Created a seperate module for editSelf things
This improves the coherency in the user module, while at the same
time making it easier to set proper access control for the editSelf
related pages.
Patch by: Sverre Rabbelier
import os, unittest
from django.contrib.gis.geos import *
from django.contrib.gis.tests.utils import no_mysql, postgis
from django.conf import settings
from models import City, Location
cities = (('Aurora', 'TX', -97.516111, 33.058333),
('Roswell', 'NM', -104.528056, 33.387222),
('Kecksburg', 'PA', -79.460734, 40.18476),
class RelatedGeoModelTest(unittest.TestCase):
def test01_setup(self):
"Setting up for related model tests."
for name, state, lon, lat in cities:
loc = Location(point=Point(lon, lat))
c = City(name=name, state=state, location=loc)
def test02_select_related(self):
"Testing `select_related` on geographic models (see #7126)."
qs1 = City.objects.all()
qs2 = City.objects.select_related()
qs3 = City.objects.select_related('location')
for qs in (qs1, qs2, qs3):
for ref, c in zip(cities, qs):
nm, st, lon, lat = ref
self.assertEqual(st, c.state)
self.assertEqual(Point(lon, lat), c.location.point)
def test03_transform_related(self):
"Testing the `transform` GeoQuerySet method on related geographic models."
# All the transformations are to state plane coordinate systems using
# US Survey Feet (thus a tolerance of 0 implies error w/in 1 survey foot).
if postgis:
tol = 3
nqueries = 4 # +1 for `postgis_lib_version`
tol = 0
nqueries = 3
def check_pnt(ref, pnt):
self.assertAlmostEqual(ref.x, pnt.x, tol)
self.assertAlmostEqual(ref.y, pnt.y, tol)
self.assertEqual(ref.srid, pnt.srid)
# Turning on debug so we can manually verify the number of SQL queries issued.
# DISABLED: the number of queries count testing mechanism is way too brittle.
#dbg = settings.DEBUG
#settings.DEBUG = True
from django.db import connection
# Each city transformed to the SRID of their state plane coordinate system.
transformed = (('Kecksburg', 2272, 'POINT(1490553.98959621 314792.131023984)'),
('Roswell', 2257, 'POINT(481902.189077221 868477.766629735)'),
('Aurora', 2276, 'POINT(2269923.2484839 7069381.28722222)'),
for name, srid, wkt in transformed:
# Doing this implicitly sets `select_related` select the location.
qs = list(City.objects.filter(name=name).transform(srid, field_name='location__point'))
check_pnt(GEOSGeometry(wkt, srid), qs[0].location.point)
#settings.DEBUG= dbg
# Verifying the number of issued SQL queries.
#self.assertEqual(nqueries, len(connection.queries))
def test04_related_aggregate(self):
"Testing the `extent` and `unionagg` GeoQuerySet aggregates on related geographic models."
if postgis:
# One for all locations, one that excludes Roswell.
all_extent = (-104.528060913086, 33.0583305358887,-79.4607315063477, 40.1847610473633)
txpa_extent = (-97.51611328125, 33.0583305358887,-79.4607315063477, 40.1847610473633)
e1 = City.objects.extent(field_name='location__point')
e2 = City.objects.exclude(name='Roswell').extent(field_name='location__point')
for ref, e in [(all_extent, e1), (txpa_extent, e2)]:
for ref_val, e_val in zip(ref, e): self.assertAlmostEqual(ref_val, e_val)
# The second union is for a query that has something in the WHERE clause.
ref_u1 = GEOSGeometry('MULTIPOINT(-104.528056 33.387222,-97.516111 33.058333,-79.460734 40.18476)', 4326)
ref_u2 = GEOSGeometry('MULTIPOINT(-97.516111 33.058333,-79.460734 40.18476)', 4326)
u1 = City.objects.unionagg(field_name='location__point')
u2 = City.objects.exclude(name='Roswell').unionagg(field_name='location__point')
self.assertEqual(ref_u1, u1)
self.assertEqual(ref_u2, u2)
# TODO: Related tests for KML, GML, and distance lookups.
def suite():
s = unittest.TestSuite()
return s