Fixed issue 205.
Registered students can't apply to become an organization. If for some reason the org sign up period and student sign up period are run in parallel and a student has applied to become an org, the application will still go through the normal system. Although the student won't be able to become an org admin until he has been invalidated as a student.
Patch by: Lennard de Rijk
Reviewed by: to-be-reviewed
$(document).ready(function() {
$("#applications_progress_bar").progressBar({showText: false});
function bulkReviewInit(bulk_review_link) {
// get the JSON object with details of every application for bulk acceptance
$.getJSON(bulk_review_link+"?_="+(new Date().getTime()),
// If there are applications to review...
if (data.nr_applications != 0) {
//...then fade out the button, show the progress bar and call the function for review
function() {
$("#applications_progress_bar").fadeIn("slow", bulkReview(data));
}else {
$("#description_done").html("<strong>No organizations to accept</strong>");
function bulkReview(data) {
// some global constants
var TOTAL_APPLICATIONS = data.nr_applications;
// some global variables set needed for internal iteration
var application_index = 0;
// number of iteration is not taken from data.nr_applications
// to ensure avoidance of array out of bounds errors
var total_index = data.applications.length;
// call immediately the function for review
// real iteration is inside
var error_happened = false;
var application = data.applications[application_index];
var current_application = application_index + 1;
// regular expression to find a valid scope path inside matching parenthesis
var re = /\((\w*)\)/;
var scope_path = GLOBAL_LINK.match(re)[1];
// the URL is obtained by using the scope path found in the matching parenthesis
var url_to_call = GLOBAL_LINK.replace(re, eval("application." + scope_path));
// now we can call the URL found
async: false,
cache: false,
url: url_to_call,
timeout: 10000,
success: function(data) {
if (data) {
// update progress bar percentage and description
var percentage = Math.floor(100 * (current_application) / (TOTAL_APPLICATIONS));
$("#description_progressbar").html(" Processed application " + + " (" + (current_application) + "/" + TOTAL_APPLICATIONS + ")");
error: function(XMLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown) {
// if there is an error return the button and leave a try again message
error_happened = true;
$("#button_bulk_review").fadeIn("slow", function() {
$("#description_done").html("<strong class='error'> Error encountered, try again</strong>");
// if there were no errors, continue the iteration
if (!error_happened) {
// prepare for new iteration and then recall this function
if (application_index < total_index) {
setTimeout(arguments.callee, 0);
else {
// all ok, tell the user we are done
function() {