(django_args) group_entity = role_logic.getGroupEntityFromScopePath( group_logic.logic, django_args['scope_path']) if not group_entity: raise out_of_band.Error(DEF_GROUP_NOT_FOUND_MSG, status=404) if group_entity.status != 'active': # tell the user that this group is not active raise out_of_band.AccessViolation(message_fmt=DEF_NO_ACTIVE_GROUP_MSG) return def checkCanCreateFromRequest(self, django_args, role_name): """Raises an alternate HTTP response if the specified request does not exist or if it's status is not group_accepted. Also when the group this request is from is in an inactive or invalid status access will be denied. Args: django_args: a dictionary with django's arguments role_name: name of the role """ self.checkIsUserSelf(django_args, 'link_id') fields = { 'link_id': django_args['link_id'], 'scope_path': django_args['scope_path'], 'role': role_name, 'status': 'group_accepted', } entity = request_logic.getForFields(fields, unique=True) if entity and (entity.scope.status not in ['invalid', 'inactive']): return raise out_of_band.AccessViolation(message_fmt=DEF_NO_REQUEST_MSG) def checkIsMyGroupAcceptedRequest(self, django_args): """Checks whether the user can accept the specified request. Args: django_args: a dictionary with django's arguments """ self.checkCanCreateFromRequest(django_args, django_args['role']) def checkCanProcessRequest(self, django_args, role_name): """Raises an alternate HTTP response if the specified request does not exist or if it's status is completed or denied. Also Raises an alternate HTTP response whenever the group in the request is not active. Args: django_args: a dictionary with django's arguments role_name: name of the role """ self.checkIsUser(django_args) fields = { 'link_id': django_args['link_id'], 'scope_path': django_args['scope_path'], 'role': role_name, } request_entity = request_logic.getFromKeyFieldsOr404(fields) if request_entity.status in ['completed', 'denied']: raise out_of_band.AccessViolation(message_fmt=DEF_REQUEST_COMPLETED_MSG) if request_entity.scope.status == 'active': return raise out_of_band.AccessViolation(message_fmt=DEF_SCOPE_INACTIVE_MSG) @allowDeveloper @denySidebar def checkIsHostForProgram(self, django_args): """Checks if the user is a host for the specified program. Args: django_args: a dictionary with django's arguments """ program = program_logic.getFromKeyFields(django_args) if not program or program.status == 'invalid': raise out_of_band.AccessViolation(message_fmt=DEF_NO_ACTIVE_PROGRAM_MSG) new_args = {'scope_path': program.scope_path } self.checkHasActiveRoleForScope(new_args, host_logic) @allowDeveloper @denySidebar def checkIsHostForProgramInScope(self, django_args): """Checks if the user is a host for the specified program. Args: django_args: a dictionary with django's arguments """ program = program_logic.getFromKeyName(django_args['scope_path']) if not program or program.status == 'invalid': raise out_of_band.AccessViolation(message_fmt=DEF_NO_ACTIVE_PROGRAM_MSG) django_args = {'scope_path': program.scope_path} self.checkHasActiveRoleForScope(django_args, host_logic) @allowDeveloper @denySidebar def checkIsActivePeriod(self, django_args, period_name, key_name_arg): """Checks if the given period is active for the given program. Args: django_args: a dictionary with django's arguments period_name: the name of the period which is checked key_name_arg: the entry in django_args that specifies the given program keyname. If none is given the key_name is constructed from django_args itself. Raises: AccessViolationResponse: * if no active Program is found * if the period is not active """ if key_name_arg and key_name_arg in django_args: key_name = django_args[key_name_arg] else: key_name = program_logic.getKeyNameFromFields(django_args) program_entity = program_logic.getFromKeyName(key_name) if not program_entity or ( program_entity.status in ['inactive', 'invalid']): raise out_of_band.AccessViolation(message_fmt=DEF_SCOPE_INACTIVE_MSG) if timeline_helper.isActivePeriod(program_entity.timeline, period_name): return raise out_of_band.AccessViolation(message_fmt=DEF_PAGE_INACTIVE_MSG) @allowDeveloper @denySidebar def checkisAfterEvent(self, django_args, event_name, key_name_arg): """Checks if the given event has taken place for the given program. Args: django_args: a dictionary with django's arguments event_name: the name of the event which is checked key_name_arg: the entry in django_args that specifies the given program keyname. If none is given the key_name is constructed from django_args itself. Raises: AccessViolationResponse: * if no active Program is found * if the event has not taken place yet """ if key_name_arg and key_name_arg in django_args: key_name = django_args[key_name_arg] else: key_name = program_logic.getKeyNameFromFields(django_args) program_entity = program_logic.getFromKeyName(key_name) if not program_entity or ( program_entity.status in ['inactive', 'invalid']): raise out_of_band.AccessViolation(message_fmt=DEF_SCOPE_INACTIVE_MSG) if timeline_helper.isAfterEvent(program_entity.timeline, event_name): return raise out_of_band.AccessViolation(message_fmt=DEF_PAGE_INACTIVE_MSG) def checkCanCreateOrgApp(self, django_args, period_name): """Checks to see if the program in the scope_path is accepting org apps Args: django_args: a dictionary with django's arguments period_name: the name of the period which is checked """ if 'seed' in django_args: return self.checkIsActivePeriod(django_args['seed'], period_name, 'scope_path') else: return @allowDeveloper def checkCanEditGroupApp(self, django_args, group_app_logic): """Checks if the group_app in args is valid to be edited by the current user. Args: django_args: a dictionary with django's arguments group_app_logic: A logic instance for the Group Application """ self.checkIsUser(django_args) fields = { 'link_id': django_args['link_id'], 'applicant': self.user, 'status' : ['needs review', 'rejected'] } if 'scope_path' in django_args: fields['scope_path'] = django_args['scope_path'] entity = group_app_logic.getForFields(fields) if entity: return del fields['applicant'] fields['backup_admin'] = self.user entity = group_app_logic.getForFields(fields) if entity: return raise out_of_band.AccessViolation(message_fmt=DEF_NOT_YOUR_ENTITY_MSG) @allowSidebar def checkCanReviewGroupApp(self, django_args, group_app_logic): """Checks if the group_app in args is valid to be reviewed. Args: django_args: a dictionary with django's arguments group_app_logic: A logic instance for the Group Application """ if 'link_id' not in django_args: # calling review overview, so we can't check a specified entity return fields = { 'link_id': django_args['link_id'], 'status': ['needs review', 'accepted', 'rejected', 'ignored', 'pre-accepted', 'pre-rejected'] } if 'scope_path' in django_args: fields['scope_path'] = django_args['scope_path'] entity = group_app_logic.getForFields(fields) if entity: return raise out_of_band.AccessViolation(message_fmt=DEF_REVIEW_COMPLETED_MSG) @allowDeveloper def checkIsApplicationAccepted(self, django_args, app_logic): """Returns an alternate HTTP response if Google Account has no accepted Group Application entity for the specified arguments. Args: django_args: a dictionary with django's arguments Raises: AccessViolationResponse: if the required authorization is not met Returns: None if the Accepted Group App exists for the specified program, or a subclass of django.http.HttpResponse which contains the alternate response should be returned by the calling view. """ self.checkIsUser(django_args) application = app_logic.getFromKeyFieldsOr404(django_args) # check if the application is accepted and the applicant is the current user if (application.applicant.key() == self.user.key()) and ( application.status == 'accepted'): return raise out_of_band.AccessViolation(message_fmt=DEF_NO_APPLICATION_MSG) def checkIsNotParticipatingInProgramInScope(self, django_args): """Checks if the current user has no roles for the given program in django_args. Args: django_args: a dictionary with django's arguments Raises: AccessViolationResponse: if the current user has a student, mentor or org admin role for the given program. """ if not django_args.get('scope_path'): raise out_of_band.AccessViolation(message_fmt=DEF_PAGE_DENIED_MSG) program_entity = program_logic.getFromKeyNameOr404( django_args['scope_path']) user_entity = user_logic.getForCurrentAccount() filter = {'user': user_entity, 'scope': program_entity, 'status': 'active'} # check if the current user is already a student for this program student_role = student_logic.getForFields(filter, unique=True) if student_role: raise out_of_band.AccessViolation( message_fmt=DEF_ALREADY_PARTICIPATING_MSG) # fill the role_list with all the mentor and org admin roles for this user # role_list = [] filter = {'user': user_entity, 'program': program_entity, 'status': 'active'} mentor_role = mentor_logic.getForFields(filter, unique=True) if mentor_role: # the current user has a role for the given program raise out_of_band.AccessViolation( message_fmt=DEF_ALREADY_PARTICIPATING_MSG) org_admin_role = org_admin_logic.getForFields(filter, unique=True) if org_admin_role: # the current user has a role for the given program raise out_of_band.AccessViolation( message_fmt=DEF_ALREADY_PARTICIPATING_MSG) # no roles found, access granted return def checkIsNotStudentForProgramInScope(self, django_args): """Checks if the current user is not a student for the given program in django_args. Args: django_args: a dictionary with django's arguments Raises: AccessViolationResponse: if the current user has a student role for the given program. """ if django_args.get('seed'): key_name = django_args['seed']['scope_path'] else: key_name = django_args['scope_path'] program_entity = program_logic.getFromKeyNameOr404(key_name) user_entity = user_logic.getForCurrentAccount() filter = {'user': user_entity, 'scope': program_entity, 'status': 'active'} # check if the current user is already a student for this program student_role = student_logic.getForFields(filter, unique=True) if student_role: raise out_of_band.AccessViolation( message_fmt=DEF_ALREADY_STUDENT_ROLE_MSG) return def checkIsNotStudentForProgramOfOrg(self, django_args): """Checks if the current user has no active Student role for the program that the organization in the scope_path is participating in. Args: django_args: a dictionary with django's arguments Raises: AccessViolationResponse: if the current user is a student for the program the organization is in. """ if not django_args.get('scope_path'): raise out_of_band.AccessViolation(message_fmt=DEF_PAGE_DENIED_MSG) org_entity = org_logic.getFromKeyNameOr404(django_args['scope_path']) user_entity = user_logic.getForCurrentAccount() filter = {'scope': org_entity.scope, 'user': user_entity, 'status': 'active'} student_role = student_logic.getForFields(filter=filter, unique=True) if student_role: raise out_of_band.AccessViolation( message_fmt=DEF_ALREADY_STUDENT_ROLE_MSG) return @allowDeveloper def checkRoleAndStatusForStudentProposal(self, django_args, allowed_roles, role_status, proposal_status): """Checks if the current user has access to the given proposal. Args: django_args: a dictionary with django's arguments allowed_roles: list with names for the roles allowed to pass access check role_status: list with states allowed for the role proposal_status: a list with states allowed for the proposal Raises: AccessViolationResponse: - If there is no proposal found - If the proposal is not in one of the required states. - If the user does not have any ofe the required roles """ self.checkIsUser(django_args) # bail out with 404 if no proposal is found proposal_entity = student_proposal_logic.getFromKeyFieldsOr404(django_args) if not proposal_entity.status in proposal_status: # this proposal can not be accessed at the moment raise out_of_band.AccessViolation( message_fmt=DEF_NO_ACTIVE_ENTITY_MSG) user_entity = self.user if 'proposer' in allowed_roles: # check if this proposal belongs to the current user student_entity = proposal_entity.scope if (user_entity.key() == student_entity.user.key()) and ( student_entity.status in role_status): return filter = {'user': user_entity, 'status': role_status} if 'host' in allowed_roles: # check if the current user is a host for this proposal's program filter['scope'] = proposal_entity.program if host_logic.getForFields(filter, unique=True): return if 'org_admin' in allowed_roles: # check if the current user is an admin for this proposal's org filter['scope'] = if org_admin_logic.getForFields(filter, unique=True): return if 'mentor' in allowed_roles: # check if the current user is a mentor for this proposal's org filter['scope'] = if mentor_logic.getForFields(filter, unique=True): return # no roles found, access denied raise out_of_band.AccessViolation( message_fmt=DEF_NEED_ROLE_MSG) @allowDeveloper def checkCanStudentPropose(self, django_args, key_location, check_limit): """Checks if the program for this student accepts proposals. Args: django_args: a dictionary with django's arguments key_location: the key for django_args in which the key_name from the student is stored check_limit: iff true checks if the student reached the apps_tasks_limit for the given program. """ self.checkIsUser(django_args) if django_args.get('seed'): key_name = django_args['seed'][key_location] else: key_name = django_args[key_location] student_entity = student_logic.getFromKeyName(key_name) if not student_entity or student_entity.status == 'invalid': raise out_of_band.AccessViolation( message_fmt=DEF_SIGN_UP_AS_STUDENT_MSG) program_entity = student_entity.scope if not timeline_helper.isActivePeriod(program_entity.timeline, 'student_signup'): raise out_of_band.AccessViolation(message_fmt=DEF_PAGE_INACTIVE_MSG) if check_limit: # count all studentproposals by the student fields = {'scope': student_entity} proposal_query = student_proposal_logic.getQueryForFields(fields) if proposal_query.count() >= program_entity.apps_tasks_limit: # too many proposals access denied raise out_of_band.AccessViolation(message_fmt=DEF_MAX_PROPOSALS_REACHED) return @allowDeveloper def checkIsStudent(self, django_args, key_location, status): """Checks if the current user is the given student. Args: django_args: a dictionary with django's arguments key_location: the key for django_args in which the key_name from the student is stored status: the allowed status for the student """ self.checkIsUser(django_args) if 'seed' in django_args: key_name = django_args['seed'][key_location] else: key_name = django_args[key_location] student_entity = student_logic.getFromKeyName(key_name) if not student_entity or student_entity.status not in status: raise out_of_band.AccessViolation( message_fmt=DEF_SIGN_UP_AS_STUDENT_MSG) if student_entity.user.key() != self.user.key(): # this is not the page for the current user self.deny(django_args) return @allowDeveloper def checkIsMyStudentProject(self, django_args): """Checks whether the project belongs to the current user. Args: django_args: a dictionary with django's arguments Raises: AccessViolationResponse: - If there is no project found - If the project does not belong to the current user """ self.checkIsUser() project_entity = student_project_logic.getFromKeyFieldsOr404(django_args) if project_entity.student.user.key() != self.user.key(): raise out_of_band.AccessViolation( message_fmt=DEF_NOT_YOUR_ENTITY_MSG) return @allowDeveloper def checkStudentProjectHasStatus(self, django_args, allowed_status): """Checks whether the Project has one of the given statuses. Args: django_args: a dictionary with django's arguments allowed_status: list with the allowed statusses for the entity Raises: AccessViolationResponse: - If there is no project found - If the project is not in the requested status """ project_entity = student_project_logic.getFromKeyFieldsOr404(django_args) if not project_entity.status in allowed_status: raise out_of_band.AccessViolation( message_fmt=DEF_NO_ACTIVE_ENTITY_MSG) return @allowDeveloper def checkIsMyEntity(self, django_args, logic, field_name='user', user=False): """Checks whether the entity belongs to the user. Args: django_args: a dictionary with django's arguments logic: the logic that should be used to fetch the entity field_name: the name of the field the entity uses to store it's owner user: true iff the entity stores the user's reference, false iff keyname """ self.checkIsUser(django_args) fields = { 'link_id': django_args['link_id'], field_name: self.user if user else self.user.key().id_or_name() } if 'scope_path' in django_args: fields['scope_path'] = django_args['scope_path'] entity = logic.getForFields(fields) if entity: return raise out_of_band.AccessViolation(message_fmt=DEF_NOT_YOUR_ENTITY_MSG) @allowDeveloper @denySidebar def checkIsAllowedToManageRole(self, django_args, logic_for_role, manage_role_logic): """Returns an alternate HTTP response if the user is not allowed to manage the role given in args. Args: django_args: a dictionary with django's arguments logic_for_role: determines the logic for the role in args. manage_role_logic: determines the logic for the role which is allowed to manage this role. Raises: AccessViolationResponse: if the required authorization is not met Returns: None if the given role is active and belongs to the current user. None if the current User has an active role (from manage_role_logic) that belongs to the same scope as the role that needs to be managed """ try: # check if it is my role the user's own role self.checkHasActiveRoleForScope(django_args, logic_for_role) return except out_of_band.Error: pass # apparently it's not the user's role so check # if managing this role is allowed fields = { 'link_id': django_args['link_id'], 'scope_path': django_args['scope_path'], } role_entity = role_logic.getFromKeyFieldsOr404(fields) if role_entity.status != 'active': raise out_of_band.AccessViolation(message_fmt=DEF_NO_ACTIVE_ROLE_MSG) fields = { 'link_id': self.user.link_id, 'scope_path': django_args['scope_path'], 'status': 'active' } manage_entity = manage_role_logic.getForFields(fields, unique=True) if not manage_entity: raise out_of_band.AccessViolation(message_fmt=DEF_NOT_YOUR_ENTITY_MSG) return @allowSidebar @allowDeveloper def checkIsDocumentReadable(self, django_args, key_name_field=None): """Checks whether a document is readable. Args: django_args: a dictionary with django's arguments key_name_field: key name field """ if key_name_field: key_name = django_args[key_name_field] document = document_logic.getFromKeyNameOr404(key_name) else: document = document_logic.getFromKeyFieldsOr404(django_args) self.checkMembership('read', document.prefix, document.read_access, django_args) @denySidebar @allowDeveloper def checkIsDocumentWritable(self, django_args, key_name_field=None): """Checks whether a document is writable. Args: django_args: a dictionary with django's arguments key_name_field: key name field """ if key_name_field: key_name = django_args[key_name_field] document = document_logic.getFromKeyNameOr404(key_name) else: document = document_logic.getFromKeyFieldsOr404(django_args) self.checkMembership('write', document.prefix, document.write_access, django_args) @allowDeveloper def checkDocumentList(self, django_args): """Checks whether the user is allowed to list documents. Args: django_args: a dictionary with django's arguments """ filter = django_args['filter'] prefix = filter['prefix'] checker = rights_logic.Checker(prefix) roles = checker.getMembership('list') if not self.hasMembership(roles, filter): raise out_of_band.AccessViolation(message_fmt=DEF_NO_LIST_ACCESS_MSG) @allowDeveloper def checkDocumentPick(self, django_args): """Checks whether the user has access to the specified pick url. Will update the 'read_access' field of django_args['GET']. Args: django_args: a dictionary with django's arguments """ get_args = django_args['GET'] # make mutable in order to inject the proper read_access filter mutable = get_args._mutable get_args._mutable = True if 'prefix' not in get_args: raise out_of_band.AccessViolation(message_fmt=DEF_PREFIX_NOT_IN_ARGS_MSG) prefix = get_args['prefix'] django_args['prefix'] = prefix django_args['scope_path'] = get_args['scope_path'] checker = rights_logic.Checker(prefix) memberships = checker.getMemberships() roles = [] for key, value in memberships.iteritems(): if self.hasMembership(value, django_args): roles.append(key) if not roles: roles = ['deny'] get_args.setlist('read_access', roles) get_args._mutable = mutable def checkCanEditTimeline(self, django_args): """Checks whether this program's timeline may be edited. Args: django_args: a dictionary with django's arguments """ time_line_keyname = timeline_logic.getKeyFieldsFromFields(django_args) timeline_entity = timeline_logic.getFromKeyName(time_line_keyname) if not timeline_entity: # timeline does not exists so deny self.deny(django_args) fields = program_logic.getKeyFieldsFromFields(django_args) self.checkIsHostForProgram(fields)