Show the marker for the Google maps plug in by default.
This fixes Issue 307.
Patch by: Mario Ferraro
Reviewed by: Lennard de Rijk
role_profile_gmap = new function(){ // Create global variables var map; var marker; var geocoder; // The following strings can be customized to reflect ids in the page. // You can also add or remove fields used for GMap Geocoding in // the JSON address object var current_lat = 0; var current_lng = 0; // Two different levels for zoom: Starting one and an inner that // is used when showing the map if lat and lon page fields are set var world_zoom = 0; var country_zoom = 4; var state_zoom = 6; var city_zoom = 10; var address_zoom = 13; // Do not add a starting # as this JQuery selector seems // incompatible with GMap API var map_div = "role_profile_map"; var field_lat = "#id_latitude"; var field_lng = "#id_longitude"; // Need to save old values to avoid unwanted updating // of lat and lot if marker dragged and blur another time an address field var address = { street: { id: "#id_res_street", old_value: "" }, city: { id: "#id_res_city", old_value: "" }, state: { id: "#id_res_state", old_value: "" }, country: { id: "#id_res_country", old_value: "" }, postalcode: { id: "#id_res_postalcode", old_value: "" } } // Save current address fields in the JSON Object function saveOldAddress() { for (var a in address) { address[a].old_value = $(address[a].id).val(); } } // Return true if the user has edited address fields function isNewAddress() { for (var a in address) { if ($(address[a].id).val() != address[a].old_value) return true; } return false; } // Write saved lat and lng values to page fields function setLatLngFields() { $(field_lat).val(current_lat); $(field_lng).val(current_lng); } // Read lat and lng fields and store them function readLatLngFields() { current_lat = $(field_lat).val(); current_lng = $(field_lng).val(); } // This function reads address fields, merge them and uses // GMap API geocoding to find the first hit // Using geocoding function calculateAddress() { // If the user has really edited address fields... if (isNewAddress()) { // Merge address fields var address_string = ""; for (var a in address) { address_string+=$(address[a].id).val(); if (a!=address.length-1) {address_string+=","}; } // Ask GMap API for geocoding geocoder.getLatLng( address_string, function(point) { // If a point is found if (point) { // Save the current address in the JSON object saveOldAddress(); // Set the new zoom, map center and marker coords var zoom_set = world_zoom; if ($(!="") zoom_set = address_zoom; else if ($(!="") zoom_set = city_zoom; else if ($(!="") zoom_set = state_zoom; else if ($(!="") zoom_set = country_zoom; map.setCenter(point, zoom_set); marker.setPoint(point); map.clearOverlays(); map.addOverlay(marker); // Save point coords in local variables and then update // the page lat/lng fields current_lat =; current_lng = point.lng(); setLatLngFields(); } } ); } } // Public function to load the map this.map_load = function() { // All can happen only if there is gmap compatible browser. // TODO: Fallback in case the browser is not compatible if (GBrowserIsCompatible()) { // Save the address fields. This is useful if the page is being edited // to not update blindly the lat/lng fields with GMap geocoding if // blurring an address field saveOldAddress(); var starting_point; var zoom_selected = world_zoom; var show_marker = true; // Create the map and add small controls map = new GMap2(document.getElementById(map_div)); map.addControl(new GSmallMapControl()); map.addControl(new GMapTypeControl()); // Instantiate a global geocoder for future use geocoder = new GClientGeocoder(); // If lat and lng fields are not void (the page is being edited) then // update the starting coords, modify the zoom level and tells following // code to show the marker if ($(field_lat).val()!="" && $(field_lng).val()!="") { readLatLngFields(); zoom_selected = address_zoom; show_marker = true; } // Set map center, marker coords and show it if this is an editing starting_point = new GLatLng(current_lat,current_lng); map.setCenter(starting_point, zoom_selected); marker = new GMarker(starting_point, {draggable:true}); if (show_marker) map.addOverlay(marker); // Adds a new event listener to geocode the address when an address // field is blurred for (var a in address) { $(address[a].id).blur(calculateAddress); } // Adds a new event listener: if the marker has been dragged around... GEvent.addListener(marker, "dragend", function() { // Update internal variables with current marker coords... current_lat = marker.getPoint().lat(); current_lng = marker.getPoint().lng(); // ...and set page fields accordingly setLatLngFields(); }); } }};