A new model for seeding the database that makes it easier to seed many entities.
new_seed_many is a function that seeds in a different way. Instead of using
redirects, it figures out what the high-water mark of seeding is and
proceeds from there.
This is obviously a half-way step. I've talked about it with Sverre; I think
I've mentioned it to others. If we like it, I volunteer to convert everything
to this model (I think there will be savings and simplification when we're all
the way). If we don't like it, I'll back out this code. But I'll also be sad,
because this makes it a lot easier to add many entities (which I care about
because I'm trying to fix list view for that many entities).
Patch by: Dan Bentley
Copyright 2008 Google Inc.
All rights reserved.
App Engine SDK - Development tools for Google App Engine
* Installing on Mac OSX
* Installing on Windows
* Installing on Linux and other platforms
* Running the SDK
* Using the SDK
1) Download and install Python 2.5 from http://www.python.org/download/
2) Download the SDK installer from http://code.google.com/appengine/downloads
3) Install the SDK by double-clicking on the GoogleAppEngine.dmg file and
running the installer.
1) Download and install Python 2.5 from http://www.python.org/download/
2) Download the SDK installer from http://code.google.com/appengine/downloads
3) Install the SDK by double-clicking on the GoogleAppEngine.msi file and
running the installer.
1) Download and install Python 2.5 from http://www.python.org/download/
2) Download the SDK zip file from http://code.google.com/appengine/downloads
3) Unpack the zip file.
You can run the SDK with the following command:
dev_appserver.py [options] <application root>
Application root must be the path to the application to run in this server.
Must contain a valid app.yaml or app.yml file.
--help, -h View this helpful message.
--debug, -d Use debug logging. (Default false)
--clear_datastore, -c Clear the Datastore on startup. (Default false)
--address=ADDRESS, -a ADDRESS
Address to which this server should bind. (Default
--port=PORT, -p PORT Port for the server to run on. (Default 8080)
--datastore_path=PATH Path to use for storing Datastore file stub data.
(Default /tmp/dev_appserver.datastore)
--history_path=PATH Path to use for storing Datastore history.
(Default /tmp/dev_appserver.datastore.history)
--require_indexes Disallows queries that require composite indexes
not defined in index.yaml.
--smtp_host=HOSTNAME SMTP host to send test mail to. Leaving this
unset will disable SMTP mail sending.
(Default '')
--smtp_port=PORT SMTP port to send test mail to.
(Default 25)
--smtp_user=USER SMTP user to connect as. Stub will only attempt
to login if this field is non-empty.
(Default '').
--smtp_password=PASSWORD Password for SMTP server.
(Default '')
--enable_sendmail Enable sendmail when SMTP not configured.
(Default false)
--show_mail_body Log the body of emails in mail stub.
(Default false)
--auth_domain Authorization domain that this app runs in.
(Default gmail.com)
--debug_imports Enables debug logging for module imports, showing
search paths used for finding modules and any
errors encountered during the import process.
--disable_static_caching Never allow the browser to cache static files.
(Default enable if expiration set in app.yaml)
For instructions on getting started with Google App Engine, please see the
Google App Engine Getting Started Guide