author Daniel Diniz <>
Fri, 10 Jul 2009 12:06:29 +0200
changeset 2585 37584af2420e
parent 109 620f9b141567
permissions -rw-r--r--
Completed the Create and Edit view for GradingSurveyGroup. Note that I've added a TODO to redo _editPost to give us kwargs. Would also get rid of hidden fields elsewhere. Reviewed by: Lennard de Rijk

Serializing Django objects

.. note::

    This API is currently under heavy development and may change --
    perhaps drastically -- in the future.

    You have been warned.

Django's serialization framework provides a mechanism for "translating" Django
objects into other formats. Usually these other formats will be text-based and
used for sending Django objects over a wire, but it's possible for a
serializer to handle any format (text-based or not).

Serializing data

At the highest level, serializing data is a very simple operation::

    from django.core import serializers
    data = serializers.serialize("xml", SomeModel.objects.all())

The arguments to the ``serialize`` function are the format to serialize the
data to (see `Serialization formats`_) and a QuerySet_ to serialize.
(Actually, the second argument can be any iterator that yields Django objects,
but it'll almost always be a QuerySet).

.. _QuerySet: ../db_api/#retrieving-objects

You can also use a serializer object directly::

    XMLSerializer = serializers.get_serializer("xml")
    xml_serializer = XMLSerializer()
    data = xml_serializer.getvalue()

This is useful if you want to serialize data directly to a file-like object
(which includes a HTTPResponse_)::

    out = open("file.xml", "w")
    xml_serializer.serialize(SomeModel.objects.all(), stream=out)

.. _HTTPResponse: ../request_response/#httpresponse-objects

Deserializing data

Deserializing data is also a fairly simple operation::

    for obj in serializers.deserialize("xml", data):

As you can see, the ``deserialize`` function takes the same format argument as
``serialize``, a string or stream of data, and returns an iterator.

However, here it gets slightly complicated. The objects returned by the
``deserialize`` iterator *aren't* simple Django objects. Instead, they are
special ``DeserializedObject`` instances that wrap a created -- but unsaved --
object and any associated relationship data.

Calling ```` saves the object to the database.

This ensures that deserializing is a non-destructive operation even if the
data in your serialized representation doesn't match what's currently in the
database. Usually, working with these ``DeserializedObject`` instances looks
something like::

    for deserialized_object in serializers.deserialize("xml", data):
        if object_should_be_saved(deserialized_object):

In other words, the usual use is to examine the deserialized objects to make
sure that they are "appropriate" for saving before doing so.  Of course, if you trust your data source you could just save the object and move on.

The Django object itself can be inspected as ``deserialized_object.object``.

Serialization formats

Django "ships" with a few included serializers:

    ==========  ==============================================================
    Identifier  Information
    ==========  ==============================================================
    ``xml``     Serializes to and from a simple XML dialect.

    ``json``    Serializes to and from JSON_ (using a version of simplejson_
                bundled with Django).

    ``python``  Translates to and from "simple" Python objects (lists, dicts,
                strings, etc.).  Not really all that useful on its own, but
                used as a base for other serializers.
    ==========  ==============================================================

.. _json:
.. _simplejson:

Notes for specific serialization formats


If you're using UTF-8 (or any other non-ASCII encoding) data with the JSON
serializer, you must pass ``ensure_ascii=False`` as a parameter to the
``serialize()`` call. Otherwise, the output won't be encoded correctly.

For example::

    json_serializer = serializers.get_serializer("json")
    json_serializer.serialize(queryset, ensure_ascii=False, stream=response)

Writing custom serializers

XXX ...