author Pawel Solyga <>
Thu, 09 Oct 2008 15:10:51 +0000
changeset 290 2a92b866ed40
parent 54 03e267d67478
permissions -rw-r--r--
Create a submit_buttons block in group edit profile template so that submit buttons can be customized. Replace submit_message usage with new notice block (still work in progress in Lookup User views). Add customized edit profile template for Sponsor with delete button (not used yet, upcoming commit). Add delete Sponsor request handler. Patch by: Pawel Solyga Review by: to-be-reviewed

calendar.js - Calendar functions by Adrian Holovaty

function removeChildren(a) { // "a" is reference to an object
    while (a.hasChildNodes()) a.removeChild(a.lastChild);

// quickElement(tagType, parentReference, textInChildNode, [, attribute, attributeValue ...]);
function quickElement() {
    var obj = document.createElement(arguments[0]);
    if (arguments[2] != '' && arguments[2] != null) {
        var textNode = document.createTextNode(arguments[2]);
    var len = arguments.length;
    for (var i = 3; i < len; i += 2) {
        obj.setAttribute(arguments[i], arguments[i+1]);
    return obj;

// CalendarNamespace -- Provides a collection of HTML calendar-related helper functions
var CalendarNamespace = {
    monthsOfYear: gettext('January February March April May June July August September October November December').split(' '),
    daysOfWeek: gettext('S M T W T F S').split(' '),
    isLeapYear: function(year) {
        return (((year % 4)==0) && ((year % 100)!=0) || ((year % 400)==0));
    getDaysInMonth: function(month,year) {
        var days;
        if (month==1 || month==3 || month==5 || month==7 || month==8 || month==10 || month==12) {
            days = 31;
        else if (month==4 || month==6 || month==9 || month==11) {
            days = 30;
        else if (month==2 && CalendarNamespace.isLeapYear(year)) {
            days = 29;
        else {
            days = 28;
        return days;
    draw: function(month, year, div_id, callback) { // month = 1-12, year = 1-9999
        month = parseInt(month);
        year = parseInt(year);
        var calDiv = document.getElementById(div_id);
        var calTable = document.createElement('table');
        quickElement('caption', calTable, CalendarNamespace.monthsOfYear[month-1] + ' ' + year);
        var tableBody = quickElement('tbody', calTable);

        // Draw days-of-week header
        var tableRow = quickElement('tr', tableBody);
        for (var i = 0; i < 7; i++) {
            quickElement('th', tableRow, CalendarNamespace.daysOfWeek[i]);

        var startingPos = new Date(year, month-1, 1).getDay();
        var days = CalendarNamespace.getDaysInMonth(month, year);

        // Draw blanks before first of month
        tableRow = quickElement('tr', tableBody);
        for (var i = 0; i < startingPos; i++) {
            var _cell = quickElement('td', tableRow, ' ');
   = '#f3f3f3';

        // Draw days of month
        var currentDay = 1;
        for (var i = startingPos; currentDay <= days; i++) {
            if (i%7 == 0 && currentDay != 1) {
                tableRow = quickElement('tr', tableBody);
            var cell = quickElement('td', tableRow, '');
            quickElement('a', cell, currentDay, 'href', 'javascript:void(' + callback + '('+year+','+month+','+currentDay+'));');

        // Draw blanks after end of month (optional, but makes for valid code)
        while (tableRow.childNodes.length < 7) {
            var _cell = quickElement('td', tableRow, ' ');
   = '#f3f3f3';


// Calendar -- A calendar instance
function Calendar(div_id, callback) {
    // div_id (string) is the ID of the element in which the calendar will
    //     be displayed
    // callback (string) is the name of a JavaScript function that will be
    //     called with the parameters (year, month, day) when a day in the
    //     calendar is clicked
    this.div_id = div_id;
    this.callback = callback; = new Date();
    this.currentMonth = + 1;
    this.currentYear =;
Calendar.prototype = {
    drawCurrent: function() {
        CalendarNamespace.draw(this.currentMonth, this.currentYear, this.div_id, this.callback);
    drawDate: function(month, year) {
        this.currentMonth = month;
        this.currentYear = year;
    drawPreviousMonth: function() {
        if (this.currentMonth == 1) {
            this.currentMonth = 12;
        else {
    drawNextMonth: function() {
        if (this.currentMonth == 12) {
            this.currentMonth = 1;
        else {
    drawPreviousYear: function() {
    drawNextYear: function() {