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Patch by: Lennard de Rijk
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==============================The syndication feed framework==============================Django comes with a high-level syndication-feed-generating framework that makescreating RSS_ and Atom_ feeds easy.To create any syndication feed, all you have to do is write a short Pythonclass. You can create as many feeds as you want.Django also comes with a lower-level feed-generating API. Use this if you wantto generate feeds outside of a Web context, or in some other lower-level way... _RSS: _Atom: high-level framework========================Overview--------The high-level feed-generating framework is a view that's hooked to ``/feeds/``by default. Django uses the remainder of the URL (everything after ``/feeds/``)to determine which feed to output.To create a feed, just write a ``Feed`` class and point to it in your URLconf_... _URLconf: ../url_dispatch/Initialization--------------To activate syndication feeds on your Django site, add this line to yourURLconf_:: (r'^feeds/(?P<url>.*)/$', 'django.contrib.syndication.views.feed', {'feed_dict': feeds}),This tells Django to use the RSS framework to handle all URLs starting with``"feeds/"``. (You can change that ``"feeds/"`` prefix to fit your own needs.)This URLconf line has an extra argument: ``{'feed_dict': feeds}``. Use thisextra argument to pass the syndication framework the feeds that should bepublished under that URL.Specifically, ``feed_dict`` should be a dictionary that maps a feed's slug(short URL label) to its ``Feed`` class.You can define the ``feed_dict`` in the URLconf itself. Here's a full exampleURLconf:: from django.conf.urls.defaults import * from myproject.feeds import LatestEntries, LatestEntriesByCategory feeds = { 'latest': LatestEntries, 'categories': LatestEntriesByCategory, } urlpatterns = patterns('', # ... (r'^feeds/(?P<url>.*)/$', 'django.contrib.syndication.views.feed', {'feed_dict': feeds}), # ... )The above example registers two feeds: * The feed represented by ``LatestEntries`` will live at ``feeds/latest/``. * The feed represented by ``LatestEntriesByCategory`` will live at ``feeds/categories/``.Once that's set up, you just need to define the ``Feed`` classes themselves... _URLconf: ../url_dispatch/.. _settings file: ../settings/Feed classes------------A ``Feed`` class is a simple Python class that represents a syndication feed.A feed can be simple (e.g., a "site news" feed, or a basic feed displayingthe latest entries of a blog) or more complex (e.g., a feed displaying all theblog entries in a particular category, where the category is variable).``Feed`` classes must subclass ``django.contrib.syndication.feeds.Feed``. Theycan live anywhere in your codebase.A simple example----------------This simple example, taken from ``_, describes a feed of thelatest five news items:: from django.contrib.syndication.feeds import Feed from chicagocrime.models import NewsItem class LatestEntries(Feed): title = " site news" link = "/sitenews/" description = "Updates on changes and additions to" def items(self): return NewsItem.objects.order_by('-pub_date')[:5]Note: * The class subclasses ``django.contrib.syndication.feeds.Feed``. * ``title``, ``link`` and ``description`` correspond to the standard RSS ``<title>``, ``<link>`` and ``<description>`` elements, respectively. * ``items()`` is, simply, a method that returns a list of objects that should be included in the feed as ``<item>`` elements. Although this example returns ``NewsItem`` objects using Django's `object-relational mapper`_, ``items()`` doesn't have to return model instances. Although you get a few bits of functionality "for free" by using Django models, ``items()`` can return any type of object you want.One thing's left to do. In an RSS feed, each ``<item>`` has a ``<title>``,``<link>`` and ``<description>``. We need to tell the framework what data toput into those elements. * To specify the contents of ``<title>`` and ``<description>``, create `Django templates`_ called ``feeds/latest_title.html`` and ``feeds/latest_description.html``, where ``latest`` is the ``slug`` specified in the URLconf for the given feed. Note the ``.html`` extension is required. The RSS system renders that template for each item, passing it two template context variables: * ``{{ obj }}`` -- The current object (one of whichever objects you returned in ``items()``). * ``{{ site }}`` -- A ``django.models.core.sites.Site`` object representing the current site. This is useful for ``{{ site.domain }}`` or ``{{ }}``. If you don't create a template for either the title or description, the framework will use the template ``"{{ obj }}"`` by default -- that is, the normal string representation of the object. You can also change the names of these two templates by specifying ``title_template`` and ``description_template`` as attributes of your ``Feed`` class. * To specify the contents of ``<link>``, you have two options. For each item in ``items()``, Django first tries executing a ``get_absolute_url()`` method on that object. If that method doesn't exist, it tries calling a method ``item_link()`` in the ``Feed`` class, passing it a single parameter, ``item``, which is the object itself. Both ``get_absolute_url()`` and ``item_link()`` should return the item's URL as a normal Python string. * For the LatestEntries example above, we could have very simple feed templates: * latest_title.html:: {{ obj.title }} * latest_description.html:: {{ obj.description }}.. _object-relational mapper: ../db_api/.. _Django templates: ../templates/A complex example-----------------The framework also supports more complex feeds, via parameters.For example, ``_ offers an RSS feed of recent crimes for everypolice beat in Chicago. It'd be silly to create a separate ``Feed`` class foreach police beat; that would violate the `DRY principle`_ and would couple datato programming logic. Instead, the syndication framework lets you make genericfeeds that output items based on information in the feed's URL.On, the police-beat feeds are accessible via URLs like this: * ``/rss/beats/0613/`` -- Returns recent crimes for beat 0613. * ``/rss/beats/1424/`` -- Returns recent crimes for beat 1424.The slug here is ``"beats"``. The syndication framework sees the extra URL bitsafter the slug -- ``0613`` and ``1424`` -- and gives you a hook to tell it whatthose URL bits mean, and how they should influence which items get published inthe feed.An example makes this clear. Here's the code for these beat-specific feeds:: class BeatFeed(Feed): def get_object(self, bits): # In case of "/rss/beats/0613/foo/bar/baz/", or other such clutter, # check that bits has only one member. if len(bits) != 1: raise ObjectDoesNotExist return Beat.objects.get(beat__exact=bits[0]) def title(self, obj): return " Crimes for beat %s" % obj.beat def link(self, obj): return obj.get_absolute_url() def description(self, obj): return "Crimes recently reported in police beat %s" % obj.beat def items(self, obj): return Crime.objects.filter('-crime_date')[:30]Here's the basic algorithm the RSS framework follows, given this class and arequest to the URL ``/rss/beats/0613/``: * The framework gets the URL ``/rss/beats/0613/`` and notices there's an extra bit of URL after the slug. It splits that remaining string by the slash character (``"/"``) and calls the ``Feed`` class' ``get_object()`` method, passing it the bits. In this case, bits is ``['0613']``. For a request to ``/rss/beats/0613/foo/bar/``, bits would be ``['0613', 'foo', 'bar']``. * ``get_object()`` is responsible for retrieving the given beat, from the given ``bits``. In this case, it uses the Django database API to retrieve the beat. Note that ``get_object()`` should raise ``django.core.exceptions.ObjectDoesNotExist`` if given invalid parameters. There's no ``try``/``except`` around the ``Beat.objects.get()`` call, because it's not necessary; that function raises ``Beat.DoesNotExist`` on failure, and ``Beat.DoesNotExist`` is a subclass of ``ObjectDoesNotExist``. Raising ``ObjectDoesNotExist`` in ``get_object()`` tells Django to produce a 404 error for that request. * To generate the feed's ``<title>``, ``<link>`` and ``<description>``, Django uses the ``title()``, ``link()`` and ``description()`` methods. In the previous example, they were simple string class attributes, but this example illustrates that they can be either strings *or* methods. For each of ``title``, ``link`` and ``description``, Django follows this algorithm: * First, it tries to call a method, passing the ``obj`` argument, where ``obj`` is the object returned by ``get_object()``. * Failing that, it tries to call a method with no arguments. * Failing that, it uses the class attribute. * Finally, note that ``items()`` in this example also takes the ``obj`` argument. The algorithm for ``items`` is the same as described in the previous step -- first, it tries ``items(obj)``, then ``items()``, then finally an ``items`` class attribute (which should be a list).The ``ExampleFeed`` class below gives full documentation on methods andattributes of ``Feed`` classes... _DRY principle: the type of feed---------------------------By default, feeds produced in this framework use RSS 2.0.To change that, add a ``feed_type`` attribute to your ``Feed`` class, like so:: from django.utils.feedgenerator import Atom1Feed class MyFeed(Feed): feed_type = Atom1FeedNote that you set ``feed_type`` to a class object, not an instance.Currently available feed types are: * ``django.utils.feedgenerator.Rss201rev2Feed`` (RSS 2.01. Default.) * ``django.utils.feedgenerator.RssUserland091Feed`` (RSS 0.91.) * ``django.utils.feedgenerator.Atom1Feed`` (Atom 1.0.)Enclosures----------To specify enclosures, such as those used in creating podcast feeds, use the``item_enclosure_url``, ``item_enclosure_length`` and``item_enclosure_mime_type`` hooks. See the ``ExampleFeed`` class below forusage examples.Language--------Feeds created by the syndication framework automatically include theappropriate ``<language>`` tag (RSS 2.0) or ``xml:lang`` attribute (Atom). Thiscomes directly from your `LANGUAGE_CODE setting`_... _LANGUAGE_CODE setting: ../settings/#language-codeURLs----The ``link`` method/attribute can return either an absolute URL (e.g.``"/blog/"``) or a URL with the fully-qualified domain and protocol (e.g.``""``). If ``link`` doesn't return the domain,the syndication framework will insert the domain of the current site, accordingto your `SITE_ID setting`_.Atom feeds require a ``<link rel="self">`` that defines the feed's currentlocation. The syndication framework populates this automatically, using thedomain of the current site according to the SITE_ID setting... _SITE_ID setting: ../settings/#site-idPublishing Atom and RSS feeds in tandem---------------------------------------Some developers like to make available both Atom *and* RSS versions of theirfeeds. That's easy to do with Django: Just create a subclass of your ``feed``class and set the ``feed_type`` to something different. Then update yourURLconf to add the extra versions.Here's a full example:: from django.contrib.syndication.feeds import Feed from chicagocrime.models import NewsItem from django.utils.feedgenerator import Atom1Feed class RssSiteNewsFeed(Feed): title = " site news" link = "/sitenews/" description = "Updates on changes and additions to" def items(self): return NewsItem.objects.order_by('-pub_date')[:5] class AtomSiteNewsFeed(RssSiteNewsFeed): feed_type = Atom1FeedAnd the accompanying URLconf:: from django.conf.urls.defaults import * from myproject.feeds import RssSiteNewsFeed, AtomSiteNewsFeed feeds = { 'rss': RssSiteNewsFeed, 'atom': AtomSiteNewsFeed, } urlpatterns = patterns('', # ... (r'^feeds/(?P<url>.*)/$', 'django.contrib.syndication.views.feed', {'feed_dict': feeds}), # ... )Feed class reference--------------------This example illustrates all possible attributes and methods for a ``Feed`` class:: from django.contrib.syndication.feeds import Feed from django.utils import feedgenerator class ExampleFeed(Feed): # FEED TYPE -- Optional. This should be a class that subclasses # django.utils.feedgenerator.SyndicationFeed. This designates which # type of feed this should be: RSS 2.0, Atom 1.0, etc. # If you don't specify feed_type, your feed will be RSS 2.0. # This should be a class, not an instance of the class. feed_type = feedgenerator.Rss201rev2Feed # TEMPLATE NAMES -- Optional. These should be strings representing # names of Django templates that the system should use in rendering the # title and description of your feed items. Both are optional. # If you don't specify one, or either, Django will use the template # 'feeds/SLUG_title.html' and 'feeds/SLUG_description.html', where SLUG # is the slug you specify in the URL. title_template = None description_template = None # TITLE -- One of the following three is required. The framework looks # for them in this order. def title(self, obj): """ Takes the object returned by get_object() and returns the feed's title as a normal Python string. """ def title(self): """ Returns the feed's title as a normal Python string. """ title = 'foo' # Hard-coded title. # LINK -- One of the following three is required. The framework looks # for them in this order. def link(self, obj): """ Takes the object returned by get_object() and returns the feed's link as a normal Python string. """ def link(self): """ Returns the feed's link as a normal Python string. """ link = '/foo/bar/' # Hard-coded link. # DESCRIPTION -- One of the following three is required. The framework # looks for them in this order. def description(self, obj): """ Takes the object returned by get_object() and returns the feed's description as a normal Python string. """ def description(self): """ Returns the feed's description as a normal Python string. """ description = 'Foo bar baz.' # Hard-coded description. # AUTHOR NAME --One of the following three is optional. The framework # looks for them in this order. def author_name(self, obj): """ Takes the object returned by get_object() and returns the feed's author's name as a normal Python string. """ def author_name(self): """ Returns the feed's author's name as a normal Python string. """ author_name = 'Sally Smith' # Hard-coded author name. # AUTHOR E-MAIL --One of the following three is optional. The framework # looks for them in this order. def author_email(self, obj): """ Takes the object returned by get_object() and returns the feed's author's e-mail as a normal Python string. """ def author_email(self): """ Returns the feed's author's e-mail as a normal Python string. """ author_email = '' # Hard-coded author e-mail. # AUTHOR LINK --One of the following three is optional. The framework # looks for them in this order. In each case, the URL should include # the "http://" and domain name. def author_link(self, obj): """ Takes the object returned by get_object() and returns the feed's author's URL as a normal Python string. """ def author_link(self): """ Returns the feed's author's URL as a normal Python string. """ author_link = '' # Hard-coded author URL. # CATEGORIES -- One of the following three is optional. The framework # looks for them in this order. In each case, the method/attribute # should return an iterable object that returns strings. def categories(self, obj): """ Takes the object returned by get_object() and returns the feed's categories as iterable over strings. """ def categories(self): """ Returns the feed's categories as iterable over strings. """ categories = ("python", "django") # Hard-coded list of categories. # COPYRIGHT NOTICE -- One of the following three is optional. The # framework looks for them in this order. def copyright(self, obj): """ Takes the object returned by get_object() and returns the feed's copyright notice as a normal Python string. """ def copyright(self): """ Returns the feed's copyright notice as a normal Python string. """ copyright = 'Copyright (c) 2007, Sally Smith' # Hard-coded copyright notice. # ITEMS -- One of the following three is required. The framework looks # for them in this order. def items(self, obj): """ Takes the object returned by get_object() and returns a list of items to publish in this feed. """ def items(self): """ Returns a list of items to publish in this feed. """ items = ('Item 1', 'Item 2') # Hard-coded items. # GET_OBJECT -- This is required for feeds that publish different data # for different URL parameters. (See "A complex example" above.) def get_object(self, bits): """ Takes a list of strings gleaned from the URL and returns an object represented by this feed. Raises django.core.exceptions.ObjectDoesNotExist on error. """ # ITEM LINK -- One of these three is required. The framework looks for # them in this order. # First, the framework tries the get_absolute_url() method on each item # returned by items(). Failing that, it tries these two methods: def item_link(self, item): """ Takes an item, as returned by items(), and returns the item's URL. """ def item_link(self): """ Returns the URL for every item in the feed. """ # ITEM AUTHOR NAME --One of the following three is optional. The # framework looks for them in this order. def item_author_name(self, item): """ Takes an item, as returned by items(), and returns the item's author's name as a normal Python string. """ def item_author_name(self): """ Returns the author name for every item in the feed. """ item_author_name = 'Sally Smith' # Hard-coded author name. # ITEM AUTHOR E-MAIL --One of the following three is optional. The # framework looks for them in this order. # # If you specify this, you must specify item_author_name. def item_author_email(self, obj): """ Takes an item, as returned by items(), and returns the item's author's e-mail as a normal Python string. """ def item_author_email(self): """ Returns the author e-mail for every item in the feed. """ item_author_email = '' # Hard-coded author e-mail. # ITEM AUTHOR LINK --One of the following three is optional. The # framework looks for them in this order. In each case, the URL should # include the "http://" and domain name. # # If you specify this, you must specify item_author_name. def item_author_link(self, obj): """ Takes an item, as returned by items(), and returns the item's author's URL as a normal Python string. """ def item_author_link(self): """ Returns the author URL for every item in the feed. """ item_author_link = '' # Hard-coded author URL. # ITEM ENCLOSURE URL -- One of these three is required if you're # publishing enclosures. The framework looks for them in this order. def item_enclosure_url(self, item): """ Takes an item, as returned by items(), and returns the item's enclosure URL. """ def item_enclosure_url(self): """ Returns the enclosure URL for every item in the feed. """ item_enclosure_url = "/foo/bar.mp3" # Hard-coded enclosure link. # ITEM ENCLOSURE LENGTH -- One of these three is required if you're # publishing enclosures. The framework looks for them in this order. # In each case, the returned value should be either an integer, or a # string representation of the integer, in bytes. def item_enclosure_length(self, item): """ Takes an item, as returned by items(), and returns the item's enclosure length. """ def item_enclosure_length(self): """ Returns the enclosure length for every item in the feed. """ item_enclosure_length = 32000 # Hard-coded enclosure length. # ITEM ENCLOSURE MIME TYPE -- One of these three is required if you're # publishing enclosures. The framework looks for them in this order. def item_enclosure_mime_type(self, item): """ Takes an item, as returned by items(), and returns the item's enclosure mime type. """ def item_enclosure_mime_type(self): """ Returns the enclosure length, in bytes, for every item in the feed. """ item_enclosure_mime_type = "audio/mpeg" # Hard-coded enclosure mime-type. # ITEM PUBDATE -- It's optional to use one of these three. This is a # hook that specifies how to get the pubdate for a given item. # In each case, the method/attribute should return a Python # datetime.datetime object. def item_pubdate(self, item): """ Takes an item, as returned by items(), and returns the item's pubdate. """ def item_pubdate(self): """ Returns the pubdate for every item in the feed. """ item_pubdate = datetime.datetime(2005, 5, 3) # Hard-coded pubdate. # ITEM CATEGORIES -- It's optional to use one of these three. This is # a hook that specifies how to get the list of categories for a given # item. In each case, the method/attribute should return an iterable # object that returns strings. def item_categories(self, item): """ Takes an item, as returned by items(), and returns the item's categories. """ def item_categories(self): """ Returns the categories for every item in the feed. """ item_categories = ("python", "django") # Hard-coded categories. # ITEM COPYRIGHT NOTICE (only applicable to Atom feeds) -- One of the # following three is optional. The framework looks for them in this # order. def item_copyright(self, obj): """ Takes an item, as returned by items(), and returns the item's copyright notice as a normal Python string. """ def item_copyright(self): """ Returns the copyright notice for every item in the feed. """ item_copyright = 'Copyright (c) 2007, Sally Smith' # Hard-coded copyright notice.The low-level framework=======================Behind the scenes, the high-level RSS framework uses a lower-level frameworkfor generating feeds' XML. This framework lives in a single module:`django/utils/`_.Feel free to use this framework on your own, for lower-level tasks.The ``feedgenerator`` module contains a base class ``SyndicationFeed`` andseveral subclasses: * ``RssUserland091Feed`` * ``Rss201rev2Feed`` * ``Atom1Feed``Each of these three classes knows how to render a certain type of feed as XML.They share this interface:``__init__(title, link, description, language=None, author_email=None,````author_name=None, author_link=None, subtitle=None, categories=None,````feed_url=None)``Initializes the feed with the given metadata, which applies to the entire feed(i.e., not just to a specific item in the feed).All parameters, if given, should be Unicode objects, except ``categories``,which should be a sequence of Unicode objects.``add_item(title, link, description, author_email=None, author_name=None,````pubdate=None, comments=None, unique_id=None, enclosure=None, categories=())``Add an item to the feed with the given parameters. All parameters, if given,should be Unicode objects, except: * ``pubdate`` should be a `Python datetime object`_. * ``enclosure`` should be an instance of ``feedgenerator.Enclosure``. * ``categories`` should be a sequence of Unicode objects.``write(outfile, encoding)``Outputs the feed in the given encoding to outfile, which is a file-like object.``writeString(encoding)``Returns the feed as a string in the given encoding.Example usage-------------This example creates an Atom 1.0 feed and prints it to standard output:: >>> from django.utils import feedgenerator >>> f = feedgenerator.Atom1Feed( ... title=u"My Weblog", ... link=u"", ... description=u"In which I write about what I ate today.", ... language=u"en") >>> f.add_item(title=u"Hot dog today", ... link=u"", ... description=u"<p>Today I had a Vienna Beef hot dog. It was pink, plump and perfect.</p>") >>> print f.writeString('utf8') <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf8"?> <feed xmlns="" xml:lang="en"><title>My Weblog</title> <link href=""></link><id></id> <updated>Sat, 12 Nov 2005 00:28:43 -0000</updated><entry><title>Hot dog today</title> <link></link><id></id> <summary type="html"><p>Today I had a Vienna Beef hot dog. It was pink, plump and perfect.</p></summary> </entry></feed>.. _django/utils/ _Python datetime object: