author Todd Larsen <>
Mon, 27 Oct 2008 19:19:44 +0000
changeset 426 114fe0f840c8
parent 154 d2377425d3f2
permissions -rwxr-xr-x
Add tooltips style display of help_text, instead of widening the form with another (often ridiculously large) column. Also, version the .css and .js files so that browsers won't display the wrong cached one when we change something. Patch by: Dmitri Gaskin, Todd Larsen Review by: Todd Larsen

 * $Id: editor_plugin_src.js 827 2008-04-29 15:02:42Z spocke $
 * @author Moxiecode
 * @copyright Copyright © 2004-2008, Moxiecode Systems AB, All rights reserved.

(function() {
	tinymce.create('tinymce.plugins.FullPagePlugin', {
		init : function(ed, url) {
			var t = this;

			t.editor = ed;

			// Register commands
			ed.addCommand('mceFullPageProperties', function() {{
					file : url + '/fullpage.htm',
					width : 430 + parseInt(ed.getLang('fullpage.delta_width', 0)),
					height : 495 + parseInt(ed.getLang('fullpage.delta_height', 0)),
					inline : 1
				}, {
					plugin_url : url,
					head_html : t.head

			// Register buttons
			ed.addButton('fullpage', {title : 'fullpage.desc', cmd : 'mceFullPageProperties'});

			ed.onBeforeSetContent.add(t._setContent, t);
			ed.onSetContent.add(t._setBodyAttribs, t);
			ed.onGetContent.add(t._getContent, t);

		getInfo : function() {
			return {
				longname : 'Fullpage',
				author : 'Moxiecode Systems AB',
				authorurl : '',
				infourl : '',
				version : tinymce.majorVersion + "." + tinymce.minorVersion

		// Private plugin internal methods

		_setBodyAttribs : function(ed, o) {
			var bdattr, i, len, kv, k, v, t, attr = this.head.match(/body(.*?)>/i);

			if (attr && attr[1]) {
				bdattr = attr[1].match(/\s*(\w+\s*=\s*".*?"|\w+\s*=\s*'.*?'|\w+\s*=\s*\w+|\w+)\s*/g);

				for(i = 0, len = bdattr.length; i < len; i++) {
					kv = bdattr[i].split('=');
					k = kv[0].replace(/\s/,'');
					v = kv[1];

					if (v) {
						v = v.replace(/^\s+/,'').replace(/\s+$/,'');
						t = v.match(/^["'](.*)["']$/);

						if (t)
							v = t[1];
					} else
						v = k;

					ed.dom.setAttrib(ed.getBody(), 'style', v);

		_createSerializer : function() {
			return new tinymce.dom.Serializer({
				dom : this.editor.dom,
				apply_source_formatting : true

		_setContent : function(ed, o) {
			var t = this, sp, ep, c = o.content, v, st = '';

			// Parse out head, body and footer
			c = c.replace(/<(\/?)BODY/gi, '<$1body');
			sp = c.indexOf('<body');

			if (sp != -1) {
				sp = c.indexOf('>', sp);
				t.head = c.substring(0, sp + 1);

				ep = c.indexOf('</body', sp);
				if (ep == -1)
					ep = c.indexOf('</body', ep);

				o.content = c.substring(sp + 1, ep);
				t.foot = c.substring(ep);

				function low(s) {
					return s.replace(/<\/?[A-Z]+/g, function(a) {
						return a.toLowerCase();

				t.head = low(t.head);
				t.foot = low(t.foot);
			} else {
				t.head = '';
				if (ed.getParam('fullpage_default_xml_pi'))
					t.head += '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="' + ed.getParam('fullpage_default_encoding', 'ISO-8859-1') + '" ?>\n';

				t.head += ed.getParam('fullpage_default_doctype', '<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">');
				t.head += '\n<html>\n<head>\n<title>' + ed.getParam('fullpage_default_title', 'Untitled document') + '</title>\n';

				if (v = ed.getParam('fullpage_default_encoding'))
					t.head += '<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="' + v + '" />\n';

				if (v = ed.getParam('fullpage_default_font_family'))
					st += 'font-family: ' + v + ';';

				if (v = ed.getParam('fullpage_default_font_size'))
					st += 'font-size: ' + v + ';';

				if (v = ed.getParam('fullpage_default_text_color'))
					st += 'color: ' + v + ';';

				t.head += '</head>\n<body' + (st ? ' style="' + st + '"' : '') + '>\n';
				t.foot = '\n</body>\n</html>';

		_getContent : function(ed, o) {
			var t = this;

			o.content = tinymce.trim(t.head) + '\n' + tinymce.trim(o.content) + '\n' + tinymce.trim(t.foot);

	// Register plugin
	tinymce.PluginManager.add('fullpage', tinymce.plugins.FullPagePlugin);