author Sverre Rabbelier <>
Wed, 26 Nov 2008 20:50:56 +0000
changeset 590 37735d97b541
parent 323 ff1a9aa48cfd
permissions -rw-r--r--
Created a seperate module for editSelf things This improves the coherency in the user module, while at the same time making it easier to set proper access control for the editSelf related pages. Patch by: Sverre Rabbelier

import unittest
from django.contrib.gis.gdal import OGRGeometry, OGRGeomType, \
    OGRException, OGRIndexError, SpatialReference, CoordTransform, \
from django.contrib.gis.tests.geometries import *

class OGRGeomTest(unittest.TestCase):
    "This tests the OGR Geometry."

    def test00_geomtype(self):
        "Testing OGRGeomType object."

        # OGRGeomType should initialize on all these inputs.
            g = OGRGeomType(1)
            g = OGRGeomType(7)
            g = OGRGeomType('point')
            g = OGRGeomType('GeometrycollectioN')
            g = OGRGeomType('LINearrING')
            g = OGRGeomType('Unknown')
  'Could not create an OGRGeomType object!')

        # Should throw TypeError on this input
        self.assertRaises(TypeError, OGRGeomType.__init__, 23)
        self.assertRaises(TypeError, OGRGeomType.__init__, 'fooD')
        self.assertRaises(TypeError, OGRGeomType.__init__, 9)

        # Equivalence can take strings, ints, and other OGRGeomTypes
        self.assertEqual(True, OGRGeomType(1) == OGRGeomType(1))
        self.assertEqual(True, OGRGeomType(7) == 'GeometryCollection')
        self.assertEqual(True, OGRGeomType('point') == 'POINT')
        self.assertEqual(False, OGRGeomType('point') == 2)
        self.assertEqual(True, OGRGeomType('unknown') == 0)
        self.assertEqual(True, OGRGeomType(6) == 'MULtiPolyGON')
        self.assertEqual(False, OGRGeomType(1) != OGRGeomType('point'))
        self.assertEqual(True, OGRGeomType('POINT') != OGRGeomType(6))

        # Testing the Django field name equivalent property.
        self.assertEqual('PointField', OGRGeomType('Point').django)
        self.assertEqual(None, OGRGeomType('Unknown').django)
        self.assertEqual(None, OGRGeomType('none').django)

    def test01a_wkt(self):
        "Testing WKT output."
        for g in wkt_out:
            geom = OGRGeometry(g.wkt)
            self.assertEqual(g.wkt, geom.wkt)

    def test01b_gml(self):
        "Testing GML output."
        for g in wkt_out:
            geom = OGRGeometry(g.wkt)
            self.assertEqual(g.gml, geom.gml)

    def test01c_hex(self):
        "Testing HEX input/output."
        for g in hex_wkt:
            geom1 = OGRGeometry(g.wkt)
            self.assertEqual(g.hex, geom1.hex)
            # Constructing w/HEX
            geom2 = OGRGeometry(g.hex)
            self.assertEqual(geom1, geom2)

    def test01d_wkb(self):
        "Testing WKB input/output."
        from binascii import b2a_hex
        for g in hex_wkt:
            geom1 = OGRGeometry(g.wkt)
            wkb = geom1.wkb
            self.assertEqual(b2a_hex(wkb).upper(), g.hex)
            # Constructing w/WKB.
            geom2 = OGRGeometry(wkb)
            self.assertEqual(geom1, geom2)

    def test01e_json(self):
        "Testing GeoJSON input/output."
        from django.contrib.gis.gdal.prototypes.geom import GEOJSON
        if not GEOJSON: return
        for g in json_geoms:
            geom = OGRGeometry(g.wkt)
            self.assertEqual(g.json, geom.json)
            self.assertEqual(g.json, geom.geojson)
            self.assertEqual(OGRGeometry(g.wkt), OGRGeometry(geom.json))

    def test02_points(self):
        "Testing Point objects."

        prev = OGRGeometry('POINT(0 0)')
        for p in points:
            if not hasattr(p, 'z'): # No 3D
                pnt = OGRGeometry(p.wkt)
                self.assertEqual(1, pnt.geom_type)
                self.assertEqual('POINT', pnt.geom_name)
                self.assertEqual(p.x, pnt.x)
                self.assertEqual(p.y, pnt.y)
                self.assertEqual((p.x, p.y), pnt.tuple)

    def test03_multipoints(self):
        "Testing MultiPoint objects."

        for mp in multipoints:
            mgeom1 = OGRGeometry(mp.wkt) # First one from WKT
            self.assertEqual(4, mgeom1.geom_type)
            self.assertEqual('MULTIPOINT', mgeom1.geom_name)
            mgeom2 = OGRGeometry('MULTIPOINT') # Creating empty multipoint
            mgeom3 = OGRGeometry('MULTIPOINT')
            for g in mgeom1:
                mgeom2.add(g) # adding each point from the multipoints
                mgeom3.add(g.wkt) # should take WKT as well
            self.assertEqual(mgeom1, mgeom2) # they should equal
            self.assertEqual(mgeom1, mgeom3)
            self.assertEqual(mp.points, mgeom2.tuple)
            self.assertEqual(mp.n_p, mgeom2.point_count)
    def test04_linestring(self):
        "Testing LineString objects."
        prev = OGRGeometry('POINT(0 0)')
        for ls in linestrings:
            linestr = OGRGeometry(ls.wkt)
            self.assertEqual(2, linestr.geom_type)
            self.assertEqual('LINESTRING', linestr.geom_name)
            self.assertEqual(ls.n_p, linestr.point_count)
            self.assertEqual(ls.tup, linestr.tuple)
            self.assertEqual(True, linestr == OGRGeometry(ls.wkt))
            self.assertEqual(True, linestr != prev)
            self.assertRaises(OGRIndexError, linestr.__getitem__, len(linestr))
            prev = linestr

            # Testing the x, y properties.
            x = [tmpx for tmpx, tmpy in ls.tup]
            y = [tmpy for tmpx, tmpy in ls.tup]
            self.assertEqual(x, linestr.x)
            self.assertEqual(y, linestr.y)

    def test05_multilinestring(self):
        "Testing MultiLineString objects."
        prev = OGRGeometry('POINT(0 0)')
        for mls in multilinestrings:
            mlinestr = OGRGeometry(mls.wkt)
            self.assertEqual(5, mlinestr.geom_type)
            self.assertEqual('MULTILINESTRING', mlinestr.geom_name)
            self.assertEqual(mls.n_p, mlinestr.point_count)
            self.assertEqual(mls.tup, mlinestr.tuple)
            self.assertEqual(True, mlinestr == OGRGeometry(mls.wkt))
            self.assertEqual(True, mlinestr != prev)
            prev = mlinestr
            for ls in mlinestr:
                self.assertEqual(2, ls.geom_type)
                self.assertEqual('LINESTRING', ls.geom_name)
            self.assertRaises(OGRIndexError, mlinestr.__getitem__, len(mlinestr)) 

    def test06_linearring(self):
        "Testing LinearRing objects."
        prev = OGRGeometry('POINT(0 0)')
        for rr in linearrings:
            lr = OGRGeometry(rr.wkt)
            #self.assertEqual(101, lr.geom_type.num)
            self.assertEqual('LINEARRING', lr.geom_name)
            self.assertEqual(rr.n_p, len(lr))
            self.assertEqual(True, lr == OGRGeometry(rr.wkt))
            self.assertEqual(True, lr != prev)
            prev = lr

    def test07a_polygons(self):
        "Testing Polygon objects."
        prev = OGRGeometry('POINT(0 0)')
        for p in polygons:
            poly = OGRGeometry(p.wkt)
            self.assertEqual(3, poly.geom_type)
            self.assertEqual('POLYGON', poly.geom_name)
            self.assertEqual(p.n_p, poly.point_count)
            self.assertEqual(p.n_i + 1, len(poly))

            # Testing area & centroid.
            self.assertAlmostEqual(p.area, poly.area, 9)
            x, y = poly.centroid.tuple
            self.assertAlmostEqual(p.centroid[0], x, 9)
            self.assertAlmostEqual(p.centroid[1], y, 9)

            # Testing equivalence
            self.assertEqual(True, poly == OGRGeometry(p.wkt))
            self.assertEqual(True, poly != prev)
            if p.ext_ring_cs:
                ring = poly[0]
                self.assertEqual(p.ext_ring_cs, ring.tuple)
                self.assertEqual(p.ext_ring_cs, poly[0].tuple)
                self.assertEqual(len(p.ext_ring_cs), ring.point_count)
            for r in poly:
                self.assertEqual('LINEARRING', r.geom_name)

    def test07b_closepolygons(self):
        "Testing closing Polygon objects."
        # Both rings in this geometry are not closed.
        poly = OGRGeometry('POLYGON((0 0, 5 0, 5 5, 0 5), (1 1, 2 1, 2 2, 2 1))')
        self.assertEqual(8, poly.point_count)
        print "\nBEGIN - expecting IllegalArgumentException; safe to ignore.\n"
            c = poly.centroid
        except OGRException:
            # Should raise an OGR exception, rings are not closed
  'Should have raised an OGRException!')
        print "\nEND - expecting IllegalArgumentException; safe to ignore.\n"

        # Closing the rings -- doesn't work on GDAL versions 1.4.1 and below:
        major, minor1, minor2 = gdal_version().split('.')
        if major == '1':
            iminor1 = int(minor1)
            if iminor1 < 4 or (iminor1 == 4 and minor2.startswith('1')): return
        self.assertEqual(10, poly.point_count) # Two closing points should've been added
        self.assertEqual(OGRGeometry('POINT(2.5 2.5)'), poly.centroid)

    def test08_multipolygons(self):
        "Testing MultiPolygon objects."
        prev = OGRGeometry('POINT(0 0)')
        for mp in multipolygons:
            mpoly = OGRGeometry(mp.wkt)
            self.assertEqual(6, mpoly.geom_type)
            self.assertEqual('MULTIPOLYGON', mpoly.geom_name)
            if mp.valid:
                self.assertEqual(mp.n_p, mpoly.point_count)
                self.assertEqual(mp.num_geom, len(mpoly))
                self.assertRaises(OGRIndexError, mpoly.__getitem__, len(mpoly))
                for p in mpoly:
                    self.assertEqual('POLYGON', p.geom_name)
                    self.assertEqual(3, p.geom_type)
            self.assertEqual(mpoly.wkt, OGRGeometry(mp.wkt).wkt)

    def test09a_srs(self):
        "Testing OGR Geometries with Spatial Reference objects."
        for mp in multipolygons:
            # Creating a geometry w/spatial reference
            sr = SpatialReference('WGS84')
            mpoly = OGRGeometry(mp.wkt, sr)
            self.assertEqual(sr.wkt, mpoly.srs.wkt)
            # Ensuring that SRS is propagated to clones.
            klone = mpoly.clone()
            self.assertEqual(sr.wkt, klone.srs.wkt)
            # Ensuring all children geometries (polygons and their rings) all
            # return the assigned spatial reference as well.
            for poly in mpoly:
                self.assertEqual(sr.wkt, poly.srs.wkt)
                for ring in poly:
                    self.assertEqual(sr.wkt, ring.srs.wkt)

            # Ensuring SRS propagate in topological ops.
            a, b = topology_geoms[0]
            a, b = OGRGeometry(a.wkt, sr), OGRGeometry(b.wkt, sr)
            diff = a.difference(b)
            union = a.union(b)
            self.assertEqual(sr.wkt, diff.srs.wkt)
            self.assertEqual(sr.srid, union.srs.srid)

            # Instantiating w/an integer SRID
            mpoly = OGRGeometry(mp.wkt, 4326)
            self.assertEqual(4326, mpoly.srid)
            mpoly.srs = SpatialReference(4269)
            self.assertEqual(4269, mpoly.srid)
            # Incrementing through the multipolyogn after the spatial reference
            # has been re-assigned.
            for poly in mpoly:
                self.assertEqual(mpoly.srs.wkt, poly.srs.wkt)
                poly.srs = 32140
                for ring in poly:
                    # Changing each ring in the polygon
                    self.assertEqual(32140, ring.srs.srid)
                    self.assertEqual('NAD83 / Texas South Central',
                    ring.srs = str(SpatialReference(4326)) # back to WGS84
                    self.assertEqual(4326, ring.srs.srid)

                    # Using the `srid` property.
                    ring.srid = 4322
                    self.assertEqual('WGS 72',
                    self.assertEqual(4322, ring.srid)

    def test09b_srs_transform(self):
        "Testing transform()."
        orig = OGRGeometry('POINT (-104.609 38.255)', 4326)
        trans = OGRGeometry('POINT (992385.4472045 481455.4944650)', 2774)

        # Using an srid, a SpatialReference object, and a CoordTransform object
        # or transformations.
        t1, t2, t3 = orig.clone(), orig.clone(), orig.clone()
        ct = CoordTransform(SpatialReference('WGS84'), SpatialReference(2774))

        # Testing use of the `clone` keyword.
        k1 = orig.clone()
        k2 = k1.transform(trans.srid, clone=True)
        self.assertEqual(k1, orig)
        self.assertNotEqual(k1, k2)

        prec = 3
        for p in (t1, t2, t3, k2):
            self.assertAlmostEqual(trans.x, p.x, prec)
            self.assertAlmostEqual(trans.y, p.y, prec)

    def test10_difference(self):
        "Testing difference()."
        for i in xrange(len(topology_geoms)):
            g_tup = topology_geoms[i]
            a = OGRGeometry(g_tup[0].wkt)
            b = OGRGeometry(g_tup[1].wkt)
            d1 = OGRGeometry(diff_geoms[i].wkt)
            d2 = a.difference(b)
            self.assertEqual(d1, d2)
            self.assertEqual(d1, a - b) # __sub__ is difference operator
            a -= b # testing __isub__
            self.assertEqual(d1, a)

    def test11_intersection(self):
        "Testing intersects() and intersection()."
        for i in xrange(len(topology_geoms)):
            g_tup = topology_geoms[i]
            a = OGRGeometry(g_tup[0].wkt)
            b = OGRGeometry(g_tup[1].wkt)
            i1 = OGRGeometry(intersect_geoms[i].wkt)
            self.assertEqual(True, a.intersects(b))
            i2 = a.intersection(b)
            self.assertEqual(i1, i2)
            self.assertEqual(i1, a & b) # __and__ is intersection operator
            a &= b # testing __iand__
            self.assertEqual(i1, a)

    def test12_symdifference(self):
        "Testing sym_difference()."
        for i in xrange(len(topology_geoms)):
            g_tup = topology_geoms[i]
            a = OGRGeometry(g_tup[0].wkt)
            b = OGRGeometry(g_tup[1].wkt)
            d1 = OGRGeometry(sdiff_geoms[i].wkt)
            d2 = a.sym_difference(b)
            self.assertEqual(d1, d2)
            self.assertEqual(d1, a ^ b) # __xor__ is symmetric difference operator
            a ^= b # testing __ixor__
            self.assertEqual(d1, a)
    def test13_union(self):
        "Testing union()."
        for i in xrange(len(topology_geoms)):
            g_tup = topology_geoms[i]
            a = OGRGeometry(g_tup[0].wkt)
            b = OGRGeometry(g_tup[1].wkt)
            u1 = OGRGeometry(union_geoms[i].wkt)
            u2 = a.union(b)
            self.assertEqual(u1, u2)
            self.assertEqual(u1, a | b) # __or__ is union operator
            a |= b # testing __ior__
            self.assertEqual(u1, a)

    def test14_add(self):
        "Testing GeometryCollection.add()."
        # Can't insert a Point into a MultiPolygon.
        mp = OGRGeometry('MultiPolygon')
        pnt = OGRGeometry('POINT(5 23)')
        self.assertRaises(OGRException, mp.add, pnt)

        # GeometryCollection.add may take an OGRGeometry (if another collection
        # of the same type all child geoms will be added individually) or WKT.
        for mp in multipolygons:
            mpoly = OGRGeometry(mp.wkt)
            mp1 = OGRGeometry('MultiPolygon')
            mp2 = OGRGeometry('MultiPolygon')
            mp3 = OGRGeometry('MultiPolygon')

            for poly in mpoly:
                mp1.add(poly) # Adding a geometry at a time
                mp2.add(poly.wkt) # Adding WKT
            mp3.add(mpoly) # Adding a MultiPolygon's entire contents at once.
            for tmp in (mp1, mp2, mp3): self.assertEqual(mpoly, tmp)

    def test15_extent(self):
        "Testing `extent` property."
        # The xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax of the MultiPoint should be returned.
        mp = OGRGeometry('MULTIPOINT(5 23, 0 0, 10 50)')
        self.assertEqual((0.0, 0.0, 10.0, 50.0), mp.extent)
        # Testing on the 'real world' Polygon.
        poly = OGRGeometry(polygons[3].wkt)
        ring =
        x, y = ring.x, ring.y
        xmin, ymin = min(x), min(y)
        xmax, ymax = max(x), max(y)
        self.assertEqual((xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax), poly.extent)

def suite():
    s = unittest.TestSuite()
    return s

def run(verbosity=2):