Hide 'tos' pull-down selector from Program profile forms.
Until a way to select Documents for use as the Terms of Service for a Program
exists (see http://code.google.com/p/soc/issues/detail?id=151), there is no
point in hacking in scope_path and link_id fields here. The per-Program ToS
feature will just be unavailable until an appropriate Document selector
Patch by: Todd Larsen
Review by: to-be-reviewed
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*
('ABR', 'Abruzzo'),
('BAS', 'Basilicata'),
('CAL', 'Calabria'),
('CAM', 'Campania'),
('EMR', 'Emilia-Romagna'),
('FVG', 'Friuli-Venezia Giulia'),
('LAZ', 'Lazio'),
('LIG', 'Liguria'),
('LOM', 'Lombardia'),
('MAR', 'Marche'),
('MOL', 'Molise'),
('PMN', 'Piemonte'),
('PUG', 'Puglia'),
('SAR', 'Sardegna'),
('SIC', 'Sicilia'),
('TOS', 'Toscana'),
('TAA', 'Trentino-Alto Adige'),
('UMB', 'Umbria'),
('VAO', u'Valle d’Aosta'),
('VEN', 'Veneto'),