Fixed GHOP Cleaning clean_mentors_list method from using query on list.
Somehow this fix was missing from the previous revision, bad HG.
from google.appengine.ext import dbimport stringclass Tag(db.Model): "Google AppEngine model for store of tags." tag = db.StringProperty(required=True) "The actual string value of the tag." added = db.DateTimeProperty(auto_now_add=True) "The date and time that the tag was first added to the datastore." tagged = db.ListProperty(db.Key) "A List of db.Key values for the datastore objects that have been tagged with this tag value." tagged_count = db.IntegerProperty(default=0) "The number of entities in tagged." @classmethod def __key_name(cls, tag_name): return cls.__name__ + '_' + tag_name def remove_tagged(self, key): def remove_tagged_txn(): if key in self.tagged: self.tagged.remove(key) self.tagged_count -= 1 self.put() db.run_in_transaction(remove_tagged_txn) self.__class__.expire_cached_tags() def add_tagged(self, key): def add_tagged_txn(): if key not in self.tagged: self.tagged.append(key) self.tagged_count += 1 self.put() db.run_in_transaction(add_tagged_txn) self.__class__.expire_cached_tags() def clear_tagged(self): def clear_tagged_txn(): self.tagged = [] self.tagged_count = 0 self.put() db.run_in_transaction(clear_tagged_txn) self.__class__.expire_cached_tags() @classmethod def get_by_name(cls, tag_name): return cls.get_by_key_name(cls.__key_name(tag_name)) @classmethod def get_tags_for_key(cls, key): "Set the tags for the datastore object represented by key." tags = db.Query(cls).filter('tagged =', key).fetch(1000) return tags @classmethod def get_or_create(cls, tag_name): "Get the Tag object that has the tag value given by tag_value." tag_key_name = cls.__key_name(tag_name) existing_tag = cls.get_by_key_name(tag_key_name) if existing_tag is None: # The tag does not yet exist, so create it. def create_tag_txn(): new_tag = cls(key_name=tag_key_name, tag=tag_name) new_tag.put() return new_tag existing_tag = db.run_in_transaction(create_tag_txn) return existing_tag @classmethod def get_tags_by_frequency(cls, limit=1000): """Return a list of Tags sorted by the number of objects to which they have been applied, most frequently-used first. If limit is given, return only that many tags; otherwise, return all.""" tag_list = db.Query(cls).filter('tagged_count >', 0).order( "-tagged_count").fetch(limit) return tag_list @classmethod def get_tags_by_name(cls, limit=1000, ascending=True): """Return a list of Tags sorted alphabetically by the name of the tag. If a limit is given, return only that many tags; otherwise, return all. If ascending is True, sort from a-z; otherwise, sort from z-a.""" from google.appengine.api import memcache cache_name = cls.__name__ + '_tags_by_name' if ascending: cache_name += '_asc' else: cache_name += '_desc' tags = memcache.get(cache_name) if tags is None or len(tags) < limit: order_by = "tag" if not ascending: order_by = "-tag" tags = db.Query(cls).order(order_by).fetch(limit) memcache.add(cache_name, tags, 3600) else: if len(tags) > limit: # Return only as many as requested. tags = tags[:limit] return tags @classmethod def popular_tags(cls, limit=5): from google.appengine.api import memcache tags = memcache.get(cls.__name__ + '_popular_tags') if tags is None: tags = cls.get_tags_by_frequency(limit) memcache.add(cls.__name__ + '_popular_tags', tags, 3600) return tags @classmethod def expire_cached_tags(cls): from google.appengine.api import memcache memcache.delete(cls.__name__ + '_popular_tags') memcache.delete(cls.__name__ + '_tags_by_name_asc') memcache.delete(cls.__name__ + '_tags_by_name_desc') def __str__(self): """Returns the string representation of the entity's tag name. """ return self.tagdef tag_property(tag_name): """Decorator that creates and returns a tag property to be used in Google AppEngine model. Args: tag_name: name of the tag to be created. """ def get_tags(self): """"Get a list of Tag objects for all Tags that apply to the specified entity. """ if self._tags[tag_name] is None or len(self._tags[tag_name]) == 0: self._tags[tag_name] = self._tag_model[ tag_name].get_tags_for_key(self.key()) return self._tags[tag_name] def set_tags(self, seed): """Set a list of Tag objects for all Tags that apply to the specified entity. """ import types if type(seed['tags']) is types.UnicodeType: # Convert unicode to a plain string seed['tags'] = str(seed['tags']) if type(seed['tags']) is types.StringType: # Tags is a string, split it on tag_seperator into a list seed['tags'] = string.split(seed['tags'], self.tag_separator) if type(seed['tags']) is types.ListType: get_tags(self) # Firstly, we will check to see if any tags have been removed. # Iterate over a copy of _tags, as we may need to modify _tags for each_tag in self._tags[tag_name][:]: if each_tag not in seed['tags']: # A tag that was previously assigned to this entity is # missing in the list that is being assigned, so we # disassocaite this entity and the tag. each_tag.remove_tagged(self.key()) self._tags[tag_name].remove(each_tag) # Secondly, we will check to see if any tags have been added. for each_tag in seed['tags']: each_tag = string.strip(each_tag) if len(each_tag) > 0 and each_tag not in self._tags[tag_name]: # A tag that was not previously assigned to this entity # is present in the list that is being assigned, so we # associate this entity with the tag. tag = self._tag_model[tag_name].get_or_create( seed['scope'], each_tag) tag.add_tagged(self.key()) self._tags[tag_name].append(tag) else: raise Exception, "tags must be either a unicode, a string or a list" return property(get_tags, set_tags)class Taggable(object): """A mixin class that is used for making GAE Model classes taggable. This is an extended version of Taggable-mixin which allows for multiple tag properties in the same AppEngine Model class. """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): """The constructor class for Taggable, that creates a dictionary of tags. The difference from the original taggable in terms of interface is that, tag class is not used as the default tag model, since we don't have a default tag property created in this class now. Args: kwargs: keywords containing the name of the tags and arguments containing tag model to be used. """ self._tags = {} self._tag_model = {} for tag_name in kwargs: self._tags[tag_name] = None self._tag_model[tag_name] = kwargs[tag_name] self.tag_separator = ", " def tags_string(self, tag_name): "Create a formatted string version of this entity's tags" to_str = "" for each_tag in tag_name: to_str += each_tag.tag if each_tag != tag_name[-1]: to_str += self.tag_separator return to_str