Use key().name() instead of link_id
This is now possible because key_name is constructed purely from the
key fields of an entity. It is not sufficient to use just link_id,
that works only for single-scoped entities (e.g., those that either
do not have a scope, or that have a scope which itself does not have
a scope). It would break if there was an entity that has a scoped
scope (it would only include the scope's link_id in the url, which
made it impossible to look up the scope as we missed the link_id of
the scope's scope).
Patch by: Sverre Rabbelier
#!/usr/bin/python2.5## Copyright 2008 the Melange authors.## Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.# You may obtain a copy of the License at## Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and# limitations under the License."""Module that constructs the sitemap."""__authors__ = [ '"Sverre Rabbelier" <>', ]from django.conf.urls import defaultsfrom soc.views.models import documentfrom soc.views.models import hostfrom soc.views.models import presencefrom soc.views.models import programfrom soc.views.models import requestfrom soc.views.models import sitefrom soc.views.models import sponsorfrom soc.views.models import userfrom soc.views.models import user_selffrom soc.views.sitemap import sidebarfrom soc.views.sitemap import sitemapsidebar.addMenu(user_self.view.getSidebarLinks)sidebar.addMenu(presence.view.getSidebarLinks)sidebar.addMenu(site.view.getSidebarLinks)sidebar.addMenu(user.view.getSidebarLinks)sidebar.addMenu(document.view.getSidebarLinks)sidebar.addMenu(sponsor.view.getSidebarLinks)sidebar.addMenu(host.view.getSidebarLinks)sidebar.addMenu(request.view.getSidebarLinks)sidebar.addMenu(program.view.getSidebarLinks)sitemap.addPages(presence.view.getDjangoURLPatterns())sitemap.addPages(site.view.getDjangoURLPatterns())sitemap.addPages(user.view.getDjangoURLPatterns())sitemap.addPages(user_self.view.getDjangoURLPatterns())sitemap.addPages(document.view.getDjangoURLPatterns())sitemap.addPages(sponsor.view.getDjangoURLPatterns())sitemap.addPages(host.view.getDjangoURLPatterns())sitemap.addPages(request.view.getDjangoURLPatterns())sitemap.addPages(program.view.getDjangoURLPatterns())def getPatterns(): return defaults.patterns(None, *sitemap.SITEMAP)