Hide 'tos' pull-down selector from Program profile forms.
Until a way to select Documents for use as the Terms of Service for a Program
exists (see http://code.google.com/p/soc/issues/detail?id=151), there is no
point in hacking in scope_path and link_id fields here. The per-Program ToS
feature will just be unavailable until an appropriate Document selector
Patch by: Todd Larsen
Review by: to-be-reviewed
import hotshot, time, os
from django.core.handlers.modpython import ModPythonHandler
PROFILE_DATA_DIR = "/var/log/cmsprofile"
def handler(req):
Handler that uses hotshot to store profile data.
Stores profile data in PROFILE_DATA_DIR. Since hotshot has no way (that I
know of) to append profile data to a single file, each request gets its own
profile. The file names are in the format <url>.<n>.prof where <url> is
the request path with "/" replaced by ".", and <n> is a timestamp with
microseconds to prevent overwriting files.
Use the gather_profile_stats.py script to gather these individual request
profiles into aggregated profiles by request path.
profname = "%s.%.3f.prof" % (req.uri.strip("/").replace('/', '.'), time.time())
profname = os.path.join(PROFILE_DATA_DIR, profname)
prof = hotshot.Profile(profname)
return prof.runcall(ModPythonHandler(), req)