Major site restructuring, also deleting of many unused or obsolete documents
The new structure is as follows:
<entity>/list - list all <entitie>s
<entity>/create - create a new <entity>
<entity>/show/<key fields> - public page for <entity>
<entity>/edit/<key fields> - edit a <entity>
<entity>/delete/key fields> - delete a specific entity
Extracts the version of the PostgreSQL server.
import re
VERSION_RE = re.compile(r'PostgreSQL (\d+)\.(\d+)\.')
def get_version(cursor):
Returns a tuple representing the major and minor version number of the
server. For example, (7, 4) or (8, 3).
cursor.execute("SELECT version()")
version = cursor.fetchone()[0]
major, minor =
return int(major), int(minor)