Hide 'tos' pull-down selector from Program profile forms.
Until a way to select Documents for use as the Terms of Service for a Program
exists (see http://code.google.com/p/soc/issues/detail?id=151), there is no
point in hacking in scope_path and link_id fields here. The per-Program ToS
feature will just be unavailable until an appropriate Document selector
Patch by: Todd Larsen
Review by: to-be-reviewed
#!/usr/bin/env python"""gather_profile_stats.py /path/to/dir/of/profilesNote that the aggregated profiles must be read with pstats.Stats, nothotshot.stats (the formats are incompatible)"""from hotshot import statsimport pstatsimport sys, osdef gather_stats(p): profiles = {} for f in os.listdir(p): if f.endswith('.agg.prof'): path = f[:-9] prof = pstats.Stats(os.path.join(p, f)) elif f.endswith('.prof'): bits = f.split('.') path = ".".join(bits[:-3]) prof = stats.load(os.path.join(p, f)) else: continue print "Processing %s" % f if path in profiles: profiles[path].add(prof) else: profiles[path] = prof os.unlink(os.path.join(p, f)) for (path, prof) in profiles.items(): prof.dump_stats(os.path.join(p, "%s.agg.prof" % path))if __name__ == '__main__': gather_stats(sys.argv[1])